Hi All, still doing the best of. Thought you'd like these as no doubt the left will be targeting those "evil" corporations. These two posts might show you why such thinking is high-school-level and a pity that adults carry such childish thinking into adulthood.The arrogance of governments gets me at times. The arrogance that they have 100%, complete and total sovereignty over their nation, its people and its resources. That the people, resources and technology is the government's bitch.
Foolish governments.
For governments, no matter how Stalinistic, no matter how Mao Tse Tungish, no matter how Hillary Clintonish, have to answer to the forces of capitalism and the free market.
Let me repeat that for all you leftist idiots out there.
For you see, stupid leftists, capitalism and free markets isn't an idea, it isn't an ideology, its...
THE EFFING TRUTH!!!!Sorry, hate to break it to you.
You see, while you think you rule over all that is within your borders, you cannot control the people and their capital.
For if you tax them to death to help bribe the lesser classes of society into providing you a life long career in politics by bribing those lesser people with social and income transfer programs, the people who actually produce the wealth, and thus, the money to help finance those programs will, uh, leave.
Where will they go? Well there's 176 nations on this planet offering a wide variety of amenities for them to choose from, but typically they will go to the countries that offer the most freedom and allow them to keep the lion's share of their work and not fleece them of all the fruits of their labor.
Of course this slams the
true leftist vermin up against the wall and points out several hypocrisies and shows them for what they truly are.
1. The only way you can prevent the capital, human and intellectual flight out of your socialist "utopia's" is by abandoning democracy and FORCING people to stay in your country. Last I checked Kim Jong Il isn't too keen on people leaving the borders of North Korea. And my Vietnamese friend could regale you with tales about how the North Vietnamese frowned similarily upon people wishing to go to the south. And why wasn't there a "Soviet-American" exchange when I was a kid in the 80's?
In other words, surprise, surprise, socialism typically ends up in dictatorship.
2. You leftists are supposed to hate monopolies. You're supposed to hate "Big Business." But, oh how quickly you change your tune once it comes to the public sector. You LOVE one big, monopolistic government with all the money, power and control because that is the only conduit you have to employment and wealth with your pathetic communications and sociology degrees. If you had to compete in the private sector, if you had to grow up, become adults and provide for yourself by offering society something of value you'd starve
(this is by and large why I have infinitely more respect for drug dealers, prostitutes, MacDonalds workers and janitors than politicians). But if a big government is there extrapolating resources from the people to provide "education" and "health care" and "community" services, damn, you can get yourself a pretty good set up doing absolutely nothing and contributing absolutely crap to society.
3. Your support for the UN, the ICC and other supra-national entities only highlights the fact that you hate competition among governments and economies because it threatens your ability to rape and fleece the tax base and thus transfer wealth to yourself, and therefore if you can get it all under one entity, you can eliminate the threat of "cheap labor in China" or "low taxes in Ireland."
Of course, you're not going to believe me, so I guess we'll just have to bitch slap you upside the head with a dose of reality.
OK, so here's the deal. Try to imagine you are a consumer. And instead of having valuable dollars to spend, you have valuable minutes of a life. And that this life, of which people always seem to be in desperate need of reminding of, is....
FINITE AND THUS EACH MINUTE IS EXTREMELY EFFING VALUABLE!!!!And instead of governments, consider them companies offering different plans to provide you with various services such as legal systems, defense, police, roads, schools, etc. And instead of "price tags" consider how much you'll have to pay in taxes for that plan.
Well here's a pricing schedule.

Seems Japan, the US and Ireland offer the best terms while Denmark and other Scandanavian countries want to fleece you.
Now of course some countries charge more, because they're offering more. But the trick is, ask yourself, if you're a person who is going to go out and work for a living and get themselves educated and more or less support yourself, why the EF should you be paying for a massive welfare system and free health care and free education????
Conversely, ask yourself the question;
"If I'm a scum bag parasite that just wants to live off of other people and not really work and have become addicted to the dependency mentality" where would I want to live and what kind of system would I vote for???
Huh, I wonder where THE GOOD UPSTANDING ADULTS WHO DON'T EXPECT A HANDOUT are going to shop.
Consider another aspect of this, corporate taxes.
Why is it a wonder to you leftists that corporations go offshore??? Hmmmm? Seriously, is this a mystery to you? You can't figure it out? Are you REALLY that stupid??? Why the ef should a corporation stay in a country that almost taxes it at 40% and then taxes another 15% taxes on dividend income, not to mention all the bitching and whining? It's like being a loser boyfriend that borrows money from his girlfriend, never pays it back, beats her, does drugs and then wonders why she leaves. SERIOUSLY THAT'S WHAT YOU LEFTISTS SOUND LIKE!
Of course I know why sound like that, because you let your envy, hate and greed get in the way of clear thinking. Clear thinking would suggest that we abolish corporate taxes all together to attract corporations to INVEST here and CREATE JOBS here. But oh, no, you don't want none of that. No, you are blinded by pure greed, envy, hatred and evil and want to fleece them. You want to tax them to death. You want to nationalize their assets. You want to sue them and penalize them every chance you get.
Well, they can most certainly take their business elsewhere, and they most certainly do;

Ironic how the FORMER SOVIET BLOCK COUNTRIES have the lowest (and in the case of Estonia, no) corporate taxes. Think these people who lived under leftist utopia instead of spoiled brat suburbia know something you left-worshippers don't?
What's also ironic is how those countries with lower corporate taxes tend to experience higher economic growth than the higher taxed ones. No wonder you European leftists hate Ireland so much. She's proving socialism wrong and right off your doorstep!
But then again, what do I know? I'm just a crazy wild economist sitting in this bitch ass cold in Minnesota, drinking my Rumpleminz to fight off a cold, chasing the occasional skirt. I just play X-Box and dance with the occasional chick with an accent at some latin bistro. I don't work for the UN or the State Department. I'm not some professor with 10 years of schooling behind him. And my daddy ain't the mayor.
So never mind me. You go and keep believing that treating the engines of economic growth like criminals by taxing them and punishing the successful is the way to go.
In the meantime, I'm going to be finding me a way to gain Irish citizenship.
Anybody know any cute Irish redheads?
No, seriously, I'm being totally serious here. I am so up for moving to Ireland and settling down with a sweet Irish girl. No, you think I'm joking, but I'm not. ANYBODY READING THIS IN IRELAND SET ME UP!!! I mean it! I play a mean game of Halo, know how to program HTML, and like whiskey, what more could an Irish girl want? You all think I'm joking, but I'm totally not! Ireland's got the best taxes and the best women in the world. What more could a man ask for??? E-mail me, captcapitalism@blogspot.com! I'm willing to pay a commission or something. Whatever, just make it happen. I'm helpless here in the cold, Jesus Freak, non-redheaded tundra. LET ME LIVE!!!! I WANT TO LIVE!!!! Every minute is priceless!!!! And they're slipping away!!!!