Friday, September 30, 2016
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Why the Middle Class is Disappearing
AKA "The Labor Productivity Pay Gap:"
This concludes your Cappy Cap economic lesson of the day.
This concludes your Cappy Cap economic lesson of the day.
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
A Lesson About Race for the Video Game Industry: Mafia 3 & Originality
The number of instances where a white comic book hero was turned black, a Mary Jane turned Latino, or a male movie hero turned female is too high to count. It is merely the empirical reality of a wider trend among Hollywood, Disney/Marvel, and (in a more general sense) corporate America to appeal to a wider audience and virtue signal to an increasingly brainwashed leftist society. To any intellectually honest person it's both testament to the fact these people have ran out of creativity, and the true racism they hold against minorities in that they think minorities don't deserve their own original superheroes.
Which is why I was flabbergasted when I saw the trailer for Mafia 3.
Mafia 3 is PRECISELY what America needs, what minorities deserve, and what video game players expect.
Though the third in a series of three, Mafia 3 focuses on a black hero who must build his own gang to stave off the Italian mob. It takes place in the late 60's when Motown and black culture was very prominent (if not defining) in America, it allows all video game players a chance to escape into a different world they may be too young to remember (or even be around for), and it delivers a true, ORIGINAL black hero that all races can cheer for.
So I just have to ask:
WTF gives Hollywood and Silicon Valley? Did you finally get your heads out of your asses and deliver a game that wasn't sermoning, lecturing, or driving some ulterior political motive? Did you actually start to think maybe, just maybe blacks deserved their own heroes? Did one of you actually take the time to sit down and think of a new idea that hadn't been done before? Or was it just 2K and the rest of you are still the bandwagoning race pimps who are still fresh out of ideas?
Because let me explain to you how this is going to go down. If more and more movies, games, comic books, and other media are launched with original minority and female heroes (and villains) blacks, hispanics, Asians, women, not to mention whites are going to start demanding (GASP!!!!) MORE ORIGINAL HEROES! And that's particularly threatening to you because that will require what you're just plain out of:
What's worse for you is that in due time minorities and women will realize PRECISELY what you're doing: merely co-opting Whitey-Mc-Male-Male characters and putting black face on them (or vag). Which is not only insulting, but nothing more than passing on "hand-me-down" clothes to your less-liked children.
I know talentless hacks and posers like you have no creativity, ability, innovation, or originality within you. But you better get some, otherwise you will be outed for the condescending racists you truly are.
Which is why I was flabbergasted when I saw the trailer for Mafia 3.
Mafia 3 is PRECISELY what America needs, what minorities deserve, and what video game players expect.
Though the third in a series of three, Mafia 3 focuses on a black hero who must build his own gang to stave off the Italian mob. It takes place in the late 60's when Motown and black culture was very prominent (if not defining) in America, it allows all video game players a chance to escape into a different world they may be too young to remember (or even be around for), and it delivers a true, ORIGINAL black hero that all races can cheer for.
So I just have to ask:
WTF gives Hollywood and Silicon Valley? Did you finally get your heads out of your asses and deliver a game that wasn't sermoning, lecturing, or driving some ulterior political motive? Did you actually start to think maybe, just maybe blacks deserved their own heroes? Did one of you actually take the time to sit down and think of a new idea that hadn't been done before? Or was it just 2K and the rest of you are still the bandwagoning race pimps who are still fresh out of ideas?
Because let me explain to you how this is going to go down. If more and more movies, games, comic books, and other media are launched with original minority and female heroes (and villains) blacks, hispanics, Asians, women, not to mention whites are going to start demanding (GASP!!!!) MORE ORIGINAL HEROES! And that's particularly threatening to you because that will require what you're just plain out of:
What's worse for you is that in due time minorities and women will realize PRECISELY what you're doing: merely co-opting Whitey-Mc-Male-Male characters and putting black face on them (or vag). Which is not only insulting, but nothing more than passing on "hand-me-down" clothes to your less-liked children.
I know talentless hacks and posers like you have no creativity, ability, innovation, or originality within you. But you better get some, otherwise you will be outed for the condescending racists you truly are.
Monday, September 26, 2016
Black Baby Boomers Hurting Black Youth
I've said it before and I'll say it again, you want to talk about
REAL Uncle Toms?
REAL Oreos?
REAL Traitors to the race?
How about the scumbag charlatans charging young black youth an arm and a leg for tuition for a completely WORTHLESS degree such as African American Studies?
Shoot, show me a group of white people that get young black kids to
1. borrow $100,000
2. Give it to them in return for
3. Nothing, while
4. Crippling those kids' futures for the rest of their lives.
It's good to see hyphenated-American studies are being shut down due to low enrollment. It should also be noted they should be shut down because they're bad for the minorities that "earn" those degrees.
REAL Uncle Toms?
REAL Oreos?
REAL Traitors to the race?
How about the scumbag charlatans charging young black youth an arm and a leg for tuition for a completely WORTHLESS degree such as African American Studies?
Shoot, show me a group of white people that get young black kids to
1. borrow $100,000
2. Give it to them in return for
3. Nothing, while
4. Crippling those kids' futures for the rest of their lives.
It's good to see hyphenated-American studies are being shut down due to low enrollment. It should also be noted they should be shut down because they're bad for the minorities that "earn" those degrees.
Curse Free Episode #7 - Worthless Professors and Their Background Special!
Is it even possible to pass on wisdom?
Motorcycle riding out east.
The "professional" background of a liberal arts professor.
The barn with the face in 1978.
IN THIS EPISODE of The Clarey Podcast!
Motorcycle riding out east.
The "professional" background of a liberal arts professor.
The barn with the face in 1978.
IN THIS EPISODE of The Clarey Podcast!
Sunday, September 25, 2016
Bachelors in "Applied Shakespeare" at University Colorado Boulder
You are a fucking idiot and deserve to have Big Education steal your money if you think this is a legitimate and viable program.
Friday, September 23, 2016
Why We Should Let Women Have Corporate America
Women's Take Over of Corporate America
An Agent in the Field of mine, deeply seeded in a large multinational, sent me an e-mail he received from company's Office of Diversity. It was heralding the "great success" of their "initiative" to employ and promote more women in the company. They had an arbitrarily set goal of increasing female employment (in this predominantly IT/Tech male company) up to 30%, and even handed out awards to employees that came up with the "top three ideas" on how to get more women on board (this included a "mother's contract," a blatantly sexist policy of hiring one woman for every man regardless of ability, and - the only sane one - to attract more women into STEM). You couple this with the recent statement from's new "Chief Equality Officer" Tony Prophet,
"At Ford, quality is job one. At Salesforce, equality is job one."
and it is painfully clear that corporate America has abandoned excellence as a means to profitability, replacing it instead with virtue signalling, rent seeking, politicking, and marketing/pandering to racial/sexual in-tribe biases.
This, of course, is not only morally wrong, but blatantly sexist (and racist) as you consciously and purposely give preferential treatment to people based on the color of their skin, or their plumbing downstairs, over the content of their character. And anybody with an ounce of self-respect, intellectual honesty, a work ethic, and an adherence to true fairness should be outraged at this cowardice and evil.
But then the ole Captain's wheels started turning, and in a very Enjoy the Decline-esque way, he make a very important epiphany. Yes, it may be unfair we are giving preferential treatment to women over men. Yes, we are sacrificing a meritocracy for sexism. And yes, this will lead to lower production, lower economic growth, genuine injustice, and a lessening of standards of living. But so what? If you really sit down and think about it Corporate America isn't worth it.
Let the women have it.
It's All Yours, Sweetheart!
If it were the 1950's and corporations were booming and headed up by more fair and meritocratic WWII managerial class, I could see Corporate America being a place you'd want to be. You'd be compensated for excellence and hard work. You'd be promoted for innovation and creativity. It would be a reasonably just system where loyalty was rewarded, stable employment was offered, and corporate corruption was at a minimum (at least compared to today).
But it's not the 1950's any more. It's "the current year" and corporations are a fraction of the equitable places of employment they once were.
Gone are the managers from the WWII generation that led these corporations to their heights and their Jack Welshian logical, but fair management. They are now replaced with legions of inept, MBA-laden Baby Boomer scum whose only accomplishment was halving US economic growth, getting the largest bank bail out in history, and sending the US into the largest financial crisis since the Great Depression.
Gone is stable employment and the goodies that came with it. You don't get pensions, you don't get health care, and you certainly don't get that 30 years of lifelong employment that once made a 30 year mortgage a relatively risk free proposition. Now you can get outsourced, train in your own replacements, be perpetually employed as a contractor, and let go if your job can be done for a fraction of a cent cheaper in China.
And let's not forget the wave of psychotic political BS these past 20 years that has infected Corporate America and just chides the morality and honor of good, honest workers, particularly of the male persuasion. There's the HR lady epidemic where we put power hungry, inept, math-impaired 20 something ditzes at the helm of our hiring process. There's "Corporate Social Responsibility" where we force unrelated and unnecessary political crusades on our employees be it donating to the United Way, mandating weekends be spent on charities, or wearing pink every year. There's diversity, sexual harassment, and sensitivity training where we blatantly treat men like sexual predators, molesters, rapists, and racists, humiliating them to attend said trainings. There's the eggshell environment men get to work in, one mere false sexual harassment accusation away from being fired. There's the invasion of privacy into our personal lives where the politically correct Corporate Abwehr will fire you over a facebook post. There's progressive credentialism where the HR Reichstag demands you have masters degrees for entry level jobs. There's the blatant sexism against males as previously evidenced before with clearly sexist policies favoring less-qualified women for the sake of "diversity." And let's not forget this raw deal is topped off with the number one cause of divorce, marital strife, and problem children - commutes!
I ask one simple question. Who the f*ck wants any part of this rotten deal? Who the f*ck wants to work at Initech?
And I'm not joking.
I'm not saying this because deep down inside I want to work at Corporate America. I'm not saying this because I have this discreet dream to retake and recapture Corporate America for meritocratic males. I'm saying it because it's true. Corporate America is a HORRIBLE deal for any self-respecting man (or woman) who wants to live a free, healthy, happy, sane, and prosperous life. You, at minimum, must attend school for a quarter century, face daunting odds of just landing a job. That job will at best be entry level and mundane. You're then forced to get a masters if you have any hope of "making it" due to progressive credentialism. You are a mere merger away from being let go or laid off. Your compensation is significantly lower with both sexes now flooding the labor market, lowering the wage you can command. You can't have a political or social life your employer doesn't approve of. Compensation and promotion is increasingly based on your skin color and plumbing, not your hard work or effort. And if this wasn't a horrible deal enough, it's all under a psychotic environment where bosses who know they have you by the balls unleash their sadism on their employees simply to get off.
There's just no godly reason to be part of Corporate America.
The real question is, then, why do women seem so desperate and adamant on joining Corporate America? Why do they seem so obsessed over having a corporate career to the point they'll get one via legitimate means or not? And the answer is they've been sold a bill of goods.
The Biggest Lie Ever Sold...To Women
I've mentioned it before, but understand like housing, education or Dotcoms, women are buying into a bubble. Perhaps not a financial one like those mentioned before, but a bubble nonetheless. They go to college (a bubble and increasingly poor investment unto itself) at rates higher than men, earning the majority of worthless liberal arts degrees, also now accounting for the majority of worthless masters/advanced degrees. With these worthless degrees, they then throw themselves onto the Omaha Beach of Corporate America where they forfeit family, children, husbands, a social life, and loved ones, all in exchange for promotions, careers, commutes, and Jimmy Choo shoes. They obsess about "leaning in" and getting the latest certification, credential, or promotion in their lives. And congratulations if they make that magical six figures.
But to what end?
Not only do they have to suffer the unacceptable environment laid out before, basically ruining and sacrificing their lives, but all so they can become "Queen Bee of Shit Island?"
Alas, it's obvious women didn't consciously decide on their own to pursue the hell known as Corporate America. They were duped, lied to, propagandized, and fooled into becoming corporate slaves. And any simple, logical pondering will come up with the main culprits that misled women into choosing such a rotten deal.
First, blame men. Not consciously, or maliciously, but men are to blame because I don't think they ever truly conveyed what they endured in Corporate America, working a real job to support the family. In the past, traditionally, men went to work, brought home the bacon, and in order to have a peaceful and enjoyable home, they didn't bring back their work with them. The wife didn't want to hear about the conditions of working on the railroad, the loneliness of being a traveling salesman, or the politics of a corporate office, and the man frankly didn't want to talk about it either. He wanted to eat good meal, have sex with his wife, play with his children, and enjoy his free time. This then misled women into thinking somehow work was fun. And not only was work fun, it was MUCH MORE FUN AND REWARDING than being a homekeeper, housewife, or mother. They only saw the financial upside of Corporate America, not the labor and responsibility that came with.
Second, feminism. The greatest scam ever pulled in the history of humans was not social security, nor buying Manhattan from the Indians for some beads, nor Seward's Folly. It was the con job bitter, angry, ugly, jealous, contemptuous women from the 60's and 70's pulled by convincing their prettier, younger counterparts that being a mother or a wife was not real work. It was fooling three full generations of women that they didn't need men, and that a paycheck (government or Corporate America issued) could replace a passionate kiss from a loving husband and a swarm of hugs from her children. The fact that women are trying to break into Corporate America, by any means possible, moral or not, sexist or not, while forfeiting a life of staying at home and spending time with their children is jaw dropping once you can remove the hood of leftist, feminist brainwashing. No sane, self-respecting person would do that back in the 50's, let alone in today's sadistic and enslaving corporate environment.
Third, politicians. Like feminists, it is amazing the con job the democrat party pulled on women. By making women jealous of what men had, and not appreciating what they had, politicians created a problem that didn't exist. They thoroughly convinced women they were oppressed, discriminated against, and that sexism was rampant. And the only way to make things right was by voting in these politicians. Politicians would enforce affirmative action, enforce Title IX, give you a never ending litany of PSA's and speeches blasting those evil males for their inherent sexism and privilege, and as an added bonus, designate the government as your sole supporter and provider making those nasty evil men unnecessary and obsolete. This propaganda was so successful, it actually overrode women's genetic programming to the point they actually believed "women need men like a fish needs a bicycle." And if you needed more proof as to the completeness of the job, women look up to and envy the life of one of the world's most miserable women - Hillary Clinton. Women, once again, gave up anything and everything that gave them point and purpose in life, all for a masters degree, a commute, and a cold career in Corporate America.
And finally, there's Corporate America itself. The best thing for Corporate America was women entering the work force. It lowered wages, it boosted demand for their products (now that women had additional purchasing power), and it created demand for a whole new list of products and services. Daycare facilities, additional cars, more gas, more insurance, more dining out, more clothes, more cell phones, more divorce lawyers, more child therapists, more cleaning services, more ritalin, more lithium, more everything - the amount of material goods and services families had to buy now that you had two workers, no parents, and needed to outsource your child rearing easily boosted their sales by 50%. It was a boon in terms of both sales and lower labor costs that only outsourcing to China would outdo. Of course, the family suffered, divorce ravaged three generations, mal-raised children of broken homes drove up everybody's taxes, women we're becoming less happy, and the country's finances went to pot, but it didn't matter. Women had careers in Corporate America. And that's all that matters.
So What Do Men Do Now?
It's a foregone conclusion that with the support of government and corporations themselves, women will inexorably take over Corporate America. And any sober, realistic, self-respecting assessment of Corporate America will conclude we should let them have it. But if men are to give up Corporate America what are they supposed to do for work? What do we do for employment? What do we do for agency? What do we do in order to support ourselves and live our lives to the fullest?
The prospective loss of what has traditionally kept us employed and alive is daunting, and willingly giving it up may seem insane. But giving up on a career in Corporate America is a reality we're just going to have to face. And not only one we have to face, but one we should be welcoming. For while abandoning what has served as our primary means of support may be daunting, we men have a trick up our sleeves that have served us well since time immemorial.
We adapt.
Understand Corporate America is a bubble. It's the Titanic. It's going to burst and sink anyway, so you're better off living in reality and coming up with a Plan B. But while many of you may not see an obvious alternative to Corporate America for employment, millions of men have already blazed the trail to a new, and much better form of employment - minimalism and entrepreneurship.
Though not the traditional corporate career we originally wanted or were brought up to desire, minimalism and entrepreneurship is the only logical choice for any man not already:
1. Steeped so far in Corporate America in terms of his career that it would not be economic for him to abandon it and start down the path of entrepreneurship, or
2. Endebted in terms of student loans, auto loans, mortgages, alimony, child support, etc. that he is a debt slave and therefore needs to be in Corporate America.
The reason why is that minimalism and entrepreneurship is infinitely superior to working for Corporate America. One, in being a minimalist you do not need that much money to survive. You avoid debt, you avoid unnecessary luxuries, and in doing so you not only minimize what you need, but maximize your freedom. This leads to a second important benefit - the ability to insist on employment standards. If the pay isn't high enough, they won't let you telecommute, it isn't enjoyable work, or your client is just a lippy pain in the ass, simple. You fire them. You just quit. You don't need the money and therefore can do without them. This also leads to a third major benefit - you can bluff your way to higher compensation. Unlike your divorced, debt-enslaved, Corporate American wage slave counterpart, you don't "need" the money. You have a choice. You aren't a beggar, you're a chooser. This allows you to demand $100 an hour, because if you don't get it, so what? You don't NEED it. Alas, if done right self-employment can, in the long run, become much more lucrative than a Sheryl Sandbergian corporate slave career.
But perhaps the single largest benefit of the minimalism-entrepreneurship form of employment is the happiness and sanity that comes with it. While you're sleeping in till 10, your Super-Power-Tripping-Corporate-America-Power-Woman is waking up at 6 to suffer her commute at 7. While you're at your local bar getting your morning coffee with Bailey's at 11 to answer e-mails, your rah-rah empowered feminist counterpart is stuck in a meeting, begging the government for more grant money. When you decide you've done enough work at 2PM and it's time to hit the gym, your "You-Go-Girrrrrrl Power-Moxie"(TM) Corporate America counterpart is only half way done with her day. And when your kids come home from school at 4PM, you can take them out for ice cream, go swimming with them, or give them noogies, the strong-independent, divorced, Corporate American "single mom hero" leaves her kids to decay in daycare till 7, and that's if traffic has cleared up.
It's simply a no-brainer.
The sad tragedy, for women at least, is that men are one, small epiphany away from realizing the wise words of Freddy Benson in Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, and switching our historical roles. It was already hard supporting oneself in this world. It's much, MUCH harder supporting a family. But if socialist, sexist (and racist) political forces are going to insist on turning Corporate America into a childish insane asylum like today's Academia with "safe spaces," "mandatory diversity training," and a blatant favoritism for women, forget it. "I say it's time for a change. I say let them give us money. Let's live off of them for a while." And men can do it, not just because we're more capable of minimalism, but (hilariously and ironically) women have also voted in a huge welfare state. And if they want to be the ones to slave and work away in Corporate America, then they can pay the taxes to support men who just, meh, don't fee like working.
Alas, women fought so hard (as well as unfair and dirty) to get ahead in Corporate America, I cannot think of a better fate than to let them have it. And the only way to give it to them is to realize losing Corporate America is no great loss, but a blessing. Let women do the work. Let women drive the commutes. Let women waste their lives in meetings and cubes while the world passes them by. I'm going fishing. I'm sleeping in. I'm working out. I'm riding motorcycles. I'm spending time with friends, families, and loved ones. I'm going to Enjoy the Decline. I suggest you do the same.
You can visit my other hate-filled, but 100% truthful sites below!
Asshole Consulting
Amazon Affiliate
An Agent in the Field of mine, deeply seeded in a large multinational, sent me an e-mail he received from company's Office of Diversity. It was heralding the "great success" of their "initiative" to employ and promote more women in the company. They had an arbitrarily set goal of increasing female employment (in this predominantly IT/Tech male company) up to 30%, and even handed out awards to employees that came up with the "top three ideas" on how to get more women on board (this included a "mother's contract," a blatantly sexist policy of hiring one woman for every man regardless of ability, and - the only sane one - to attract more women into STEM). You couple this with the recent statement from's new "Chief Equality Officer" Tony Prophet,
"At Ford, quality is job one. At Salesforce, equality is job one."
and it is painfully clear that corporate America has abandoned excellence as a means to profitability, replacing it instead with virtue signalling, rent seeking, politicking, and marketing/pandering to racial/sexual in-tribe biases.
This, of course, is not only morally wrong, but blatantly sexist (and racist) as you consciously and purposely give preferential treatment to people based on the color of their skin, or their plumbing downstairs, over the content of their character. And anybody with an ounce of self-respect, intellectual honesty, a work ethic, and an adherence to true fairness should be outraged at this cowardice and evil.
But then the ole Captain's wheels started turning, and in a very Enjoy the Decline-esque way, he make a very important epiphany. Yes, it may be unfair we are giving preferential treatment to women over men. Yes, we are sacrificing a meritocracy for sexism. And yes, this will lead to lower production, lower economic growth, genuine injustice, and a lessening of standards of living. But so what? If you really sit down and think about it Corporate America isn't worth it.
Let the women have it.
It's All Yours, Sweetheart!
If it were the 1950's and corporations were booming and headed up by more fair and meritocratic WWII managerial class, I could see Corporate America being a place you'd want to be. You'd be compensated for excellence and hard work. You'd be promoted for innovation and creativity. It would be a reasonably just system where loyalty was rewarded, stable employment was offered, and corporate corruption was at a minimum (at least compared to today).
But it's not the 1950's any more. It's "the current year" and corporations are a fraction of the equitable places of employment they once were.
Gone are the managers from the WWII generation that led these corporations to their heights and their Jack Welshian logical, but fair management. They are now replaced with legions of inept, MBA-laden Baby Boomer scum whose only accomplishment was halving US economic growth, getting the largest bank bail out in history, and sending the US into the largest financial crisis since the Great Depression.
Gone is stable employment and the goodies that came with it. You don't get pensions, you don't get health care, and you certainly don't get that 30 years of lifelong employment that once made a 30 year mortgage a relatively risk free proposition. Now you can get outsourced, train in your own replacements, be perpetually employed as a contractor, and let go if your job can be done for a fraction of a cent cheaper in China.
And let's not forget the wave of psychotic political BS these past 20 years that has infected Corporate America and just chides the morality and honor of good, honest workers, particularly of the male persuasion. There's the HR lady epidemic where we put power hungry, inept, math-impaired 20 something ditzes at the helm of our hiring process. There's "Corporate Social Responsibility" where we force unrelated and unnecessary political crusades on our employees be it donating to the United Way, mandating weekends be spent on charities, or wearing pink every year. There's diversity, sexual harassment, and sensitivity training where we blatantly treat men like sexual predators, molesters, rapists, and racists, humiliating them to attend said trainings. There's the eggshell environment men get to work in, one mere false sexual harassment accusation away from being fired. There's the invasion of privacy into our personal lives where the politically correct Corporate Abwehr will fire you over a facebook post. There's progressive credentialism where the HR Reichstag demands you have masters degrees for entry level jobs. There's the blatant sexism against males as previously evidenced before with clearly sexist policies favoring less-qualified women for the sake of "diversity." And let's not forget this raw deal is topped off with the number one cause of divorce, marital strife, and problem children - commutes!
I ask one simple question. Who the f*ck wants any part of this rotten deal? Who the f*ck wants to work at Initech?
And I'm not joking.
I'm not saying this because deep down inside I want to work at Corporate America. I'm not saying this because I have this discreet dream to retake and recapture Corporate America for meritocratic males. I'm saying it because it's true. Corporate America is a HORRIBLE deal for any self-respecting man (or woman) who wants to live a free, healthy, happy, sane, and prosperous life. You, at minimum, must attend school for a quarter century, face daunting odds of just landing a job. That job will at best be entry level and mundane. You're then forced to get a masters if you have any hope of "making it" due to progressive credentialism. You are a mere merger away from being let go or laid off. Your compensation is significantly lower with both sexes now flooding the labor market, lowering the wage you can command. You can't have a political or social life your employer doesn't approve of. Compensation and promotion is increasingly based on your skin color and plumbing, not your hard work or effort. And if this wasn't a horrible deal enough, it's all under a psychotic environment where bosses who know they have you by the balls unleash their sadism on their employees simply to get off.
There's just no godly reason to be part of Corporate America.
The real question is, then, why do women seem so desperate and adamant on joining Corporate America? Why do they seem so obsessed over having a corporate career to the point they'll get one via legitimate means or not? And the answer is they've been sold a bill of goods.
The Biggest Lie Ever Sold...To Women
I've mentioned it before, but understand like housing, education or Dotcoms, women are buying into a bubble. Perhaps not a financial one like those mentioned before, but a bubble nonetheless. They go to college (a bubble and increasingly poor investment unto itself) at rates higher than men, earning the majority of worthless liberal arts degrees, also now accounting for the majority of worthless masters/advanced degrees. With these worthless degrees, they then throw themselves onto the Omaha Beach of Corporate America where they forfeit family, children, husbands, a social life, and loved ones, all in exchange for promotions, careers, commutes, and Jimmy Choo shoes. They obsess about "leaning in" and getting the latest certification, credential, or promotion in their lives. And congratulations if they make that magical six figures.
But to what end?
Not only do they have to suffer the unacceptable environment laid out before, basically ruining and sacrificing their lives, but all so they can become "Queen Bee of Shit Island?"
Alas, it's obvious women didn't consciously decide on their own to pursue the hell known as Corporate America. They were duped, lied to, propagandized, and fooled into becoming corporate slaves. And any simple, logical pondering will come up with the main culprits that misled women into choosing such a rotten deal.
First, blame men. Not consciously, or maliciously, but men are to blame because I don't think they ever truly conveyed what they endured in Corporate America, working a real job to support the family. In the past, traditionally, men went to work, brought home the bacon, and in order to have a peaceful and enjoyable home, they didn't bring back their work with them. The wife didn't want to hear about the conditions of working on the railroad, the loneliness of being a traveling salesman, or the politics of a corporate office, and the man frankly didn't want to talk about it either. He wanted to eat good meal, have sex with his wife, play with his children, and enjoy his free time. This then misled women into thinking somehow work was fun. And not only was work fun, it was MUCH MORE FUN AND REWARDING than being a homekeeper, housewife, or mother. They only saw the financial upside of Corporate America, not the labor and responsibility that came with.
Second, feminism. The greatest scam ever pulled in the history of humans was not social security, nor buying Manhattan from the Indians for some beads, nor Seward's Folly. It was the con job bitter, angry, ugly, jealous, contemptuous women from the 60's and 70's pulled by convincing their prettier, younger counterparts that being a mother or a wife was not real work. It was fooling three full generations of women that they didn't need men, and that a paycheck (government or Corporate America issued) could replace a passionate kiss from a loving husband and a swarm of hugs from her children. The fact that women are trying to break into Corporate America, by any means possible, moral or not, sexist or not, while forfeiting a life of staying at home and spending time with their children is jaw dropping once you can remove the hood of leftist, feminist brainwashing. No sane, self-respecting person would do that back in the 50's, let alone in today's sadistic and enslaving corporate environment.
Third, politicians. Like feminists, it is amazing the con job the democrat party pulled on women. By making women jealous of what men had, and not appreciating what they had, politicians created a problem that didn't exist. They thoroughly convinced women they were oppressed, discriminated against, and that sexism was rampant. And the only way to make things right was by voting in these politicians. Politicians would enforce affirmative action, enforce Title IX, give you a never ending litany of PSA's and speeches blasting those evil males for their inherent sexism and privilege, and as an added bonus, designate the government as your sole supporter and provider making those nasty evil men unnecessary and obsolete. This propaganda was so successful, it actually overrode women's genetic programming to the point they actually believed "women need men like a fish needs a bicycle." And if you needed more proof as to the completeness of the job, women look up to and envy the life of one of the world's most miserable women - Hillary Clinton. Women, once again, gave up anything and everything that gave them point and purpose in life, all for a masters degree, a commute, and a cold career in Corporate America.
And finally, there's Corporate America itself. The best thing for Corporate America was women entering the work force. It lowered wages, it boosted demand for their products (now that women had additional purchasing power), and it created demand for a whole new list of products and services. Daycare facilities, additional cars, more gas, more insurance, more dining out, more clothes, more cell phones, more divorce lawyers, more child therapists, more cleaning services, more ritalin, more lithium, more everything - the amount of material goods and services families had to buy now that you had two workers, no parents, and needed to outsource your child rearing easily boosted their sales by 50%. It was a boon in terms of both sales and lower labor costs that only outsourcing to China would outdo. Of course, the family suffered, divorce ravaged three generations, mal-raised children of broken homes drove up everybody's taxes, women we're becoming less happy, and the country's finances went to pot, but it didn't matter. Women had careers in Corporate America. And that's all that matters.
So What Do Men Do Now?
It's a foregone conclusion that with the support of government and corporations themselves, women will inexorably take over Corporate America. And any sober, realistic, self-respecting assessment of Corporate America will conclude we should let them have it. But if men are to give up Corporate America what are they supposed to do for work? What do we do for employment? What do we do for agency? What do we do in order to support ourselves and live our lives to the fullest?
The prospective loss of what has traditionally kept us employed and alive is daunting, and willingly giving it up may seem insane. But giving up on a career in Corporate America is a reality we're just going to have to face. And not only one we have to face, but one we should be welcoming. For while abandoning what has served as our primary means of support may be daunting, we men have a trick up our sleeves that have served us well since time immemorial.
We adapt.
Understand Corporate America is a bubble. It's the Titanic. It's going to burst and sink anyway, so you're better off living in reality and coming up with a Plan B. But while many of you may not see an obvious alternative to Corporate America for employment, millions of men have already blazed the trail to a new, and much better form of employment - minimalism and entrepreneurship.
Though not the traditional corporate career we originally wanted or were brought up to desire, minimalism and entrepreneurship is the only logical choice for any man not already:
1. Steeped so far in Corporate America in terms of his career that it would not be economic for him to abandon it and start down the path of entrepreneurship, or
2. Endebted in terms of student loans, auto loans, mortgages, alimony, child support, etc. that he is a debt slave and therefore needs to be in Corporate America.
The reason why is that minimalism and entrepreneurship is infinitely superior to working for Corporate America. One, in being a minimalist you do not need that much money to survive. You avoid debt, you avoid unnecessary luxuries, and in doing so you not only minimize what you need, but maximize your freedom. This leads to a second important benefit - the ability to insist on employment standards. If the pay isn't high enough, they won't let you telecommute, it isn't enjoyable work, or your client is just a lippy pain in the ass, simple. You fire them. You just quit. You don't need the money and therefore can do without them. This also leads to a third major benefit - you can bluff your way to higher compensation. Unlike your divorced, debt-enslaved, Corporate American wage slave counterpart, you don't "need" the money. You have a choice. You aren't a beggar, you're a chooser. This allows you to demand $100 an hour, because if you don't get it, so what? You don't NEED it. Alas, if done right self-employment can, in the long run, become much more lucrative than a Sheryl Sandbergian corporate slave career.
But perhaps the single largest benefit of the minimalism-entrepreneurship form of employment is the happiness and sanity that comes with it. While you're sleeping in till 10, your Super-Power-Tripping-Corporate-America-Power-Woman is waking up at 6 to suffer her commute at 7. While you're at your local bar getting your morning coffee with Bailey's at 11 to answer e-mails, your rah-rah empowered feminist counterpart is stuck in a meeting, begging the government for more grant money. When you decide you've done enough work at 2PM and it's time to hit the gym, your "You-Go-Girrrrrrl Power-Moxie"(TM) Corporate America counterpart is only half way done with her day. And when your kids come home from school at 4PM, you can take them out for ice cream, go swimming with them, or give them noogies, the strong-independent, divorced, Corporate American "single mom hero" leaves her kids to decay in daycare till 7, and that's if traffic has cleared up.
It's simply a no-brainer.
The sad tragedy, for women at least, is that men are one, small epiphany away from realizing the wise words of Freddy Benson in Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, and switching our historical roles. It was already hard supporting oneself in this world. It's much, MUCH harder supporting a family. But if socialist, sexist (and racist) political forces are going to insist on turning Corporate America into a childish insane asylum like today's Academia with "safe spaces," "mandatory diversity training," and a blatant favoritism for women, forget it. "I say it's time for a change. I say let them give us money. Let's live off of them for a while." And men can do it, not just because we're more capable of minimalism, but (hilariously and ironically) women have also voted in a huge welfare state. And if they want to be the ones to slave and work away in Corporate America, then they can pay the taxes to support men who just, meh, don't fee like working.
Alas, women fought so hard (as well as unfair and dirty) to get ahead in Corporate America, I cannot think of a better fate than to let them have it. And the only way to give it to them is to realize losing Corporate America is no great loss, but a blessing. Let women do the work. Let women drive the commutes. Let women waste their lives in meetings and cubes while the world passes them by. I'm going fishing. I'm sleeping in. I'm working out. I'm riding motorcycles. I'm spending time with friends, families, and loved ones. I'm going to Enjoy the Decline. I suggest you do the same.
You can visit my other hate-filled, but 100% truthful sites below!
Asshole Consulting
Amazon Affiliate
Thursday, September 22, 2016
Lazy Thursday Linkage
Former HuffPo writer on how she was sick of the anti-white elitism.
Correct, what could possibly go wrong?
Brad Pitt finds out his politics won't save him when targeted for divorce by the titless wonder.
The Clintons are corrupt. Don't know if you knew that. But it doesn't matter. She has a vag and the vag will save the US.
College accreditor shut down by the Feds! The second thing Obama did right!
And a very humbling development Lieutenants and Economists! A musician by the name of Jesus Guerra dedicated a song to "Enjoy the Decline" on his latest album. Please help out a fellow aspiring entrepreneur and consider purchasing his album!
Correct, what could possibly go wrong?
Brad Pitt finds out his politics won't save him when targeted for divorce by the titless wonder.
The Clintons are corrupt. Don't know if you knew that. But it doesn't matter. She has a vag and the vag will save the US.
College accreditor shut down by the Feds! The second thing Obama did right!
And a very humbling development Lieutenants and Economists! A musician by the name of Jesus Guerra dedicated a song to "Enjoy the Decline" on his latest album. Please help out a fellow aspiring entrepreneur and consider purchasing his album!
Cappy's on Instagram
Like pretty much every social media platform, I adamantly refused to join Instagram until somebody younger and wiser than me said, "Oh yeah, dude, you have to go online for that because of XY and Z reasons." So apparently on the Instagram if you take a lot of photos people like that. And since I travel a lot and take a lot of photos I uploaded some of my best ones on my new Instagram account. You can find it here.
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Episode #165 of The Clarey Podcast!
The joys of having no schedule.
How politics ruin history majors and history podcasts.
Flying first class is overrated...for short people.
"Tony Prophet- Chief Equality Officer."
Cappy doesn't camp.
and MORE!
In THIS EPISODE of The Clarey Podcast!
Sponsored by Cappy's Amazon Affliate Program. "Here's my product. Go buy my shit. Give me your fucking money."
How politics ruin history majors and history podcasts.
Flying first class is overrated...for short people.
"Tony Prophet- Chief Equality Officer."
Cappy doesn't camp.
and MORE!
In THIS EPISODE of The Clarey Podcast!
Sponsored by Cappy's Amazon Affliate Program. "Here's my product. Go buy my shit. Give me your fucking money."
For Our Guitar Playing Agents in the Field
Greetings All,
We have a new sponsor, Johnny Montoya Guitars, where he offers classes online for those of you who are either beginners or novices looking to improve your game. Not that we will all become The Great Matt Baldoni, but if you're looking to improve and seem to be stuck at your current level, please consider taking a class from Johnny by visiting his site.
Many thanks,
We have a new sponsor, Johnny Montoya Guitars, where he offers classes online for those of you who are either beginners or novices looking to improve your game. Not that we will all become The Great Matt Baldoni, but if you're looking to improve and seem to be stuck at your current level, please consider taking a class from Johnny by visiting his site.
Many thanks,
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Why Silicon Valley Votes Left - Sex
In my previous post, I asked Silicon Slaves why they work in an environment and state that results in them being slaves 42% of their working lives. Thankfully, a fair amount of insiders and former Siliconers responded, explaining to us normies in fly over country why so many Silicon employees willingly vote against their own best interests. The reasons were many and varied, ranging anything from the "excitement" to work in "the" Silicon Valley, propaganda in school that channeled their careers to the Slave Jose area, or outright simple mistakes of failing to account for cost of living adjustments. But while all these reasons were legitimate and I don't doubt a single one, there is one that explains at least why men slave away to...well...slave away at Silicon Valley.
Let us be very clear why civilization exists. It exists because men wanted sex. And the way men traditionally got sex was by being good providers to women. This meant a combination of not only providing adequate resources to support a woman and her children, but the ability to defend them and keep them safe. In ancient times this meant being the strongest warrior, or perhaps and biggest barbarian, but as time went on and technologies advanced, accumulating resources wasn't a direct function of your brute strength or power. It was also determined by intelligence, creativity, and innovation. And thus men set out to build...well...basically everything, in the hope of making it rich and attracting mates. And this ages-long genetic ritual is simply playing itself out in Silicon Valley.
There's just a couple problems.
One, while amassing resources and making it rich does certainly help with the ladies, the problem is that women (as well as men) are still genetically programmed to be attracted to what worked the past 2 million years of evolution, NOT the past 200. Yes, nerds, geeks, and capitalists can create the Standard Oils, Microsofts, and Facebooks of the world, but that does not turn on women as much as a tall, strong, aloof jock does. We see empirical evidence of this practically everywhere, but my favorite was the ballroom dance scene where nerds galore would master the art of salsa, tango, swing, and waltz, TEMPORARILY score a hot chick, maybe even marry her, only to have her abscond with the noob 6'2", ripped, good looking dudebro who showed up for one or two classes, and then leave. And this is the exact same problem the male nerds of Silicon Valley face.
Yes, they may be making all the bank.
Yes, they may make those magical six figures.
But in the end, usually it's only the money the women are after, and even then, they're very unlikely to stay with your scrawny nerdy ass till death do you part...especially if they can take you for half.
Two, ironically the leftist policies left-leaning Silicon males vote for obsolete women's need for them. In making sure socialist policies cover women (and men) from womb to tomb, a woman and her children (no matter from how many fathers) simply don't NEED a man. This (if you remember your college economics class) results in a price floor set above the market rate. Men in lefty Cali need to provide more than the STATE AND FEDERAL governments combined do to women. This means only particularly rich or well-to-do men can out compete the state, leaving the majority of Silicon male slaves picking up the EBT tab for the woman who shot him down and is dating his boss' boss.
Three is also a vital lesson in economics male Silicon Slaves may have overlooked - a lopsided sex ratio. While obsessed with landing a job in "the Silicon Valley," I wonder how many men thought it would be any different than their Calc III class with 45 men and 2 Asian girls? Of course, it isn't that bad, but it isn't great either with a sex ratio of 115:100 men to women. And if you thought a generous welfare state, affirmative action, and competition from billionaires wasn't bad enough, just wait to see how picky a Silicon female can be when there's a 15% deficit of them.
And then finally, there's the reason why rich, successful, hard working males of Silicon Valley vote against their interests and will be lining up to pull the lever for Hillary Clinton - they think agreeing with women increases their chances of getting laid.
Understand, that for the most part, young women have replaced traditional religions and values such as Christianity, family, children, husband, home, god and country, etc., with leftist politics. I bet you'll be hard pressed to find a woman under 30, who in addition to her all-important career, does NOT derive the majority of her agency, purpose, morality, and reason in life through some kind of left-leaning political crusade or cause.
Going green.
Closing the wage gap.
Organic food.
Dog/animal rescue.
A woman in the white house.
Ending sexual harassment.
Helping the poor.
Supporting the refugees.
Etc. etc.
And in addition to this laundry list of political causes, it's very unlikely they won't shut up about them. They will at minimum have a bumper sticker extolling their beliefs, but more likely will lecture and sermon you to death about whatever leftist religion they have. It will be made PAINFULLY clear that politics is the number one thing in their lives - more important than love, a family, or even their career - and if you EVER hope to date her, let alone cop a feel (over the bra though mind you), you better be on board the feminism-kambucha-socialism-wage-gap substitute-for-real-meaning-in-this-world choo choo train.
The only problem is the majority of these Silicon Valley men believe it. They actually think agreeing with a woman turns them on.
Now, look, any real man over 25 knows agreeing with women never gets you laid.
And any man married knows you never listen to what a woman says, you watch what she does.
But these aren't your normal men. They're nerds. They're geeks. And love them to death, they don't know jack about women. They've spent the past 10 years since they were 13 SOLELY working towards the goal of becoming a great engineer or programmer in the vain hopes of "finally" making it big and attracting hot women with their money. They didn't want to hit the gym, they were afraid of physical toil and pain, and based on lies told to them by their mothers, teachers, professors, politicians, and Hollywood, they actually thought being:
Sensitive 90's men
who agree with women
would lead to sex.
It is this upbrining and their complete lack of knowledge of women I believe explains why men in Silicon Valley ignorantly vote for their own demise. They are not only drawn to Silicon Valley because of the "excitement" of being there, or because that's all they were told in school, but because they actually think agreeing with women is what turns them on. And since leftist politics has replaced anything of meaning or value in life for most women under 40, all men MUST agree with their new faux-religions lest they not wish to cop a coveted feel under the bra. Little do they know a high school drop-out, Trump-supporting, motorcycle mechanic could likely come through Santa Clara county and get laid more than the lot of them. But, why try dispensing an ounce of reality into the slave plantation of the left coast?
Enjoy the decline my fine male Silicon Slaves. Enjoy the decline.
Let us be very clear why civilization exists. It exists because men wanted sex. And the way men traditionally got sex was by being good providers to women. This meant a combination of not only providing adequate resources to support a woman and her children, but the ability to defend them and keep them safe. In ancient times this meant being the strongest warrior, or perhaps and biggest barbarian, but as time went on and technologies advanced, accumulating resources wasn't a direct function of your brute strength or power. It was also determined by intelligence, creativity, and innovation. And thus men set out to build...well...basically everything, in the hope of making it rich and attracting mates. And this ages-long genetic ritual is simply playing itself out in Silicon Valley.
There's just a couple problems.
One, while amassing resources and making it rich does certainly help with the ladies, the problem is that women (as well as men) are still genetically programmed to be attracted to what worked the past 2 million years of evolution, NOT the past 200. Yes, nerds, geeks, and capitalists can create the Standard Oils, Microsofts, and Facebooks of the world, but that does not turn on women as much as a tall, strong, aloof jock does. We see empirical evidence of this practically everywhere, but my favorite was the ballroom dance scene where nerds galore would master the art of salsa, tango, swing, and waltz, TEMPORARILY score a hot chick, maybe even marry her, only to have her abscond with the noob 6'2", ripped, good looking dudebro who showed up for one or two classes, and then leave. And this is the exact same problem the male nerds of Silicon Valley face.
Yes, they may be making all the bank.
Yes, they may make those magical six figures.
But in the end, usually it's only the money the women are after, and even then, they're very unlikely to stay with your scrawny nerdy ass till death do you part...especially if they can take you for half.
Two, ironically the leftist policies left-leaning Silicon males vote for obsolete women's need for them. In making sure socialist policies cover women (and men) from womb to tomb, a woman and her children (no matter from how many fathers) simply don't NEED a man. This (if you remember your college economics class) results in a price floor set above the market rate. Men in lefty Cali need to provide more than the STATE AND FEDERAL governments combined do to women. This means only particularly rich or well-to-do men can out compete the state, leaving the majority of Silicon male slaves picking up the EBT tab for the woman who shot him down and is dating his boss' boss.
Three is also a vital lesson in economics male Silicon Slaves may have overlooked - a lopsided sex ratio. While obsessed with landing a job in "the Silicon Valley," I wonder how many men thought it would be any different than their Calc III class with 45 men and 2 Asian girls? Of course, it isn't that bad, but it isn't great either with a sex ratio of 115:100 men to women. And if you thought a generous welfare state, affirmative action, and competition from billionaires wasn't bad enough, just wait to see how picky a Silicon female can be when there's a 15% deficit of them.
And then finally, there's the reason why rich, successful, hard working males of Silicon Valley vote against their interests and will be lining up to pull the lever for Hillary Clinton - they think agreeing with women increases their chances of getting laid.
Understand, that for the most part, young women have replaced traditional religions and values such as Christianity, family, children, husband, home, god and country, etc., with leftist politics. I bet you'll be hard pressed to find a woman under 30, who in addition to her all-important career, does NOT derive the majority of her agency, purpose, morality, and reason in life through some kind of left-leaning political crusade or cause.
Going green.
Closing the wage gap.
Organic food.
Dog/animal rescue.
A woman in the white house.
Ending sexual harassment.
Helping the poor.
Supporting the refugees.
Etc. etc.
And in addition to this laundry list of political causes, it's very unlikely they won't shut up about them. They will at minimum have a bumper sticker extolling their beliefs, but more likely will lecture and sermon you to death about whatever leftist religion they have. It will be made PAINFULLY clear that politics is the number one thing in their lives - more important than love, a family, or even their career - and if you EVER hope to date her, let alone cop a feel (over the bra though mind you), you better be on board the feminism-kambucha-socialism-wage-gap substitute-for-real-meaning-in-this-world choo choo train.
The only problem is the majority of these Silicon Valley men believe it. They actually think agreeing with a woman turns them on.
Now, look, any real man over 25 knows agreeing with women never gets you laid.
And any man married knows you never listen to what a woman says, you watch what she does.
But these aren't your normal men. They're nerds. They're geeks. And love them to death, they don't know jack about women. They've spent the past 10 years since they were 13 SOLELY working towards the goal of becoming a great engineer or programmer in the vain hopes of "finally" making it big and attracting hot women with their money. They didn't want to hit the gym, they were afraid of physical toil and pain, and based on lies told to them by their mothers, teachers, professors, politicians, and Hollywood, they actually thought being:
Sensitive 90's men
who agree with women
would lead to sex.
It is this upbrining and their complete lack of knowledge of women I believe explains why men in Silicon Valley ignorantly vote for their own demise. They are not only drawn to Silicon Valley because of the "excitement" of being there, or because that's all they were told in school, but because they actually think agreeing with women is what turns them on. And since leftist politics has replaced anything of meaning or value in life for most women under 40, all men MUST agree with their new faux-religions lest they not wish to cop a coveted feel under the bra. Little do they know a high school drop-out, Trump-supporting, motorcycle mechanic could likely come through Santa Clara county and get laid more than the lot of them. But, why try dispensing an ounce of reality into the slave plantation of the left coast?
Enjoy the decline my fine male Silicon Slaves. Enjoy the decline.
Didn't Think This Whole Electric Car Thing Through Did We?
A sponsored post, but nonetheless, another head shaking example of environmentalism running aground reality.
Million Dollar Extreme Presents: World Peace
The first Red Pill show to make it to the airwaves.
Uh oh, the free market wants to hear what the MSM isn't giving them! Look out!
Uh oh, the free market wants to hear what the MSM isn't giving them! Look out!
IQ, Prison...Errr..."School" and Idiot Bosses with Laurie Zoock
Had my second interview
with Laurie Zoock about the problems of having a high IQ. We delve
into the world of employment, idiot bosses, prison...errr. "school" and
"teeeeeacccheeerrsssss" who are the dumbest of all adults children will
run into in their lives.
Monday, September 19, 2016
Removing Emotion from Decision Making
This was a response to a client that, after writing, I realized might serve as a good lesson for some of the younger folk out there who've been fed lies and bullshit their entire lives before they enter the real world:
OK, there's how I personally separate emotions from my decisions, and then there's how I'd recommend doing it. Explaining my journey towards "emotionless decision making" this is the route:
One, it wasn't a choice. If you are brought up under reasonable wealth, or at least have parents (or the government) willing to finance/lend you money, you can live in lala land where your emotions can temporarily rule your decisions for quite some time. Shit, you see this with middle aged women who live until they lose their looks thinking they're the greatest thing ever because of "themselves" and not because they're young and guys want to bang them. So in my particular case my poverty made the real world REALLY apparent to me early on. I coudlnt' afford bars or night clubs or time pursuing stupid shit (girls, liberal arts degrees, etc) because such a waste of resources would result in a week without food, no gas, etc. It was hard and crushing (and I remember it to this day), but there was a night where I realized what I was facing in the real world, and it was depressing.
Still, living in the harsh real world, is better than living in la la land, especially the long run. My one night or anger and rage is infinintely better than 30 years of post-menopausal delusion cat ladies go through before they die still thinking "big is beautiful."
Two, this then led to having my dreams crushed and accepting what the real world was. So once this happens, emotions are removed from any decision making. You replace your unattainable dreams with real world goals. And you don't think "wouldn't it be nice or fun to attain these goals," but you look at the world in a cold, scientific, and calculating manner and figure out how to attain those goals in the most efficient and expeditious manner because your life and survival depends on it.
Three, this inevitably leads towards you becoming an adult real quick and quickly develops a hatred for the poppy cock, Oprah's pretty lies bullshit. THis also leads towards a complete disdain, if not outright hatred of the sheeple and morons around you. I truly don't know who I hate more. People who are purposely evil, or the sheep who swallow every line of bullshit from politicians, talking heads, media, Hollywood, professors, parents, etc., and then have the gall to think themselves more noble and moral than you. Regardless, only further reinforces removing emotion from decision making, perhaps replacing hatred and vengeance in where there once was hope. But it also turns you into a machiavellian where you're often tempted to just become a charlatan yourself and legally extort as much as you can from your fellow man (for example Asshole Consulting is an INCREDIBLY RARE blessing where being truthful actually helps people morally. If this were to ever go away nearly all my plans are to lie to the dupes and rubes of society and make as much bank on telling them pretty lies).
Finally, it inevitably just becomes a simple, conscious choice. Even a principle you live by. "Am I going to live in the real world or let my feelings and emotions get in the way?" Seriously, any intellectually honest man or woman can ask themselves this simple question and answer it correctly, and that's how I'd recommend most people remove emotions from decision making. You simply ask yourself:
Does making decisions in the real world or emotional delusion result in better long term results?
However, while it's intellectually easy to answer this question, it's getting rid of the emotional pain that comes with doing what is sane, empirical, and right that's the trick. Fortunately, over time, the real world will punish you, making it more painful to make emotional decisions than logical rational ones. Men typically get to face the full costs and consequences of their decisions earlier in life because society won't shield them from the cost of their mistakes. So we learn quickly. But as Bill Burr famously said, "Women keep patting themselves on their back, thinking they're great when nobody corrects them because we want to fuck 'em." And this permits women to temporarily live in lala land, making emotional decisions more frequently and longer into life. But, still, sooner or later, the real world will punish you for making decisions based on emotion and not reality, and that pain will inevitably remove all emotion from your decision making...whether you like it or not
Anyway, hope that helped.
OK, there's how I personally separate emotions from my decisions, and then there's how I'd recommend doing it. Explaining my journey towards "emotionless decision making" this is the route:
One, it wasn't a choice. If you are brought up under reasonable wealth, or at least have parents (or the government) willing to finance/lend you money, you can live in lala land where your emotions can temporarily rule your decisions for quite some time. Shit, you see this with middle aged women who live until they lose their looks thinking they're the greatest thing ever because of "themselves" and not because they're young and guys want to bang them. So in my particular case my poverty made the real world REALLY apparent to me early on. I coudlnt' afford bars or night clubs or time pursuing stupid shit (girls, liberal arts degrees, etc) because such a waste of resources would result in a week without food, no gas, etc. It was hard and crushing (and I remember it to this day), but there was a night where I realized what I was facing in the real world, and it was depressing.
Still, living in the harsh real world, is better than living in la la land, especially the long run. My one night or anger and rage is infinintely better than 30 years of post-menopausal delusion cat ladies go through before they die still thinking "big is beautiful."
Two, this then led to having my dreams crushed and accepting what the real world was. So once this happens, emotions are removed from any decision making. You replace your unattainable dreams with real world goals. And you don't think "wouldn't it be nice or fun to attain these goals," but you look at the world in a cold, scientific, and calculating manner and figure out how to attain those goals in the most efficient and expeditious manner because your life and survival depends on it.
Three, this inevitably leads towards you becoming an adult real quick and quickly develops a hatred for the poppy cock, Oprah's pretty lies bullshit. THis also leads towards a complete disdain, if not outright hatred of the sheeple and morons around you. I truly don't know who I hate more. People who are purposely evil, or the sheep who swallow every line of bullshit from politicians, talking heads, media, Hollywood, professors, parents, etc., and then have the gall to think themselves more noble and moral than you. Regardless, only further reinforces removing emotion from decision making, perhaps replacing hatred and vengeance in where there once was hope. But it also turns you into a machiavellian where you're often tempted to just become a charlatan yourself and legally extort as much as you can from your fellow man (for example Asshole Consulting is an INCREDIBLY RARE blessing where being truthful actually helps people morally. If this were to ever go away nearly all my plans are to lie to the dupes and rubes of society and make as much bank on telling them pretty lies).
Finally, it inevitably just becomes a simple, conscious choice. Even a principle you live by. "Am I going to live in the real world or let my feelings and emotions get in the way?" Seriously, any intellectually honest man or woman can ask themselves this simple question and answer it correctly, and that's how I'd recommend most people remove emotions from decision making. You simply ask yourself:
Does making decisions in the real world or emotional delusion result in better long term results?
However, while it's intellectually easy to answer this question, it's getting rid of the emotional pain that comes with doing what is sane, empirical, and right that's the trick. Fortunately, over time, the real world will punish you, making it more painful to make emotional decisions than logical rational ones. Men typically get to face the full costs and consequences of their decisions earlier in life because society won't shield them from the cost of their mistakes. So we learn quickly. But as Bill Burr famously said, "Women keep patting themselves on their back, thinking they're great when nobody corrects them because we want to fuck 'em." And this permits women to temporarily live in lala land, making emotional decisions more frequently and longer into life. But, still, sooner or later, the real world will punish you for making decisions based on emotion and not reality, and that pain will inevitably remove all emotion from your decision making...whether you like it or not
Anyway, hope that helped.
New York City Deserves Diversity!
Keep voting leftist you cool, hip, New Yorkers. Because you know so much more than those hicks in fly-over country.
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Lake Stuart Near Leavenworth, Washington
Suffering the decline as always. Remember, work hard, go to college, go into debt, breed children you can't afford, and carry on:
Saturday, September 17, 2016
Curse Free Episode #6 of The Clarey Podcast
Cappy and his good Seattle friend yell and scream at each other about
"stuff." His blood pressure goes up and nothing is really accomplished.
Cappy does his best not to curse, but his friend curses up a storm, in THIS EPISODE of The Clarey Podcast!
And this weekend, why not do all your online shopping through Cappy's Amazon Affiliation program? Costs you nothing extra and Cappy makes 7% off of your purchases. Make Cappy rich, make Cappy happy, BOOKMARK the Amazon Affiliate link and get into the GOOD HABIT of keeping 7% of the money within the Cappy Family!....which if you think about it would be a very dysfunctional family full of yelling, rage, anger, and alcoholism, but eh, those would be good times!
And this weekend, why not do all your online shopping through Cappy's Amazon Affiliation program? Costs you nothing extra and Cappy makes 7% off of your purchases. Make Cappy rich, make Cappy happy, BOOKMARK the Amazon Affiliate link and get into the GOOD HABIT of keeping 7% of the money within the Cappy Family!....which if you think about it would be a very dysfunctional family full of yelling, rage, anger, and alcoholism, but eh, those would be good times!
Friday, September 16, 2016
How a Good Wife or Girlfriend Can Help You Go MGTOW
Unlike feminism, the red pill community/manosphere advances. We don't dwell in whatever injustices we face. We don't navel gaze, obsessing about ourselves in the mirror. And we sure as hell don't come up with 31 flavors of gender or faux academic concepts like "intersectionality." The true natural state of all real men is advancement, and unlike our feminist counterparts we seek to progress and improve to the maximum extent that our lives, resources, and gile allow.
Part of this relentless march towards advancement is knowing when to close a chapter in our lives, for the wisdom we gained living it opens up a new one. Be it the 17 year old who gets over his first true heartbreak, a 22 year old who dodges a false rape accusation, or a 45 year old who's fresh off his first divorce, it is just as important to move on from these experiences as it is to retain the wisdom they taught us. But one of those chapters most men must invariably close and move on from is one we don't mind reading. One that is actually a happy chapter (or so it seems at the time). One we could very well dwell in for the rest of our lives. And that chapter is your Playerhood Days.
This is not a lecture or a sermoning. This is not a recommendation that you should quit goofing around, having fun, getting laid, and being a player. And it certainly is not a call for you to "man up and marry those sluts." It is merely a prediction your older brother Cappy knows is going to happen to most of you.
For fun as it is, jovial as it is, and exhilarating as it is, you WILL tire of the game. You WILL tire of the chase. You WILL get sick of going to bars. And you will tire of spending ne'er-to-be-recovered hours on social media trying to land a date. The novelty of slaying another piece of ass will wear thin and you will look at all the time you wasted chasing/tolerating/enduring/suffering painfully stupid and unimpressive girls just to get laid, and then ask yourself what greatness you could have achieved otherwise. You will suffer from "player burnout" and thus this chapter of your life will come to an end.
MGTOW or Marriage...or Both?
This results in classical binary choice you must face. Do you go "MGTOW," putting women at the bottom of the priority list, perhaps swearing off of them forever? Or do you settle down, get married, and raise a family, or perhaps just get a steady, long term girlfriend? The two seem mutually exclusive and diametrically opposed, but I contend there is a third option---that they are not only NOT mutually exclusive, but having a quality woman in your life CAN indeed help you truly go MGTOW. Ergo, why not do both?
Understand man's need for sex and female company is not optional. Certainly, harsh enough experiences and hostile enough environs are so punishing that truly going MGTOW can override these hard-wired preferences, making a boycott of women a better option. But it still doesn't erase the genetic programming and hard-wiring you have to want sex and a woman in your life. And to refuse to acknowledge these basal desires is as foolish as feminists saying women need men as much as fish need bicycles. But, in an ironic twist of fate, actually going MGTOW can help you secure a wife/girlfriend that is "MGTOW compatible." You simply set forth to live your life as you see fit and if a woman happens to come along your way AND can keep up, so be it. Therefore, in doing so, it is theoretically possible to find a woman that is loving, caring, supporting, who can not only dramatically improve your life, but really help you go MGTOW and achieve all you can in life.
For example, take all the time you spend and have spent on the pursuit of women. From puberty to today, how many hours, days, weeks and months of time, resources, and labor have you expended chasing (and then dealing with) them? Also, how much psychological pain, torment, and bullshittery did you have to endure with their antics and games? And what was the final life-time financial tab you've dropped on women? How much in total financial resources did you expend on cover charges, drinks, foregone work opportunities, etc.? Now imagine you never wasted this enormous amount of resources on girls in the past, but instead invested it in yourself? Set forth in your own life? You'd likely have a house paid off in cash. A entrepreneurial empire. Perhaps a herculean body and physique to boot. Whatever it is, you'd at least have something to show for it and this is the argument for finding a good, quality woman in your life.
In making a quality, MGTOW-compatible woman part of your life, you satiate your biological and psychological needs for sex and female companionship. You also quell whatever mental strife that comes without having one. And if she is indeed quality, she would be a net financial asset, and not a liability. This frees up your entire financial, mental, and physical resources which you can then focus and dedicate solely towards achieving greatness. You are no longer distracted by women. You no longer have that scratch to itch. And thus, though presumably mutually exclusive, having a good woman in your life could technically allow you to pursue the individual greatness that is the epitome of MGTOW. Admittedly, it statistically unlikely, but to quote Dumb and Dumber, "So you're saying there's a chance!?"
Enter the Cult of VirginTOW and MSTOW (Men Sent Their Own Way)
Of course, you can predictably hear the spergy hearts of millions of VirginTOW's going into cardiac arrest. As you read this right now, they are no doubt tripping over their key boards to bang away saying that getting married or having a (GASP!) woman in your life "is the COMPLETE ANTITHESIS of being MGTOW!!!!" And though these self-proclaimed, purist authorities of MGTOW may have a literal point, you need to understand precisely who these people are so you don't let the Cult of MSTOW ruin the larger, and very important point being made in this post.
First, we know who these people are. These are not real MGTOW's nor real men. These are intellectual weaklings who abuse and use the term MGTOW as an excuse for their piss poor performance in life and their fear of rejection, toil, failure, and effort. They are posers who have no value, and use MGTOW as a substitute for accomplishment, meaning, agency, and worth. And like many professors in academia, they don't actually go MGTOW and do MGTOW things, but spend their time studying real MGTOW's claiming they're experts in the field.
Second, they are stuck in the "Chapter of MGTOW." Every man has the red pill awakening and anger is a natural and called-for response. You've been lied to. You've been cheated. And you should be enraged. But inevitably you have to accept is for what is, and move on. Otherwise that is not progress, nor advancement, nor achievement. It's merely the self-pitying navel-gazing that feminists do as they mire and waste their entire 80 years of life-expectancy on this planet. Sadly, MSTOW's are functionally no different than feminists in this regard, rendering any opinions they have on the matter moot because why on god's Earth would you heed advice from them?
Third, their visceral and hate-filled reaction you will see in the comments section below is proof the above directly strikes at their biggest fear - that they COULD HAVE had a good, quality woman in their life while still being MGTOW...but chose not to. This reality is what really keeps them up at night. That there IS a chance, perhaps even a decent one, they could find a MGTOW-compatible woman if they put forth the effort. But the level of defeatism and fatalism they subscribe to (which I find ironic given a presumably strong and independent philosophy such as "Men Going Their Own Way") is again proof that laziness and fear are the strongest forces in their lives, trumping love, hope, and courage. Deep down inside they still want women and would prefer a life with one, otherwise, why do they constantly obsess about being MGTOW so much?
Fourth, there's already proof women and MGTOW are compatible as genuine MGTOW's are currently married or dating women. Roosh has made it no secret he wouldn't mind getting married or having children. Adam Piggott, a man who has traveled, motorcycled, and kayaked the world, is married and is more MGTOW than the MGTOWiest of MGTOW's. Yours truly has had the same girlfriend for 10 years. And need I even mention veteran Manosphere founder Rollo Tomassi? But wait, let me guess. There's some 28 year old, 280 pound virgin MSTOW Pharisee on a MGTOW discussion board somewhere who's about to tell us we're not "real MGTOW's" and that MGTOW compatible women just don't exist.
The only problem is they do.
And you my dear reader, as an individual, have to reconcile this fact with purported purist MGTOW "doctrine."
The Fork in the Road
The possibility of women being part of the MGTOW life will cause a split that will become more apparent as time goes on. In one camp will be the traditional theoreticians, academics, purist MSTOW's and VirginTOW's, still banging away in their discussion forums about how much they don't need women...just like they did 5 years ago...just like they're doing today...and just like they'll be doing 20 years from now. They will be NO DIFFERENT than the feminists who have done the same since the 1970's because the movement has consumed them and they simply can't move on. Their entire life will be defined, determined, and controlled by "MGTOW," so that in the end, while they're on their death beds, all they will be able to point to is "MGTOW" as their crowning achievement in life. Sadly, that's not only NOT an achievement, it's one they failed to achieve as they never truly went their own way and lived a unique life.
In the second camp you will have the true MGTOW's, married or not, long term girlfriend or not, who are living their lives as they see fit. If they want to get married and have kids, fine, they'll marry and have kids. If they just want to jet set across the world, fine, they'll sip martinis in Macau and bang broads in Bangkok. But where ever they are, and whatever they're doing, they're not going to be banging on their chests about being "MGTOW." They will let their actions speak to who they are. They will live a life that earns them that adjective. And if living with a woman or getting married is their desire, they'll do it because that's what real MGTOW's do. They live their lives as they see fit. Alas, when they're on their deathbeds, they won't be pointing towards a title or a fake religion as their crowning achievement, but actual achievements living a MGTOW lifestyle allowed.
I humbly ask which lifestyle do you want? Do you want to actually be a MGTOW and perhaps incorporate a loving woman into your life? So be it. Do you want to sit, stew, and waste your life in a self-pitying cult whose only definition is the exclusion of women as you award yourself fake awards, merit badges, and acronyms? Fine, it's your life. I merely want to present the case that MGTOW does not mean the exclusion of women from one's life, and that they can indeed (if you find the right one) make your life measurably better. I also want to warn any prospective MGTOW's about the MSTOWs', purists', and VirginTOW keyboard warriors' false insistence women cannot be part of a MGTOW's life. It's simply not true, and you do yourself no favors eliminating the option of having a woman in your life.
Asshole Consulting
Amazon Affiliate
Part of this relentless march towards advancement is knowing when to close a chapter in our lives, for the wisdom we gained living it opens up a new one. Be it the 17 year old who gets over his first true heartbreak, a 22 year old who dodges a false rape accusation, or a 45 year old who's fresh off his first divorce, it is just as important to move on from these experiences as it is to retain the wisdom they taught us. But one of those chapters most men must invariably close and move on from is one we don't mind reading. One that is actually a happy chapter (or so it seems at the time). One we could very well dwell in for the rest of our lives. And that chapter is your Playerhood Days.
This is not a lecture or a sermoning. This is not a recommendation that you should quit goofing around, having fun, getting laid, and being a player. And it certainly is not a call for you to "man up and marry those sluts." It is merely a prediction your older brother Cappy knows is going to happen to most of you.
For fun as it is, jovial as it is, and exhilarating as it is, you WILL tire of the game. You WILL tire of the chase. You WILL get sick of going to bars. And you will tire of spending ne'er-to-be-recovered hours on social media trying to land a date. The novelty of slaying another piece of ass will wear thin and you will look at all the time you wasted chasing/tolerating/enduring/suffering painfully stupid and unimpressive girls just to get laid, and then ask yourself what greatness you could have achieved otherwise. You will suffer from "player burnout" and thus this chapter of your life will come to an end.
MGTOW or Marriage...or Both?
This results in classical binary choice you must face. Do you go "MGTOW," putting women at the bottom of the priority list, perhaps swearing off of them forever? Or do you settle down, get married, and raise a family, or perhaps just get a steady, long term girlfriend? The two seem mutually exclusive and diametrically opposed, but I contend there is a third option---that they are not only NOT mutually exclusive, but having a quality woman in your life CAN indeed help you truly go MGTOW. Ergo, why not do both?
Understand man's need for sex and female company is not optional. Certainly, harsh enough experiences and hostile enough environs are so punishing that truly going MGTOW can override these hard-wired preferences, making a boycott of women a better option. But it still doesn't erase the genetic programming and hard-wiring you have to want sex and a woman in your life. And to refuse to acknowledge these basal desires is as foolish as feminists saying women need men as much as fish need bicycles. But, in an ironic twist of fate, actually going MGTOW can help you secure a wife/girlfriend that is "MGTOW compatible." You simply set forth to live your life as you see fit and if a woman happens to come along your way AND can keep up, so be it. Therefore, in doing so, it is theoretically possible to find a woman that is loving, caring, supporting, who can not only dramatically improve your life, but really help you go MGTOW and achieve all you can in life.
For example, take all the time you spend and have spent on the pursuit of women. From puberty to today, how many hours, days, weeks and months of time, resources, and labor have you expended chasing (and then dealing with) them? Also, how much psychological pain, torment, and bullshittery did you have to endure with their antics and games? And what was the final life-time financial tab you've dropped on women? How much in total financial resources did you expend on cover charges, drinks, foregone work opportunities, etc.? Now imagine you never wasted this enormous amount of resources on girls in the past, but instead invested it in yourself? Set forth in your own life? You'd likely have a house paid off in cash. A entrepreneurial empire. Perhaps a herculean body and physique to boot. Whatever it is, you'd at least have something to show for it and this is the argument for finding a good, quality woman in your life.
In making a quality, MGTOW-compatible woman part of your life, you satiate your biological and psychological needs for sex and female companionship. You also quell whatever mental strife that comes without having one. And if she is indeed quality, she would be a net financial asset, and not a liability. This frees up your entire financial, mental, and physical resources which you can then focus and dedicate solely towards achieving greatness. You are no longer distracted by women. You no longer have that scratch to itch. And thus, though presumably mutually exclusive, having a good woman in your life could technically allow you to pursue the individual greatness that is the epitome of MGTOW. Admittedly, it statistically unlikely, but to quote Dumb and Dumber, "So you're saying there's a chance!?"
Enter the Cult of VirginTOW and MSTOW (Men Sent Their Own Way)
Of course, you can predictably hear the spergy hearts of millions of VirginTOW's going into cardiac arrest. As you read this right now, they are no doubt tripping over their key boards to bang away saying that getting married or having a (GASP!) woman in your life "is the COMPLETE ANTITHESIS of being MGTOW!!!!" And though these self-proclaimed, purist authorities of MGTOW may have a literal point, you need to understand precisely who these people are so you don't let the Cult of MSTOW ruin the larger, and very important point being made in this post.
First, we know who these people are. These are not real MGTOW's nor real men. These are intellectual weaklings who abuse and use the term MGTOW as an excuse for their piss poor performance in life and their fear of rejection, toil, failure, and effort. They are posers who have no value, and use MGTOW as a substitute for accomplishment, meaning, agency, and worth. And like many professors in academia, they don't actually go MGTOW and do MGTOW things, but spend their time studying real MGTOW's claiming they're experts in the field.
Second, they are stuck in the "Chapter of MGTOW." Every man has the red pill awakening and anger is a natural and called-for response. You've been lied to. You've been cheated. And you should be enraged. But inevitably you have to accept is for what is, and move on. Otherwise that is not progress, nor advancement, nor achievement. It's merely the self-pitying navel-gazing that feminists do as they mire and waste their entire 80 years of life-expectancy on this planet. Sadly, MSTOW's are functionally no different than feminists in this regard, rendering any opinions they have on the matter moot because why on god's Earth would you heed advice from them?
Third, their visceral and hate-filled reaction you will see in the comments section below is proof the above directly strikes at their biggest fear - that they COULD HAVE had a good, quality woman in their life while still being MGTOW...but chose not to. This reality is what really keeps them up at night. That there IS a chance, perhaps even a decent one, they could find a MGTOW-compatible woman if they put forth the effort. But the level of defeatism and fatalism they subscribe to (which I find ironic given a presumably strong and independent philosophy such as "Men Going Their Own Way") is again proof that laziness and fear are the strongest forces in their lives, trumping love, hope, and courage. Deep down inside they still want women and would prefer a life with one, otherwise, why do they constantly obsess about being MGTOW so much?
Fourth, there's already proof women and MGTOW are compatible as genuine MGTOW's are currently married or dating women. Roosh has made it no secret he wouldn't mind getting married or having children. Adam Piggott, a man who has traveled, motorcycled, and kayaked the world, is married and is more MGTOW than the MGTOWiest of MGTOW's. Yours truly has had the same girlfriend for 10 years. And need I even mention veteran Manosphere founder Rollo Tomassi? But wait, let me guess. There's some 28 year old, 280 pound virgin MSTOW Pharisee on a MGTOW discussion board somewhere who's about to tell us we're not "real MGTOW's" and that MGTOW compatible women just don't exist.
The only problem is they do.
And you my dear reader, as an individual, have to reconcile this fact with purported purist MGTOW "doctrine."
The Fork in the Road
The possibility of women being part of the MGTOW life will cause a split that will become more apparent as time goes on. In one camp will be the traditional theoreticians, academics, purist MSTOW's and VirginTOW's, still banging away in their discussion forums about how much they don't need women...just like they did 5 years ago...just like they're doing today...and just like they'll be doing 20 years from now. They will be NO DIFFERENT than the feminists who have done the same since the 1970's because the movement has consumed them and they simply can't move on. Their entire life will be defined, determined, and controlled by "MGTOW," so that in the end, while they're on their death beds, all they will be able to point to is "MGTOW" as their crowning achievement in life. Sadly, that's not only NOT an achievement, it's one they failed to achieve as they never truly went their own way and lived a unique life.
In the second camp you will have the true MGTOW's, married or not, long term girlfriend or not, who are living their lives as they see fit. If they want to get married and have kids, fine, they'll marry and have kids. If they just want to jet set across the world, fine, they'll sip martinis in Macau and bang broads in Bangkok. But where ever they are, and whatever they're doing, they're not going to be banging on their chests about being "MGTOW." They will let their actions speak to who they are. They will live a life that earns them that adjective. And if living with a woman or getting married is their desire, they'll do it because that's what real MGTOW's do. They live their lives as they see fit. Alas, when they're on their deathbeds, they won't be pointing towards a title or a fake religion as their crowning achievement, but actual achievements living a MGTOW lifestyle allowed.
I humbly ask which lifestyle do you want? Do you want to actually be a MGTOW and perhaps incorporate a loving woman into your life? So be it. Do you want to sit, stew, and waste your life in a self-pitying cult whose only definition is the exclusion of women as you award yourself fake awards, merit badges, and acronyms? Fine, it's your life. I merely want to present the case that MGTOW does not mean the exclusion of women from one's life, and that they can indeed (if you find the right one) make your life measurably better. I also want to warn any prospective MGTOW's about the MSTOWs', purists', and VirginTOW keyboard warriors' false insistence women cannot be part of a MGTOW's life. It's simply not true, and you do yourself no favors eliminating the option of having a woman in your life.
Asshole Consulting
Amazon Affiliate
The Largest Argument Against Women's Suffrage
My official policy on voting rights is that you must own property and receive no government check either as an employee or a parasite on the taxpayer. Beyond that, I don't care who votes as you've both earned the right and you are financially vested in the country. However, there are times....
ooooohhhh are there times....
I really question the wisdom of given women the right to vote.
And it really does boil down to this simple argument - what kind of people read this kind of tripe?
I am 100% serious. The fact that this is the lead on "Yahoo News" and that this utter worthless, pointless garbage is consumed by women AND IN SUCH VOLUMES THAT IT WARRANTS FRONT PAGE WORTH, really makes me wonder if women have the logical and mental facilities to be good stewards of the vote. Of course, by historical voting patterns, women vote for less freedom and an increased state 70% of the time, once again undoing what 4,000 years of western civilization and millions of men's lives fought for. But hey, as long as they get to waste their precious life reading about what some British slut wears when she goes to school (while she's independently wealthy), fuck western civilization, fuck the Magna Carta, fuck the constitution, and fuck the American Experiment.
Hillary has a vag, and it's about time we get a woman president!
Enjoy that freaking decline.
ooooohhhh are there times....
I really question the wisdom of given women the right to vote.
And it really does boil down to this simple argument - what kind of people read this kind of tripe?
I am 100% serious. The fact that this is the lead on "Yahoo News" and that this utter worthless, pointless garbage is consumed by women AND IN SUCH VOLUMES THAT IT WARRANTS FRONT PAGE WORTH, really makes me wonder if women have the logical and mental facilities to be good stewards of the vote. Of course, by historical voting patterns, women vote for less freedom and an increased state 70% of the time, once again undoing what 4,000 years of western civilization and millions of men's lives fought for. But hey, as long as they get to waste their precious life reading about what some British slut wears when she goes to school (while she's independently wealthy), fuck western civilization, fuck the Magna Carta, fuck the constitution, and fuck the American Experiment.
Hillary has a vag, and it's about time we get a woman president!
Enjoy that freaking decline.
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Lazy Day Linkage
Ever hear of Avery Williamson? No? Because the MSM doesn't want you to.
How much to cosmotology majors make? not enough that they need government checks financed by the chemical engineering majors.
Women like the bad boys.
Abdicating responsibility. Now we'll blame Tesla's for our bad driving.
How much to cosmotology majors make? not enough that they need government checks financed by the chemical engineering majors.
Women like the bad boys.
Abdicating responsibility. Now we'll blame Tesla's for our bad driving.
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Reconnaissance Man Now Available in Audio!
Reconnaissance Man is available in audio. You can listen to a sample chapter which I'm supremely confident will COMPEL you to buy it!
You can find all my audio books here!
You can find all my audio books here!
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Episode #165 of The Clarey Podcast!
Man wasn't meant to stay in one place.
How is Sully a movie???
Black people talking in theater.
Renting rims means you've got bigger problems.
Fat acceptance is bankrupting Weight Watchers.
Hillary's Clinton - hope the bitch dies.
Why does body-positive Target offer diet pills?
Apple fucks you over again.
In THIS EPISODE of The Clarey Podcast!
How is Sully a movie???
Black people talking in theater.
Renting rims means you've got bigger problems.
Fat acceptance is bankrupting Weight Watchers.
Hillary's Clinton - hope the bitch dies.
Why does body-positive Target offer diet pills?
Apple fucks you over again.
In THIS EPISODE of The Clarey Podcast!
Monday, September 12, 2016
Writing Other People's Papers for a Living
Once again Alex is hiring in anticipation for the start of the school year. If you're looking for a location independent job that will put food on the table, please visit him and read below:
I'd like to personally thank Aaron and all of you who follow his blog Captain Capitalism, you guys have been the main driving force behind the recent growth of our enterprise.
We are more than thrilled with the quality of personnel we've received for our positions in writing and advertisement. Regrettably, things have been a little slow lately as most students prefer to take some time off before the busy Fall semester starts.
However, we're definitely getting much busier and this may well be our most lucrative semester yet.
Quite a few people have inquired about job opportunities with us and we weren't able to receive help from all of you. Yet, we could definitely use all of the support we can get. Within a month, we will be entering the busiest juncture of the academic year and it will last all the way through the end of 2016.
Our full-time writers earn over $3,000 per month and part-time work opportunities are always available. Above all, we value quality and it doesn't matter how much work you're willing to do. As long as you meet deadline and complete your assignments accurately, you will always have work with us. Dozens of our loyal writers can always attest to this.
We're also looking to expand our ranks of Craigslist subcontractors. Many of you have been posting for us regularly and invariably, this helped us get to where we are today. We pay $5 for each lead our subcontractors generate and another $1 for each day your ads have been live.
Contact us for further information and we look forward to working with you!
I'd like to personally thank Aaron and all of you who follow his blog Captain Capitalism, you guys have been the main driving force behind the recent growth of our enterprise.
We are more than thrilled with the quality of personnel we've received for our positions in writing and advertisement. Regrettably, things have been a little slow lately as most students prefer to take some time off before the busy Fall semester starts.
However, we're definitely getting much busier and this may well be our most lucrative semester yet.
Quite a few people have inquired about job opportunities with us and we weren't able to receive help from all of you. Yet, we could definitely use all of the support we can get. Within a month, we will be entering the busiest juncture of the academic year and it will last all the way through the end of 2016.
Our full-time writers earn over $3,000 per month and part-time work opportunities are always available. Above all, we value quality and it doesn't matter how much work you're willing to do. As long as you meet deadline and complete your assignments accurately, you will always have work with us. Dozens of our loyal writers can always attest to this.
We're also looking to expand our ranks of Craigslist subcontractors. Many of you have been posting for us regularly and invariably, this helped us get to where we are today. We pay $5 for each lead our subcontractors generate and another $1 for each day your ads have been live.
Contact us for further information and we look forward to working with you!
Aleksey Bashtavenko
Academic Composition
Academic Composition
Owner & Principal Writer
(540) 300-1253
Silicon Valley Slaves
I love it when leftists suffer at their own hand.
Female refugee workers who get raped (and don't report it because they love their politics more than themselves).
Liberal arts majors who go $150,000 in debt for a degree that is nothing more than leftist indoctrination and hatred for whites and males.
And white liberals who are stupid enough to breed white children into a world they created that is sure to hate their offspring.
It's not everyday the left is unshielded from the consequences of their actions, but it does happen. And the Slave of Silicon Valley is another perfect example.
It's no secret young Silicon Valley executives vote democrat. Apple's CEO's are by corporate by-law to vote democrat, you can find any one of a number of articles of tech-start up executives donating heavily to the democrat party, and matter of fact I couldn't find any Silicon Valley big wig endorsing a republican. But the rank and file sheeple of Silicon Valley also vote overwhelmingly democrat. A simple search of voting patterns and maps of California shows Santa Clara county consistently on the left, confirming everybody's on board the socialist A-train.
But at what cost?
The thing about Silicon Valley professionals, executives or not, is they're great at IT, but horrible at economics. Because if they were they would realize just how little they're working for themselves, and how they're veritable slaves to others.
In 2013 the average Silicon Valley employee made $153,000. This was of course three years ago and at the time was rapidly growing, so let's just err on the side of caution and say it's $175,000 today. But, oh, foolish naive recent Stanford graduate. You think that's a lot of money, don't you? Now you get to pay for swallowing whole all the leftist BS you were fed in college.
First, the federal government is going to want its share. That's 28% lopped right off the top for you privileged Silicon Slaves lucky enough to be making six figures.
But, wait, aren't you Silicon Slaves all young people? That's right! You get to pay for the old people who didn't save up for retirement AND voted to piss away any surpluses that would go to otherwise fund social security and medicare. That's an additional 6.2% and .9% you get to pay for voting to be so charitable with other people's money. Throw in another 1% just for good medicaid and other measures, and you're looking at a total federal take of 36.1%.
Second, please don't think it's just federal taxes you pay my fine Python programming friend! Because since you and all the other Californians are just so much more enlightened than the rest of us troglodytes you voted in a socialist utopia of California! And all that virtue-signalling and being charitable with other people's money also has costs! Specially, a state income tax rate of 9.3%, which now brings up the government's take to 45.4%! You good obedient liberal you!
But hold on our MIT graduating friend! Third, you have local taxes!
You see, state and local taxes are interesting. They don't just have "income tax." No, they have a whole potpourri of taxes you pay that make it impossible to measure. Gas tax, fees, property taxes, you name it. There's a tax in every corner! But one of the larger local taxes which should account for at least a plurality of these local taxes you pay would be the state sales tax. And look at that, it's another 9.08%. Congratulations! You're paying an tax rate of 54.48%! Let's just call it 60% because I'm sure there's a couple minor taxes and fees you pay when you cross a bridge or use a paper bag.
So when we tally it all up, the average Silicon Slave forfeits 60% of his/her income to pay for state, federal, and local government services. And I know you are all getting your money's worth over there in Silicon Valley. Why the wide open roads, adequate transportation systems, the local of traffic jams, cheap cost of living, low tuition, affordable housing (well, for illegal aliens and welfare recipients anyway), adequately funded schools, and let's not forget that everything is so cheap out there in the Bay Area. Why it is the epitome of socialist utopia!
You see, if you're intellectually honest you'll study the federal, state and local budgets and realize that about 70% (give or take a couple percentage points) of the money you just paid into the system...
go to pay for other people's stuff.
Their food
Their health care
Their education
Their transportation
Their psychologist
Fake-make-work government jobs
Their tuition, and
Their housing
You still get to pay for your own stuff, because, well, after all, you are a privileged Silicon Valley slave who didn't earn your position through 4 grueling years of studying IT and STEM. It was just handed to you! So what will that remaining $70,000 buy in Silicon Valley?
Well, I suppose you need a place to live. Congratulations, with leftist "smart growth" policies, people's lemming mentality that "California" is the place to move, and your insistence that "you can't spend too much on education," property taxes and demand has driven rents to $2,500/month on average for just a one bedroom apartment. Lop off $30,000 of your remaining $70,000! And I suppose you need a car...but one that will impress your co-workers so you can keep up with the virtue-signaling rat race...hmmm, a Prius with financing should set you back about $8,000 a year in financing and maintenance costs. And, oh, that's right, pretty much EVERYTHING is twice the cost of what it normally is in Troglodyte country, so after groceries, energy, gas, and all the basic necessities in life, you're lucky if you have disposable income of around $10,000 in effective purchasing power.
Here's the deal. Because of all the minute and many taxes, not to mention every person is different, it's impossible to calculate to the penny just what disposable income will be, let alone what percent of the time you're literally being a slave for other people. However, we do know, at minimum with 60% of your money being taxed and 70% of government money going to other people, you are literally a slave for 42% of your working hours. You then have the secondary effect of leftist taxation and regulation at the state and local levels, and your $70,000 in after tax income, is really more like $35,000 when adjusted for purchasing power and cost of living adjustments.
When you add this up, I have a simple question for you:
Is it worth it?
I don't mean the money. I know suffering Bay area traffic, taxation, and people is DEFINITELY not worth take home pay of $35,000 a year. And lord knows you Silicon Sheeple are working 60+ hours per week. There's no way in hell THAT comes anywhere near equitable.
I'm talking about voting left all the time and by your own hand turning yourselves into slaves. Because I don't get it. You're some of the few students of today who actually majored in something worthwhile, yet you lack such self-respect you'll endure traffic, poor standards of living, a hellish work week, AND a 42% enslavement rate. Was the leftist indoctrination in school so thorough? Do you really feel guilty earning a (somewhat) decent salary after busting your ass off for 4 years in STEM or IT? Do you think you have an obligation to bail people out of their mistakes? And PLEASE don't tell me you suffer and endure things like "diversity training" or "sexual harassment training" at work. Because that would make it all that much richer.
Regardless, for those of us outside of the echo chamber, it sure is fun watching you lefties vote for your own enslavement and demise. Oh, and before you think your Silicon Valley overlords are just as magnanimous, charitable, and virtuous as you, think again. The only ones getting duped are you Silicon Slaves.
Female refugee workers who get raped (and don't report it because they love their politics more than themselves).
Liberal arts majors who go $150,000 in debt for a degree that is nothing more than leftist indoctrination and hatred for whites and males.
And white liberals who are stupid enough to breed white children into a world they created that is sure to hate their offspring.
It's not everyday the left is unshielded from the consequences of their actions, but it does happen. And the Slave of Silicon Valley is another perfect example.
It's no secret young Silicon Valley executives vote democrat. Apple's CEO's are by corporate by-law to vote democrat, you can find any one of a number of articles of tech-start up executives donating heavily to the democrat party, and matter of fact I couldn't find any Silicon Valley big wig endorsing a republican. But the rank and file sheeple of Silicon Valley also vote overwhelmingly democrat. A simple search of voting patterns and maps of California shows Santa Clara county consistently on the left, confirming everybody's on board the socialist A-train.
But at what cost?
The thing about Silicon Valley professionals, executives or not, is they're great at IT, but horrible at economics. Because if they were they would realize just how little they're working for themselves, and how they're veritable slaves to others.
In 2013 the average Silicon Valley employee made $153,000. This was of course three years ago and at the time was rapidly growing, so let's just err on the side of caution and say it's $175,000 today. But, oh, foolish naive recent Stanford graduate. You think that's a lot of money, don't you? Now you get to pay for swallowing whole all the leftist BS you were fed in college.
First, the federal government is going to want its share. That's 28% lopped right off the top for you privileged Silicon Slaves lucky enough to be making six figures.
But, wait, aren't you Silicon Slaves all young people? That's right! You get to pay for the old people who didn't save up for retirement AND voted to piss away any surpluses that would go to otherwise fund social security and medicare. That's an additional 6.2% and .9% you get to pay for voting to be so charitable with other people's money. Throw in another 1% just for good medicaid and other measures, and you're looking at a total federal take of 36.1%.
Second, please don't think it's just federal taxes you pay my fine Python programming friend! Because since you and all the other Californians are just so much more enlightened than the rest of us troglodytes you voted in a socialist utopia of California! And all that virtue-signalling and being charitable with other people's money also has costs! Specially, a state income tax rate of 9.3%, which now brings up the government's take to 45.4%! You good obedient liberal you!
But hold on our MIT graduating friend! Third, you have local taxes!
You see, state and local taxes are interesting. They don't just have "income tax." No, they have a whole potpourri of taxes you pay that make it impossible to measure. Gas tax, fees, property taxes, you name it. There's a tax in every corner! But one of the larger local taxes which should account for at least a plurality of these local taxes you pay would be the state sales tax. And look at that, it's another 9.08%. Congratulations! You're paying an tax rate of 54.48%! Let's just call it 60% because I'm sure there's a couple minor taxes and fees you pay when you cross a bridge or use a paper bag.
So when we tally it all up, the average Silicon Slave forfeits 60% of his/her income to pay for state, federal, and local government services. And I know you are all getting your money's worth over there in Silicon Valley. Why the wide open roads, adequate transportation systems, the local of traffic jams, cheap cost of living, low tuition, affordable housing (well, for illegal aliens and welfare recipients anyway), adequately funded schools, and let's not forget that everything is so cheap out there in the Bay Area. Why it is the epitome of socialist utopia!
You see, if you're intellectually honest you'll study the federal, state and local budgets and realize that about 70% (give or take a couple percentage points) of the money you just paid into the system...
go to pay for other people's stuff.
Their food
Their health care
Their education
Their transportation
Their psychologist
Fake-make-work government jobs
Their tuition, and
Their housing
You still get to pay for your own stuff, because, well, after all, you are a privileged Silicon Valley slave who didn't earn your position through 4 grueling years of studying IT and STEM. It was just handed to you! So what will that remaining $70,000 buy in Silicon Valley?
Well, I suppose you need a place to live. Congratulations, with leftist "smart growth" policies, people's lemming mentality that "California" is the place to move, and your insistence that "you can't spend too much on education," property taxes and demand has driven rents to $2,500/month on average for just a one bedroom apartment. Lop off $30,000 of your remaining $70,000! And I suppose you need a car...but one that will impress your co-workers so you can keep up with the virtue-signaling rat race...hmmm, a Prius with financing should set you back about $8,000 a year in financing and maintenance costs. And, oh, that's right, pretty much EVERYTHING is twice the cost of what it normally is in Troglodyte country, so after groceries, energy, gas, and all the basic necessities in life, you're lucky if you have disposable income of around $10,000 in effective purchasing power.
Here's the deal. Because of all the minute and many taxes, not to mention every person is different, it's impossible to calculate to the penny just what disposable income will be, let alone what percent of the time you're literally being a slave for other people. However, we do know, at minimum with 60% of your money being taxed and 70% of government money going to other people, you are literally a slave for 42% of your working hours. You then have the secondary effect of leftist taxation and regulation at the state and local levels, and your $70,000 in after tax income, is really more like $35,000 when adjusted for purchasing power and cost of living adjustments.
When you add this up, I have a simple question for you:
Is it worth it?
I don't mean the money. I know suffering Bay area traffic, taxation, and people is DEFINITELY not worth take home pay of $35,000 a year. And lord knows you Silicon Sheeple are working 60+ hours per week. There's no way in hell THAT comes anywhere near equitable.
I'm talking about voting left all the time and by your own hand turning yourselves into slaves. Because I don't get it. You're some of the few students of today who actually majored in something worthwhile, yet you lack such self-respect you'll endure traffic, poor standards of living, a hellish work week, AND a 42% enslavement rate. Was the leftist indoctrination in school so thorough? Do you really feel guilty earning a (somewhat) decent salary after busting your ass off for 4 years in STEM or IT? Do you think you have an obligation to bail people out of their mistakes? And PLEASE don't tell me you suffer and endure things like "diversity training" or "sexual harassment training" at work. Because that would make it all that much richer.
Regardless, for those of us outside of the echo chamber, it sure is fun watching you lefties vote for your own enslavement and demise. Oh, and before you think your Silicon Valley overlords are just as magnanimous, charitable, and virtuous as you, think again. The only ones getting duped are you Silicon Slaves.
How to Replace Colleges and Universities
A client at Asshole Consulting asked "What would the world of education look like under Cappy?" To which I answered him below. All of my ideas are genius and should obviously be implemented, but pay particular interest to #11. I not only think it's feasible, but if we got enough employers on board we could obsolete college degrees overnight.
OK, here is "The Education World of Cappy"
One, there would be no mandatory attendance past the 5th grade. The state would provide vouchers for students to attend schools until they have the basics of reading, writing, and arithmetic, and after that, the state no longer cares if your kid is in school or not. It would be up to the family to decide if they're going to keep their kid in school past the 5th grade.
Two, there would be no public schools. All schools would be private and the government would provide vouchers for those who are too poor to afford schooling.
Three, any trouble makers would be kicked out. bullies could be beaten by the teachers. Physical discipline would be allowed. Any shit students would and could be expelled. After that it would be up to other schools as to whether or not allow trouble makers into their school.
Four, progress/advancement/graduation would depend on ability, no age. You could in theory pass high school at the age of 7 if you master the subjects and test out of it. There is no reason to keep smart kids with stupid ones for 13 years of education.
Fifth, you would only attend until 16. There is no reason it takes 13 years to educate children this much. We can easily lop off 2 years of unnecessary bullshit.
Sixth, as much education could be done over the internet as possible. If you can pass the test either in person or online, I don't care. You passed the test. homeschooling would be a completely viable option and you could just have to show up to test at the local school to get certified.
Seventh, starting at the 6th grade the school would become military. Drills, exercise, uniforms, discipline. Not mean or beatings or anything like that...unless some kid mouths off.
Eighth, English and writing would be eliminated after the 5th grade and the curriculum would be practical education hence forth. STEM, IT, trades, agriculture, medicine, civics, economics, construction, firearms, martial arts, survivalist training, etc. This would require a fair amount of labs and hands on work. We would also be constantly in contact with employers to see what was in demand and incorporating those skills into the curriculum.
Ninth, mandatory military service. 2 years, have a cup of STFU and then you can vote upon completing those two years.
Tenth, teachers would be required to have 5 years minimum experience in their field. Nobody with a liberal arts degree or "education degree" would be allowed to teach. A bum off the street who has 10 years experience programming, but no degree would be hired over the fuckwit, know-nothing cunt with her doctorate in "education." They can set up private schools and colleges all they want, but you'd be an idiot to pay for attending when there's a perfectly good library on every corner.
Eleventh, colleges and universities would be eliminated (or funding completely cut) and replaced with a national certification board. You would test and get certifications, not degrees. Certifications specifically addressing skills like accounting, programming, supply chain management, welding, etc. etc that would not already be otherwise offered via unions, the various CPA state boards, or IT certification entities. There would be no "4-8 years in college" BS. Just a test you may pay some nominal sitting fee for. This national certification board would be publicly funded, but enlist the help of industry experts to develop the tests and standards to ensure students have the required skills.
Anyway, that would be the rough outline of "Cappy's Education Industry". Hope that helps.
OK, here is "The Education World of Cappy"
One, there would be no mandatory attendance past the 5th grade. The state would provide vouchers for students to attend schools until they have the basics of reading, writing, and arithmetic, and after that, the state no longer cares if your kid is in school or not. It would be up to the family to decide if they're going to keep their kid in school past the 5th grade.
Two, there would be no public schools. All schools would be private and the government would provide vouchers for those who are too poor to afford schooling.
Three, any trouble makers would be kicked out. bullies could be beaten by the teachers. Physical discipline would be allowed. Any shit students would and could be expelled. After that it would be up to other schools as to whether or not allow trouble makers into their school.
Four, progress/advancement/graduation would depend on ability, no age. You could in theory pass high school at the age of 7 if you master the subjects and test out of it. There is no reason to keep smart kids with stupid ones for 13 years of education.
Fifth, you would only attend until 16. There is no reason it takes 13 years to educate children this much. We can easily lop off 2 years of unnecessary bullshit.
Sixth, as much education could be done over the internet as possible. If you can pass the test either in person or online, I don't care. You passed the test. homeschooling would be a completely viable option and you could just have to show up to test at the local school to get certified.
Seventh, starting at the 6th grade the school would become military. Drills, exercise, uniforms, discipline. Not mean or beatings or anything like that...unless some kid mouths off.
Eighth, English and writing would be eliminated after the 5th grade and the curriculum would be practical education hence forth. STEM, IT, trades, agriculture, medicine, civics, economics, construction, firearms, martial arts, survivalist training, etc. This would require a fair amount of labs and hands on work. We would also be constantly in contact with employers to see what was in demand and incorporating those skills into the curriculum.
Ninth, mandatory military service. 2 years, have a cup of STFU and then you can vote upon completing those two years.
Tenth, teachers would be required to have 5 years minimum experience in their field. Nobody with a liberal arts degree or "education degree" would be allowed to teach. A bum off the street who has 10 years experience programming, but no degree would be hired over the fuckwit, know-nothing cunt with her doctorate in "education." They can set up private schools and colleges all they want, but you'd be an idiot to pay for attending when there's a perfectly good library on every corner.
Eleventh, colleges and universities would be eliminated (or funding completely cut) and replaced with a national certification board. You would test and get certifications, not degrees. Certifications specifically addressing skills like accounting, programming, supply chain management, welding, etc. etc that would not already be otherwise offered via unions, the various CPA state boards, or IT certification entities. There would be no "4-8 years in college" BS. Just a test you may pay some nominal sitting fee for. This national certification board would be publicly funded, but enlist the help of industry experts to develop the tests and standards to ensure students have the required skills.
Anyway, that would be the rough outline of "Cappy's Education Industry". Hope that helps.
Target Corporation Really Doesn't Care
I'll say it again for the cheap seats. You rubes and suckers believing in Target's non-stop virtue signalling better take note, because all it is is marketing to them. They just want your money. And if push comes to shove, they'll screw you over as much as they can to save a buck.
The U of Chicago Business School Should Be Ashamed...
that they wrote this drivel and are actually suggesting MORE LOANS to lower the costs of college. It's like they don't remember the Dotcom Mania, the Housing Bubble, or the current Retirement Bubble. And then they're actually kicking around a way to make college tuition free, which I'm sure will totally NOT destroy the value of a degree by the law of supply. AND THIS IS PRESUMABLY THE TOP FREE MARKET BUSINESS SCHOOL IN THE US!!!!
Saturday, September 10, 2016
A Free Redhead with Every Purchase!
While the Captain's away for the weekend, remember to purchase Reconnaissance Man and to do all your online shopping via Cappy's Amazon Affiliate program. And as always a FREE REDHEAD with EVERY PURCHASE! Scouts honor!
Friday, September 09, 2016
Curse Free Episode #5 - Wells Fargo Loves You Special!
Eat, Pray, Lies.
Wells Fargo screws you over again.
Millennials pay parents' student loans.
Victim whoring at campus.
In THIS EPISODE of The Clarey Podcast!
Wells Fargo screws you over again.
Millennials pay parents' student loans.
Victim whoring at campus.
In THIS EPISODE of The Clarey Podcast!
Thursday, September 08, 2016
How Entitlement Drives Inflation
Our Slavic Agent in the Field sent me this:
I've seen this chart before and nodded my head saying to myself "Yep, that's inflation." But it is what she said in her message that piqued my interest:
"I'm no economist and I don't understand inflation, but it seems to me something fishy is going on here."
This confused me because she's a smart gal and I would have figured she'd know precisely what's going on. I wanted to yell
"Money's flooding these markets! There's a fixed amount of goods. Prices go up! What's not to understand???"
But that's what my SAEG economist mind sees, and not your everyday Joe. Alas, it dawned on me that unless you dedicated a significant amount of time to studying economics, most people aren't going to understand this chart, or perhaps, more specifically, WHY certain things go up in price more than others. And that is going to be our economics lesson of today.
The first lesson to pull from this chart is to note the things that have gone up in price the most. Tuition and college are most prominent in the chart, along with childcare and health care. I would also throw in health insurance and stock prices, because those are two other major items that have gone up faster than the rate of inflation. But if you look at the most inflated items vs. the others, something should stand about about them.
That's right, the government is highly involved in these fields.
Government backs up, if not lends directly to students. The government also guarantees and in some cases outright buys (therefore becoming the technical lender) the mortgages of most people. The government has also mandated Obamacare, driving up your premiums and insurance costs. And the government through low interest rate policies, quantitative easing, and the invention of 401k's and IRA's has either lent money to corporations to buy their stocks back in the stock market, or provided people a huge tax break to sock away money in the same.
So let me be a bit of an arrogant economist - why are you shocked these respective markets are the most inflated?
We can talk about inflation merely being "the increase in prices." But to really understand inflation you need to know how prices got so inflated in the first place. And that happens when MORE money is flooded into a market than others.
In other words say the government didn't spend/lend $1 trillion annually on education and left it up to people to pay for it privately? What if Obama wasn't taking another $700 billion of working people's money to pay for the health care of the parasitic classes? What if you didn't have every government guarantee backing up the housing industry? That would damn well take away 75-80% of the money flooding these markets and prices would drop by the same. People fret saying, "Well how can we pay for college/healthcare/housing/retirement/etc. without government help!?" but they fail to realize it's government money that is precisely driving these costs up. If you simply took away this money (be it college, the stock market, healthcare, etc. etc.) prices would drop dramatically because there's be TRILLIONS less in money chasing those same fixed amount of degrees, doctors, houses, and stocks.
The second lesson is one that the Austrian economists keep trying to make, but you idiot commoners with your lips affixed to Keynes dick just can't seem to grasp. Inflation, caused either by government spending, or excessive lending results in bubbles that overprice assets. These assets become overpriced and cannot generate the income to pay off the debts incurred to purchase them. As people default on these assets, closing their businesses and operations down, this then results in a genuine economic recession, until prices go back to where they naturally should have been in a free market allowing for profits (and lower prices I might add) once again. The housing bubble and education bubbles are perfect examples of this LAW of economics.
Idiot Gen X dudebrodouchebags borrowed $800,000 on a $30,000 income to impress their blond bimbo wives back in the 00's by buying McMansions. The government and banks were only too willing to provide them financing via ARM's and NINJA loans. Sure enough, this flood of money drove housing prices up that their prices were no longer worth the rent these houses could generate. And sure enough when Chaz McStevenson the IV got laid off because his dad was embezzling funds at the company AND the ARM reset at .5% higher than he could afford, he defaulted on his mortgage, becoming the first snow flake that caused the avalanche of our worst recession since the Volker Recession.
The education bubble is exactly the same. Millions of idiot millennials (and Gen X'ers) thinking they're smarter than they are, deem themselves entitled to a college education. Combine this with their parents, teachers, counselors, and progressive credentialism, they go off to college by the millions, spending trillions on degrees that for the most part are worthless. This does a two-fer on the education market. It drives the cost of tuition up (as evidenced by the chart above), but also lessens the income generating potential of degrees as the market is now flooded with them. The economic cost is an entire underemployed generation living at home, unable to afford homes themselves, and a postponement of families as the female members of the millennial generation get to worry about menopause striking before they pay off their student loans. We also get to see dwindling economic growth that barely keeps up with population growth, and thus a stagnation of standards of living.
In short, if we did even a half-ass job of educating our population about basic economics instead of the full-ass job we do today, two full entire generations would be able to vote in politicians and policy makers that would have said, "leave it the fuck alone." The housing bubble (and subsequent recession) would never had occurred. The education bubble and a generation of self-absorbed talentless and perpetually unemployable millennials would never have become. And medical care/child care would not be going up as much as it has today. But merely having the wisdom to say, "keep the government out of it" would not be enough. We would also have to be willing to say, "I will do without." And that's the real problem driving inflation - entitlement.
In the real world where people are forced to be self-sufficient, affordability is a determinant of demand. And if tuition or children or a McMansion was not affordable, you would simply do without. However, because we've brought up a generation of spoiled, entitled pussies since the baby boomer era, nearly all of our population thinks they're entitled to...well...just look at Bernie Sander's platform:
Free health care
Free child care
Free mental care
Free education
Free housing
Free food
And whereas some of these things are necessities, others are not. But if you still insist on them being "rights," and you invoke the intervention of government to help you pay for them, this then drives prices up to the point you'd DEFINITELY be better off without them. And we all know somebody personally who has endured financial, personal, and psychological hardship trying to buy one of these "rights" they were entitled to.
The college student who the government "helped" by lending her $150,000 for her "Masters in Poetry."
The fratbrodudedouche who borrowed $499,999 to pay for a $500,000 house in 2005.
The ghetto/barrio/trailer trash legions of single moms who "didn't need no daddy 'cause I got me my gubmint check!" and spat out a gross of bastard children.
Yes, congratulations, you sure are entitled to those things, and by gosh the government did help you finance for them. But you ruined your life in the process purchasing assets that will never pay the debts you incurred to get them.
So yes, inflation is boring if you think it's merely "the increase in prices." And if you had your run of the mill economics professors, I can see why you think inflation is dullsville. But if you look at the details of our most inflated markets you witness a wonderful story of avarice, greed, entitlement, and stupidity being punished with a lifetime of debt, pain, poverty, and cluelessness. And that, my friends, is how you enjoy the decline.
Asshole Consulting
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Books by Aaron
Amazon Affiliate
I've seen this chart before and nodded my head saying to myself "Yep, that's inflation." But it is what she said in her message that piqued my interest:
"I'm no economist and I don't understand inflation, but it seems to me something fishy is going on here."
This confused me because she's a smart gal and I would have figured she'd know precisely what's going on. I wanted to yell
"Money's flooding these markets! There's a fixed amount of goods. Prices go up! What's not to understand???"
But that's what my SAEG economist mind sees, and not your everyday Joe. Alas, it dawned on me that unless you dedicated a significant amount of time to studying economics, most people aren't going to understand this chart, or perhaps, more specifically, WHY certain things go up in price more than others. And that is going to be our economics lesson of today.
The first lesson to pull from this chart is to note the things that have gone up in price the most. Tuition and college are most prominent in the chart, along with childcare and health care. I would also throw in health insurance and stock prices, because those are two other major items that have gone up faster than the rate of inflation. But if you look at the most inflated items vs. the others, something should stand about about them.
That's right, the government is highly involved in these fields.
Government backs up, if not lends directly to students. The government also guarantees and in some cases outright buys (therefore becoming the technical lender) the mortgages of most people. The government has also mandated Obamacare, driving up your premiums and insurance costs. And the government through low interest rate policies, quantitative easing, and the invention of 401k's and IRA's has either lent money to corporations to buy their stocks back in the stock market, or provided people a huge tax break to sock away money in the same.
So let me be a bit of an arrogant economist - why are you shocked these respective markets are the most inflated?
We can talk about inflation merely being "the increase in prices." But to really understand inflation you need to know how prices got so inflated in the first place. And that happens when MORE money is flooded into a market than others.
In other words say the government didn't spend/lend $1 trillion annually on education and left it up to people to pay for it privately? What if Obama wasn't taking another $700 billion of working people's money to pay for the health care of the parasitic classes? What if you didn't have every government guarantee backing up the housing industry? That would damn well take away 75-80% of the money flooding these markets and prices would drop by the same. People fret saying, "Well how can we pay for college/healthcare/housing/retirement/etc. without government help!?" but they fail to realize it's government money that is precisely driving these costs up. If you simply took away this money (be it college, the stock market, healthcare, etc. etc.) prices would drop dramatically because there's be TRILLIONS less in money chasing those same fixed amount of degrees, doctors, houses, and stocks.
The second lesson is one that the Austrian economists keep trying to make, but you idiot commoners with your lips affixed to Keynes dick just can't seem to grasp. Inflation, caused either by government spending, or excessive lending results in bubbles that overprice assets. These assets become overpriced and cannot generate the income to pay off the debts incurred to purchase them. As people default on these assets, closing their businesses and operations down, this then results in a genuine economic recession, until prices go back to where they naturally should have been in a free market allowing for profits (and lower prices I might add) once again. The housing bubble and education bubbles are perfect examples of this LAW of economics.
Idiot Gen X dudebrodouchebags borrowed $800,000 on a $30,000 income to impress their blond bimbo wives back in the 00's by buying McMansions. The government and banks were only too willing to provide them financing via ARM's and NINJA loans. Sure enough, this flood of money drove housing prices up that their prices were no longer worth the rent these houses could generate. And sure enough when Chaz McStevenson the IV got laid off because his dad was embezzling funds at the company AND the ARM reset at .5% higher than he could afford, he defaulted on his mortgage, becoming the first snow flake that caused the avalanche of our worst recession since the Volker Recession.
The education bubble is exactly the same. Millions of idiot millennials (and Gen X'ers) thinking they're smarter than they are, deem themselves entitled to a college education. Combine this with their parents, teachers, counselors, and progressive credentialism, they go off to college by the millions, spending trillions on degrees that for the most part are worthless. This does a two-fer on the education market. It drives the cost of tuition up (as evidenced by the chart above), but also lessens the income generating potential of degrees as the market is now flooded with them. The economic cost is an entire underemployed generation living at home, unable to afford homes themselves, and a postponement of families as the female members of the millennial generation get to worry about menopause striking before they pay off their student loans. We also get to see dwindling economic growth that barely keeps up with population growth, and thus a stagnation of standards of living.
In short, if we did even a half-ass job of educating our population about basic economics instead of the full-ass job we do today, two full entire generations would be able to vote in politicians and policy makers that would have said, "leave it the fuck alone." The housing bubble (and subsequent recession) would never had occurred. The education bubble and a generation of self-absorbed talentless and perpetually unemployable millennials would never have become. And medical care/child care would not be going up as much as it has today. But merely having the wisdom to say, "keep the government out of it" would not be enough. We would also have to be willing to say, "I will do without." And that's the real problem driving inflation - entitlement.
In the real world where people are forced to be self-sufficient, affordability is a determinant of demand. And if tuition or children or a McMansion was not affordable, you would simply do without. However, because we've brought up a generation of spoiled, entitled pussies since the baby boomer era, nearly all of our population thinks they're entitled to...well...just look at Bernie Sander's platform:
Free health care
Free child care
Free mental care
Free education
Free housing
Free food
And whereas some of these things are necessities, others are not. But if you still insist on them being "rights," and you invoke the intervention of government to help you pay for them, this then drives prices up to the point you'd DEFINITELY be better off without them. And we all know somebody personally who has endured financial, personal, and psychological hardship trying to buy one of these "rights" they were entitled to.
The college student who the government "helped" by lending her $150,000 for her "Masters in Poetry."
The fratbrodudedouche who borrowed $499,999 to pay for a $500,000 house in 2005.
The ghetto/barrio/trailer trash legions of single moms who "didn't need no daddy 'cause I got me my gubmint check!" and spat out a gross of bastard children.
Yes, congratulations, you sure are entitled to those things, and by gosh the government did help you finance for them. But you ruined your life in the process purchasing assets that will never pay the debts you incurred to get them.
So yes, inflation is boring if you think it's merely "the increase in prices." And if you had your run of the mill economics professors, I can see why you think inflation is dullsville. But if you look at the details of our most inflated markets you witness a wonderful story of avarice, greed, entitlement, and stupidity being punished with a lifetime of debt, pain, poverty, and cluelessness. And that, my friends, is how you enjoy the decline.
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