Pension Entitlements as a Multiple of Gross and Net Economy Earnings
The concept behind this is obviously they're trying to show you how much different countries have promised themselves in the form of pensions and retirement benefits, relative to the amount of wealth they produce (and which will in most cases, inevitably pay for those pension entitlements)
Now as much as I whine and complain about the fleecing future generations (both here and in Europe) are about receive from this hoax known as social security, I can't complain too much. For the world's richest nation (on a per capita basis), Luxembourg has promised its people a heck of a lot. 18 TIMES THE ECONOMY WIDE EARNINGS ARE PROMISED TO PENSIONEERS!

My cunning plan of marrying into Luxembourg by finding a hot little Luxembourgian babe has had a very Black Adder failing.
"My cunning plan of marrying into Luxembourg by finding a hot little Luxembourgian babe has had a very Black Adder failing."
Hey?! A mention of a Luxembourgian babe and no obligatory pic of one?!
The word is "Luxembourgish." And if you're hoping to find an attractive Luxembourgish bird, you'd better not get your hopes up, mate.
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