Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Men's Reluctance to Marry Hurts Nevada Wedding Chapel Industry

It's the longest, but nicest story of poetic justice ever told.  Where women were so debauched and raised so poorly, even those slow poke men started waking up and eschewed what they were programmed by 2 million years of evolution to want. 

Keep going ladies.  I don't think we've heard enough of "fish bicycle" yet.


Anonymous said...

Durham, a 39-year-old from Montesano, Washington, has a 7-year-old daughter and an 11-year-old son from a prior marriage, and she’s seen a cut to her child support now that she’s in a dual-income family. She works as a bank teller and her husband is a welder, but money is tight.

“As a woman coming in with children, it was very risky for me; I had very little to gain, other than making my partner happy,” Durham said.

That's the problem in a nutshell - the State provides the support that normally a husband would so marrying leads to a cut in income. Unless and until this is reversed, then marriage will be a bad deal for the man and ultimately for society.

Phil B

Un Americano said...

"Men who marry drink less, work more..."

Yeah, about that...

Bill said...

"Men who marry drink less, work more and report greater happiness."

Yeah cause the pool of unmarried men includes divorced men who are depressed/financially ruined, so OF COURSE married men would seem more content. Meanwhile I don't see any big dumb grins on my married friends, but I see them on the unmarried ones.

Swede said...

As a happily married man of over 30 years, I have to admit things have changed drastically since I got married. I fortunately picked a wonderful woman, and those seem to be in very short supply these days.

If I were a young single man today, I wouldn't even be dating.

One Fat Oz Guy said...

So, it's not about anything other than the economy. Yay.
I love how these articles spend so many paragraphs trying to tie the root cause to the economy or women being worse off, but make absolutely no effort to mention alimony, divorce from a man's perspective or children.
That woman they used as an example who was "worse off" was only so because she was probably taking her ex to the cleaner with alimony.
I expect there's big business in paying someone to marry your ex if it releases you from a lifetime of alimony.

David Jravis said...

Good Lord, the losers in the 2nd photo... the WOMEN in the 2nd photo. They were drunk. They HAD to be drunk.

Unknown said...

I would say we aren't so much going against what we were programed to want...

More, we are realizing what is now available, isn't at all what we were programmed to want.

Anonymous said...

They say married men live longer. Or does it just seem longer......