Happy day Junior, Deputy, Aspiring, Official or Otherwise Economists!
After many months of writing (and a coincidental timing with the collapse of Lehman Brothers and the rest of Wall Street), the book is finally here! Behind the Housing Crash – Confessions of an Insider has officially been published and you can get your copy here!
Full of stories guaranteed to make your blood boil, bring shame to the banking industry, and packed full of charty-goodness (35 charts no less!) this has been the single largest project I’ve ever embarked on. I did my best to write a clear, concise, but above all, entertaining book that I hope achieves its aim of explaining what happened, how the housing crash came to be, and why your house is all of the sudden worth $150,000 less than what it used to be.
In any case, as this is self published I need all the help of the junior, deputy, aspiring, official or otherwise economists and Captain Capitalismites out there to tell a friend or 60 about the book. I have no grand delusions of this hitting the New York Time’s best seller list, nor getting on Oprah’s book club, but have set myself the reasonable goal of selling more copies than Nancy Pelosi. If you could please send the link to anybody you know that would be interested in this book or mention it to family and friends that would be grand.
I sincerely appreciate all of your help in the past and all of your readership. And I sincerely hope this book surpasses your expectations.
Cpt. Capitalism
Now buying... :)
Incidentally, how much longer before I get it in audio CD format to give to my father?
Ehhh, eerrrr, ummmm, I can record it into MP3 format for you and burn it to a disk?
Though he would be missing out on some charty goodness.
I think I'll wait until we see how book sales go before I record it.
They're sold already already????
No, no, go ahead an order. They may be backlogged, but I doubt it. I think it's just that it went online today, your order will still go through.
...I think you should try and describe the chart. "And, and.. if you looked over here, toward the end, you'd see it go up! But, but not as much as it went up toward the beginning."
Although I think we all know better. It's you, and it's a chart. There'd be nothing but the sound of you drooling.
Woohoo! Congratulations Cap'n! I'll post it on my site the next time i turn on my laptop :)
Congrats, cap'n!
Hope the sales go well, I will let a few people at work know about it.
I'll buy it as soon as I move. If it's anywhere near as good as this blog, I'll be happy.
Happy to help.
Ordered it,
you already beat Nancy Pelosi
"Behind the Housing Crash"= 6,644
"Know Your Power"= 34,780
although she is
#2 in Books > Biographies & Memoirs > People, A-Z > ( M ) > Marx, Karl
Do yourself a foavor and send one to Instapundit.
Okay, I bought a copy. I don't feel soiled or anything, but the book isn't actually here yet. :)
Shouldn't that be Capitalistas?
To quote a Monty Python episode with the Hungarian rube trying to learn English:
"My nipples erupt with anticipation and excitement!"
Any chance of getting the book in Amazon Kindle format?
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