Sunday, August 28, 2011

Thank You Sidewinder77

Looked at my stats and said, "what in Hades is going on here?"

Many thanks to Sidewinder77 for posting to reddit.

This is a reminder that the Captain fully endorses his Lieutenants to forward, mention, e-mail, post to Reddit, etc., any of his articles, postings, books or papers. And even though Reddit is basically more or less a 20 something leftist site, any traffic is good traffic.

Plus, how else is the Captain going to attain Drudgereport-like status so he can sit on a beach and write far far away with Jennifer Aniston serving him Rumpleminze as we converse with each other;

Captain - "Dear, isn't it wonderful living off of my wise investments into Aussie dollars?"

Jennifer - "Yes, my sexy, libertarian stud muffin, it is. I just find your ability to predict and yet at the same time, enjoy the decline enamoring. Another shot of Rumpie?"

Captain - "Why yes my darling. Wait, isn't that the same bikini you wore last week? And how do you manage to walk in the sand with heels?"

Jennifer - "Oh, I practiced before you picked me up in your personal F-18 Super Hornet. I think I have it down. Can I pull out the 60" LCD screen, the surround sound stereo system onto the beach, rig it all up and throw Kelly's Heroes in the DVD for you?"

Captain - "Oh sure, what the heck."


Anonymous said...

Good to know that success hasn't gone to your head.

Sedulous said...

Jennifer Aniston? meh!

She's on the cusp of leathery cougardom. Surely you can do better.

Dalrock said...

Oh, I practiced before you picked me up in your personal F-18 Super Hornet.

The good kind of Rhino...

I agree with Sedulous though, you could do much better than Jennifer Aniston. Why not find a pretty girl?

Captain Capitalism said...


What is wrong with you guys?????

What is wrong with Jennifer Aniston?

I mean, if you are some young punk yoots in your 20's then, yeah, sure you go chase the Megan Foxes around. But geesh! Aniston? Heels? Beach? F-18? not hot??

Mercy, what is happening to the youth of America!

You kids nowadays with your texting and

Captain Capitalism said...

video games.