Thursday, June 30, 2016
Sponsored Posts
Some guest posts from Glitternight.com
I hope everything is going well with you. If you are kind enough to
post links to my blog I sent $25 via paypal. This first one is an Onion-type
phony news story about Barack Obama apologizing for all of his own failures
instead of things he blames America for.
This second one uses an ancient comedy to point out how the
worst of the faux intellectuals of 1960s liberalism stayed hidden in the
prolonged adolescence of the academic world, from where they've created their
own Cloud Cuckooland. I make it Ivory Towerland in this article, to honor
Aristophanes' line "Here in Cloud Cuckooland/ Ivory Towerland things become what
they are called rather than being called what they are."
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
The Clarey Podcast Episode #ThefuckifIknow
Women standing men up at the age of 35
Cappy's east Indian buddy, Sadeep!
Road tripping across Michigan
Never date women who won't have sex.
In THIS EPISODE of The Clarey Podcast!
Cappy's east Indian buddy, Sadeep!
Road tripping across Michigan
Never date women who won't have sex.
In THIS EPISODE of The Clarey Podcast!
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
The Perfect Woman by a Perfect Woman
Greetings all, currently trying to finish my latest book/guide on schedule which has taken time away from posting on the ole blog. Had a reader kind enough to write a guest post in the meantime about the "perfect woman."
The Captain is busy preparing his next literary regale, and asked me to entertain you with the woman of your dreams...
Real women are nearly extinct. But, as with the fossil record, we do know that they existed and what they are like.
Proverbs contains the full identification of the ideal woman. The book is relatively old, written around 900BC. In chapter 31, the question that plagued men in that time seems even more hopeless now: "An excellent wife, who can find?" A woman of excellence is rare; she is an asset and not a liability. The qualities Proverbs describes her with are: trustworthy, faithful, wise, kind, willing to work with her hands, productive, prepared, conscientious, a good money manager, a financial contributor to the household (yes, really!), caring for the needs of her family - and even the community. She serves her family with every attribute of her femininity - her intellect, body, hands, emotions, and strength. That woman, my dear men, is "far more precious than rubies".
A real woman is proud of who she is - not ashamed of it or striving to be something she is not: a man. This is perhaps one of the biggest ironies of feminism. If womanhood is to be so celebrated, why do women strive so hard to be like a man?
A real woman is conscious of and takes great care of her physique, eating well and exercising for an attractive, healthy body. When I see a man with a fat unkempt woman, the first thought that runs through my mind isn't how fat and nasty she is, that's my second thought. My first thought is: "wow, she must not think very highly of him, I probably won't either".
A real woman loves and nurtures her family with the best food, medical care, and tender affection and makes each family member feel like they are the most important person in the world.
A real woman doesn't mock or degrade her husband. Ever. She builds him up, praises and encourages him in front of others whether he is present or not.
A real woman doesn't try to change her husband. She accepts him fully, including his flaws, and even looks forward with great anticipation at what new and surprising things he can accomplish with a helpful, gorgeous, loving woman cheering him on. Look, if you don't like something about your man, remember no one held a gun to your head and made you marry him. Complaining about him only makes you look like a bitter fool.
A real woman is easily content, prods her husband to work less and encourages him to do more stuff he likes, whether it's fishing, hunting, cigar lounge with the guys, sports, model airplanes, racing, or stamp collecting. Interest, participation, and cheerleading should come from the woman he loves. Making his friends jealous isn't a bad goal either.
A real woman enables him to be efficient. She doesn't drag her feet or dig her heels in. She helps him to complete tasks, to be on time.
A real woman doesn't nag.
A real woman is not just sexually available, she doesn't just try to find creative ways to make his eyes pop out and get him to make that face of indescribable bewitchment, she competes with him to initiate sex more frequently than be does. A man who can brag about being over-satisfied by his wife is a man who is very proud of having her.
A real woman doesn't use sex to manipulate.
A real woman doesn't cheat - she doesn't even flirt except with her husband, she doesn't fantasize with her friends about other men.
A real woman is quick to listen, quick to forgive, quick to ask for forgiveness, doesn't retain bitterness from the past, is honest, and slow to speak.
A real woman knows her husband is human and makes mistakes, just like she does. She knows God is sovereign and isn't surprised by her husband's mistakes. She doesn't expose his weaknesses, but elevates his strengths. She is on his side, is his advocate, and builds him up when the rest of the world seems to grind him down.
A real woman is joyfully submissive and doesn't argue with her husband's leadership, she doesn't see him as the enemy, but as having her best interests in mind. In Ephesians 5:22, "Wives, be subject to your own husbands, as to the Lord." God is exhorting women to voluntarily and actively do this - choosing to put herself under his leadership, choosing to be subordinate in a circumstance or relationship. This is not forced upon her by the recipient. It is impossible to have two competing wills - two authoritative leaders - in a successful relationship. Take ballroom dancing for example. Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers are breathtaking, not because Ginger went rogue, but because she was incredibly talented and sensitive to Fred's movement, following him flawlessly.
A real woman always prioritizes her husband above her children and never undermines his authority in front of them.
A real woman is hospitable, kind and generous to others. Her gratitude for the kindness and generosity her husband has shown her overflows into the lives of others.
Real women aren't easily offended. Want to get beaten, sued, lose your job or reputation? Call a girl "property" or "chattel". Agree with me about what a real woman looks like or not, I live a better life than anyone I know and have no problem saying that I am my "husband's property", or he "owns me". I'm not insecure or offended knowing my husband deeply values and appreciates me and can honestly say I have never once felt unappreciated or even underappreciated by him. In fact, it's quite the contrary. Like everything else he owns, I am treated with care, attention, maintained, and given the very best of his resources to keep me running smooth.
Real women huff their husbands farts. This is why they are extinct. Okay, just kidding...
Unfortunately, there is a depressing vastness to the ocean of feminist females in this world, and it only seems to deepen every day. They are miserable, fat, angry, demanding, selfish, and impossible to please. I feel so sorry for men. Not with disconnected sympathy, but genuine empathy. It's hard for women who love and serve their husbands to find likeminded girlfriends, I can't imagine trying to find a wife!
My name is Kitty and I am the luckiest girl on the planet. I married a 45 year old smoking hot Christian alpha male 16 years my senior. I get to work with him in my own home and garden, wear cute little aprons and no... shoes, research health and make nutritious meals, clean, give my husband massages and other physical therapies, and live next to & hang out on a So Cal beach with him every day.
I admit I am not the unicorn described above, but I truly love being a woman & my husband's wife. I love making good food, seeking to perfect nutrition and flavor - I love feeding him things I know will increase his health, stamina, and longevity. I strive to be his best friend and meet his needs to the best of my ability - we fish, hunt, ride dirt bikes, camp, farm, exercise, mountain bike, spear fish, hike, boogie board, swim, etc. together. I love to save him money. I feel no entitlement to, do not want or need kids.
I love making him my priority, far above friends and family. I even loved him before we met, maintaining physical purity for marriage. In a world of infidelity, divorce, child support, alimony, etc., I love making him feel secure about my intentions in our relationship. Before he proposed, I wrote a three page mock pre-nuptial agreement absolving myself from all of his assets and finances. (We of course had a lawyer draw up a real prenup, which I *highly* recommend to every man considering marriage).
I love relieving him of the mundane "grunt" tasks he hates, and am good at doing them. I do all of our food shopping and am his liaison/buffer to the general public and all the incompetence and inefficiency in our modern equal-opportunity, affirmative action, liberal, environmental, feminist world, to help keep him sane and happy. I also occasionally accept part time jobs as long as they don't interfere with my job as a wife, and try bring an extra $15-20K/year to help with groceries and buy him gifts.
Not only do I understand and embrace the feminine qualities God designed me with, I love them! I adore my husband and cannot believe I have the privilege of being the one - the only one - who gets to serve his needs with those qualities.
Our marriage is successful (not just in tact) because we are not confused about our roles. Well, that, and we have chosen to be childless minimalists in a failed economy.
A real man leads, protects and provides for his family, and my husband goes above and beyond. A real woman is not afraid or ashamed of her gender and understands she is her man's helpmeet. She simply discerns the painfully obvious differences between genders, and embraces her qualities without trying to be something she's not- her opposite! It's not complicated.
My only request from men? Be. Picky. Be very very picky. Don't settle for loneliness abatement. If you can't find a good woman, just enjoy being single. In doing so, you'll starve the nasty women into non-existence, you won't confuse and depress the good ones, and you'll be rewarded with a good life. "A quarrelsome wife is like a constant dripping on a rainy day; restraining her is like restraining a windstorm or grasping oil with the hands." Proverbs 27:15-16
The Captain is busy preparing his next literary regale, and asked me to entertain you with the woman of your dreams...
Real women are nearly extinct. But, as with the fossil record, we do know that they existed and what they are like.
Proverbs contains the full identification of the ideal woman. The book is relatively old, written around 900BC. In chapter 31, the question that plagued men in that time seems even more hopeless now: "An excellent wife, who can find?" A woman of excellence is rare; she is an asset and not a liability. The qualities Proverbs describes her with are: trustworthy, faithful, wise, kind, willing to work with her hands, productive, prepared, conscientious, a good money manager, a financial contributor to the household (yes, really!), caring for the needs of her family - and even the community. She serves her family with every attribute of her femininity - her intellect, body, hands, emotions, and strength. That woman, my dear men, is "far more precious than rubies".
A real woman is proud of who she is - not ashamed of it or striving to be something she is not: a man. This is perhaps one of the biggest ironies of feminism. If womanhood is to be so celebrated, why do women strive so hard to be like a man?
A real woman is conscious of and takes great care of her physique, eating well and exercising for an attractive, healthy body. When I see a man with a fat unkempt woman, the first thought that runs through my mind isn't how fat and nasty she is, that's my second thought. My first thought is: "wow, she must not think very highly of him, I probably won't either".
A real woman loves and nurtures her family with the best food, medical care, and tender affection and makes each family member feel like they are the most important person in the world.
A real woman doesn't mock or degrade her husband. Ever. She builds him up, praises and encourages him in front of others whether he is present or not.
A real woman doesn't try to change her husband. She accepts him fully, including his flaws, and even looks forward with great anticipation at what new and surprising things he can accomplish with a helpful, gorgeous, loving woman cheering him on. Look, if you don't like something about your man, remember no one held a gun to your head and made you marry him. Complaining about him only makes you look like a bitter fool.
A real woman is easily content, prods her husband to work less and encourages him to do more stuff he likes, whether it's fishing, hunting, cigar lounge with the guys, sports, model airplanes, racing, or stamp collecting. Interest, participation, and cheerleading should come from the woman he loves. Making his friends jealous isn't a bad goal either.
A real woman enables him to be efficient. She doesn't drag her feet or dig her heels in. She helps him to complete tasks, to be on time.
A real woman doesn't nag.
A real woman is not just sexually available, she doesn't just try to find creative ways to make his eyes pop out and get him to make that face of indescribable bewitchment, she competes with him to initiate sex more frequently than be does. A man who can brag about being over-satisfied by his wife is a man who is very proud of having her.
A real woman doesn't use sex to manipulate.
A real woman doesn't cheat - she doesn't even flirt except with her husband, she doesn't fantasize with her friends about other men.
A real woman is quick to listen, quick to forgive, quick to ask for forgiveness, doesn't retain bitterness from the past, is honest, and slow to speak.
A real woman knows her husband is human and makes mistakes, just like she does. She knows God is sovereign and isn't surprised by her husband's mistakes. She doesn't expose his weaknesses, but elevates his strengths. She is on his side, is his advocate, and builds him up when the rest of the world seems to grind him down.
A real woman is joyfully submissive and doesn't argue with her husband's leadership, she doesn't see him as the enemy, but as having her best interests in mind. In Ephesians 5:22, "Wives, be subject to your own husbands, as to the Lord." God is exhorting women to voluntarily and actively do this - choosing to put herself under his leadership, choosing to be subordinate in a circumstance or relationship. This is not forced upon her by the recipient. It is impossible to have two competing wills - two authoritative leaders - in a successful relationship. Take ballroom dancing for example. Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers are breathtaking, not because Ginger went rogue, but because she was incredibly talented and sensitive to Fred's movement, following him flawlessly.
A real woman always prioritizes her husband above her children and never undermines his authority in front of them.
A real woman is hospitable, kind and generous to others. Her gratitude for the kindness and generosity her husband has shown her overflows into the lives of others.
Real women aren't easily offended. Want to get beaten, sued, lose your job or reputation? Call a girl "property" or "chattel". Agree with me about what a real woman looks like or not, I live a better life than anyone I know and have no problem saying that I am my "husband's property", or he "owns me". I'm not insecure or offended knowing my husband deeply values and appreciates me and can honestly say I have never once felt unappreciated or even underappreciated by him. In fact, it's quite the contrary. Like everything else he owns, I am treated with care, attention, maintained, and given the very best of his resources to keep me running smooth.
Real women huff their husbands farts. This is why they are extinct. Okay, just kidding...
Unfortunately, there is a depressing vastness to the ocean of feminist females in this world, and it only seems to deepen every day. They are miserable, fat, angry, demanding, selfish, and impossible to please. I feel so sorry for men. Not with disconnected sympathy, but genuine empathy. It's hard for women who love and serve their husbands to find likeminded girlfriends, I can't imagine trying to find a wife!
My name is Kitty and I am the luckiest girl on the planet. I married a 45 year old smoking hot Christian alpha male 16 years my senior. I get to work with him in my own home and garden, wear cute little aprons and no... shoes, research health and make nutritious meals, clean, give my husband massages and other physical therapies, and live next to & hang out on a So Cal beach with him every day.
I admit I am not the unicorn described above, but I truly love being a woman & my husband's wife. I love making good food, seeking to perfect nutrition and flavor - I love feeding him things I know will increase his health, stamina, and longevity. I strive to be his best friend and meet his needs to the best of my ability - we fish, hunt, ride dirt bikes, camp, farm, exercise, mountain bike, spear fish, hike, boogie board, swim, etc. together. I love to save him money. I feel no entitlement to, do not want or need kids.
I love making him my priority, far above friends and family. I even loved him before we met, maintaining physical purity for marriage. In a world of infidelity, divorce, child support, alimony, etc., I love making him feel secure about my intentions in our relationship. Before he proposed, I wrote a three page mock pre-nuptial agreement absolving myself from all of his assets and finances. (We of course had a lawyer draw up a real prenup, which I *highly* recommend to every man considering marriage).
I love relieving him of the mundane "grunt" tasks he hates, and am good at doing them. I do all of our food shopping and am his liaison/buffer to the general public and all the incompetence and inefficiency in our modern equal-opportunity, affirmative action, liberal, environmental, feminist world, to help keep him sane and happy. I also occasionally accept part time jobs as long as they don't interfere with my job as a wife, and try bring an extra $15-20K/year to help with groceries and buy him gifts.
Not only do I understand and embrace the feminine qualities God designed me with, I love them! I adore my husband and cannot believe I have the privilege of being the one - the only one - who gets to serve his needs with those qualities.
Our marriage is successful (not just in tact) because we are not confused about our roles. Well, that, and we have chosen to be childless minimalists in a failed economy.
A real man leads, protects and provides for his family, and my husband goes above and beyond. A real woman is not afraid or ashamed of her gender and understands she is her man's helpmeet. She simply discerns the painfully obvious differences between genders, and embraces her qualities without trying to be something she's not- her opposite! It's not complicated.
My only request from men? Be. Picky. Be very very picky. Don't settle for loneliness abatement. If you can't find a good woman, just enjoy being single. In doing so, you'll starve the nasty women into non-existence, you won't confuse and depress the good ones, and you'll be rewarded with a good life. "A quarrelsome wife is like a constant dripping on a rainy day; restraining her is like restraining a windstorm or grasping oil with the hands." Proverbs 27:15-16
Resident Artist for Cappy Cap
Wanted to give due props to the fan who put together the drawing for Bachelor Pad Economics. You can find his site here if you need some artistic talent.
Monday, June 27, 2016
Are Government Bonds the Next "Big Short?"
You may worship my SAEG (TM) here:
You may share my SAEG(TM) with as many people as you like in the hopes people actually learn something about economics.
You may share my SAEG(TM) with as many people as you like in the hopes people actually learn something about economics.
Saturday, June 25, 2016
Thursday, June 23, 2016
Congratulations to the Brits Who Voted for Brexit!
And fuck the 49% of you who voted against your own country's sovereignty you traitorous fucks:
Friends Don't Let Friends Attend Law School
Arguably my biggest and best beat down of liberal-art majoring lawyers in terms of what incentivizes them and how they deserve the financially crippled life they bring upon themselves. Feel free to share with any lawyers you may know! ;)
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Job Posting for Pastors and Priests
The Ole Captain is looking to hire. If you happen to know any (especially the kind that get back to you and have hustle). the Ole Captain should would appreciate it.
Fan Art!
A young man named Arjay was kind enough to draw this picture for me since he appreciated Bachelor Pad Economics. I sent him an e-mail to see if he had a website in case some of you were interested in hiring him but he has yet to respond. I will post it immediately once he sends it over. In the meantime, consider buying Bachelor Pad Economics since it's now available in AUDIBLE meaning you don't have to read and can do something else while taking in my Super Awesome Economic Genius that has saved the financial lives of thousands!
It's Not the Single Mother's Fault
that she married the man who would murder her child.
See, he was just a great guy, so great you just had to exchange vows with him, and then all of the sudden, POOF!!!!! He totally changed 180 and killed her daughter. Out of nowhere!! No signs. No hints. Just BAAAM!!! Dr. Jeykell and Mr. Hyde!
See, so there were absolutely NO warning signs and this woman, who let the murderer of her daughter into their home, is not to have any guilt whatsoever because single mothers are never wrong about anything ever.
All I ask of you fuck up baby boomer (and now) Gen X parents is can you at least not murder your children or step children and leave them alive long enough so they seek help from Asshole Consulting? See my business needs future clients, and you guys have been doing a GREAT job fucking up generations of children. I appreciate it, I really do. But if you kill them then how am I supposed to make money on your shitting parenting job?
Abuse them, beat them, scream at them, steal from them, and give them the WORST advice possible. But for the love of god, don't kill them. I need them alive!
See, he was just a great guy, so great you just had to exchange vows with him, and then all of the sudden, POOF!!!!! He totally changed 180 and killed her daughter. Out of nowhere!! No signs. No hints. Just BAAAM!!! Dr. Jeykell and Mr. Hyde!
See, so there were absolutely NO warning signs and this woman, who let the murderer of her daughter into their home, is not to have any guilt whatsoever because single mothers are never wrong about anything ever.
All I ask of you fuck up baby boomer (and now) Gen X parents is can you at least not murder your children or step children and leave them alive long enough so they seek help from Asshole Consulting? See my business needs future clients, and you guys have been doing a GREAT job fucking up generations of children. I appreciate it, I really do. But if you kill them then how am I supposed to make money on your shitting parenting job?
Abuse them, beat them, scream at them, steal from them, and give them the WORST advice possible. But for the love of god, don't kill them. I need them alive!
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
It's Come to This: Don't Date Girls On Campus
However, while I was more focused on trying to figure out if he just
naturally looked creepy, failed to read their signals, or truly was the
victim of an increasing feminist-anti-male-rape-hysteria-drama, a
solution recommended in the comments section to my consult hit me as it is a depressing portender of things to come.
“Don’t date girls on your campus.”
“Don’t date girls on your campus.”
Michael Steven Sanford - Pushing the Envelope
Normally I would say "the father could not be reached for comment," but there is more going on here than the standard scum of the earth that are begotten by the lack of a father.
1. I love how they are pushing "autism/asperbgers" as a reason for pleading mental insanity. Now any one of these idiot emo millennials will be able to plead insanity because of a mental disorder that may exist, but normal people fake-claim to have to get the feelz/attentions/government check.
2. Of course he's here illegally
3. Another pussy of a man without a strong/real father who doesn't hit the gym will have trouble with girls. Since women play the largest role in a man's life at least genetically, failure in this arena will send some of the weaker minded "men" into despair and result in stupid behavior like "killing Trump."
4. I couldn't find it, but how much you want to bet this worthless human isn't majoring in something that will produce a good or service other people want?
1. I love how they are pushing "autism/asperbgers" as a reason for pleading mental insanity. Now any one of these idiot emo millennials will be able to plead insanity because of a mental disorder that may exist, but normal people fake-claim to have to get the feelz/attentions/government check.
2. Of course he's here illegally
3. Another pussy of a man without a strong/real father who doesn't hit the gym will have trouble with girls. Since women play the largest role in a man's life at least genetically, failure in this arena will send some of the weaker minded "men" into despair and result in stupid behavior like "killing Trump."
4. I couldn't find it, but how much you want to bet this worthless human isn't majoring in something that will produce a good or service other people want?
Monday, June 20, 2016
Episode #152 of The Clarey Podcast!
The Muppets were on drugs
Target and Chipolte are better than you
Qdoba tries to hard to be Chipolte
30 hour days
Percent of professional athletes who go bankrupt
Hot babes who have hustle and a work ethic
In THIS EPISODE of The Clarey Podcast!!
Target and Chipolte are better than you
Qdoba tries to hard to be Chipolte
30 hour days
Percent of professional athletes who go bankrupt
Hot babes who have hustle and a work ethic
In THIS EPISODE of The Clarey Podcast!!
I Hate Teachers
Especially the lazy, fat, marxist slobs holding Mexican children hostage as they fake being "educators."
Sunday, June 19, 2016
Friday, June 17, 2016
Thursday, June 16, 2016
Interview with Kerry Lutz
Kerry had me on his show this week. Remember to visit Kerry if you're looking for your daily dose Financial Survival!
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Another Reason Not to Shop at Target
They're just so smug about how open-minded and progressive they are, aren't they?
Obama Just Can't Get It Up...GDP I Mean
With only two effective quarters left of the Obama presidency, I wanted to see what RGDP growth looked like so I could update my famous "Rolling 20 Year Average RGDP Growth Rate." Once again, this takes the past 20 years of economic growth and averages them out to see what kind of long term, "generational" growth rate our country is producing. And with last quarter's GDP coming in at a paltry .8% growth rate, I wanted to see what effect Obama's past couple of years has had on this measure.
And it's what you'd expect.
As you know I have largely given up trying to sound the alarms and toll the bells to wake the American sheeple up to the major economic and financial problems we have. However, this chart is the one I want to be remembered for when I die, because it speaks so directly to the major problem we as a country have. That we are increasingly lazy, slothful, entitled, and incapable of producing the historical economic growth this nation once did. And while the only real solution to our immense financial problems is economic growth, this modern day American economic engine is so replete with:
1. immigrants who go on the government dole more than they work
2. divorce which begets single motherhood which produces more criminals than engineers
3. entitled, spoiled little millennial and gen x brats who genuinely think economic wealth just grows on trees
4. a non-profit/public sector/activist unproductive class
that it's just too weak to produce the growth necessary to solve our financial problems.
So the next time you get involved in some kind of economic debate.
Or you are in class and your professor is talking about how Obama saved the economy.
Or some idiot republican says we need to "grow ourselves" out of these problems
Just point to the chart
Pour yourself a scotch
Take a sip
And tell the fucker to have a cup of STFU.
And it's what you'd expect.
As you know I have largely given up trying to sound the alarms and toll the bells to wake the American sheeple up to the major economic and financial problems we have. However, this chart is the one I want to be remembered for when I die, because it speaks so directly to the major problem we as a country have. That we are increasingly lazy, slothful, entitled, and incapable of producing the historical economic growth this nation once did. And while the only real solution to our immense financial problems is economic growth, this modern day American economic engine is so replete with:
1. immigrants who go on the government dole more than they work
2. divorce which begets single motherhood which produces more criminals than engineers
3. entitled, spoiled little millennial and gen x brats who genuinely think economic wealth just grows on trees
4. a non-profit/public sector/activist unproductive class
that it's just too weak to produce the growth necessary to solve our financial problems.
So the next time you get involved in some kind of economic debate.
Or you are in class and your professor is talking about how Obama saved the economy.
Or some idiot republican says we need to "grow ourselves" out of these problems
Just point to the chart
Pour yourself a scotch
Take a sip
And tell the fucker to have a cup of STFU.
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Is There Another Housing Bubble?
Because of the news and talk and social media and anecdotal stories about the return of NINJA loans, people have been asking whether there was another housing bubble and whether we could expect another crash. So, since this has become an increasingly common question, I decided to put some research into it and the answer is
"No, not really."
The primary measure by which we gauge whether or not housing prices are sane is the "price to rents" ratio. Very much like a "price to earnings" ratio for stocks, the price to rents ratios does the same thing by comparing the value of a house versus the rents it can generate. And if we look at this ratio today we can see that though a touch above historical averages, housing prices are nowhere near a bubbly as they were in 2006:
Normally I would stop here because this would provide the definitive answer, but whereas the above chart looks at the demand for housing that drives values (rents), I also like to look at the other side of the economic equation - supply. And here, once again, we are nowhere near the insane levels of supply we endured in the mid 2000's:
So while yes, there is technically a bubble, I would not be freaking out just yet about an imminent housing collapse like we saw in 2007. I would be more worried about the collapse of our currency than the collapse of housing prices at the moment.
"No, not really."
The primary measure by which we gauge whether or not housing prices are sane is the "price to rents" ratio. Very much like a "price to earnings" ratio for stocks, the price to rents ratios does the same thing by comparing the value of a house versus the rents it can generate. And if we look at this ratio today we can see that though a touch above historical averages, housing prices are nowhere near a bubbly as they were in 2006:
Normally I would stop here because this would provide the definitive answer, but whereas the above chart looks at the demand for housing that drives values (rents), I also like to look at the other side of the economic equation - supply. And here, once again, we are nowhere near the insane levels of supply we endured in the mid 2000's:
So while yes, there is technically a bubble, I would not be freaking out just yet about an imminent housing collapse like we saw in 2007. I would be more worried about the collapse of our currency than the collapse of housing prices at the moment.
Monday, June 13, 2016
Episode #152 of The Clarey Podcast - "Why the Florida Shootings Don't Matter" Episode
Why the Florida shooting doesn't matter
Realtors have no hustle
PS4 spells the end of console gaming
"Unicorn Rape!" They're not all false accusations!
and MORE!
In THIS EPISODE of The Clarey Podcast!
Realtors have no hustle
PS4 spells the end of console gaming
"Unicorn Rape!" They're not all false accusations!
and MORE!
In THIS EPISODE of The Clarey Podcast!
Why I Don't Care About the Shooting
Because so far, the vast majority of people killed in not just this, but all the terrorist attacks, are those who voted it in upon themselves:
I will be addressing in SLIGHTLY more detail my thoughts on the shooting in the upcoming podcast, but frankly, this isn't anything new and I'm not rushing my day today for something that is going to be a common occurrence (that would be terrorist attacks) every 3-6 months in this country.
I will be addressing in SLIGHTLY more detail my thoughts on the shooting in the upcoming podcast, but frankly, this isn't anything new and I'm not rushing my day today for something that is going to be a common occurrence (that would be terrorist attacks) every 3-6 months in this country.
Saturday, June 11, 2016
Friday, June 10, 2016
Another Reason Not to Attend Mizzou
Because in addition to racism and hatred towards whites, you get to pay inflated tuition because of leftist, academic scum like this.
How Democrats Use and Abuse the Black Community
A letter I wrote to one of my favorite radio shows that I thought might be worth sharing:
Dear Joe,
While your efforts to improve the lot and lives of those living in North Minneapolis is certainly noble, altruistic, and admirable, in an effort to advance the conversation to the point there might actually be a solution, an interesting question occurred to me.
Precisely what responsibility is it of the Minneapolis City council, let alone the state, to "fix" things in North Minneapolis? no other municipality in the state has council members trying to "close racial gaps" and "fix neighborhoods." In other words once the city, state, county, etc. supply public infrastructure, roads, cops, etc., their public and civil duty has been met and it is now up to the individuals within various communities to determine their own futures and lots in life.
Assuming this is true, this leads me to believe the various cohorts of councilmembers, state politicians, activists, etc., don't view the black community as a bunch of self-determined individuals, deserving of the same rights, treatment, and opportunities as whites, but rather pawns in their games to attain power, wealth, public office, and ego satisfaction. Worse, they are willing to lie to entire neighborhoods, communities, even races, costing them their lives and futures as long as it helps advance their own self-serving political agendas.
It won't be until true statesmen are elected, who actually put the lives of blacks ahead of their political agendas and have the courage to point out the drawbacks of illegitimate children, self-pity, and replacing fathers with government checks, will the plight of North Minneapolis improve. Unfortunately, most leftist politicians neither have the courage, nor incentive to do this. Deep down inside I accuse them of being fully aware that North Minneapolis is not their responsibility, but instead of just leaving them alone, they take advantage of them.
Perhaps highlighting this cowardice and abuse, or at least accusing them of it in public will wake up enough people in North Minneapolis that they jettison these false leftist prophets and take control of their own lives and destinies.
Good luck,
Dear Joe,
While your efforts to improve the lot and lives of those living in North Minneapolis is certainly noble, altruistic, and admirable, in an effort to advance the conversation to the point there might actually be a solution, an interesting question occurred to me.
Precisely what responsibility is it of the Minneapolis City council, let alone the state, to "fix" things in North Minneapolis? no other municipality in the state has council members trying to "close racial gaps" and "fix neighborhoods." In other words once the city, state, county, etc. supply public infrastructure, roads, cops, etc., their public and civil duty has been met and it is now up to the individuals within various communities to determine their own futures and lots in life.
Assuming this is true, this leads me to believe the various cohorts of councilmembers, state politicians, activists, etc., don't view the black community as a bunch of self-determined individuals, deserving of the same rights, treatment, and opportunities as whites, but rather pawns in their games to attain power, wealth, public office, and ego satisfaction. Worse, they are willing to lie to entire neighborhoods, communities, even races, costing them their lives and futures as long as it helps advance their own self-serving political agendas.
It won't be until true statesmen are elected, who actually put the lives of blacks ahead of their political agendas and have the courage to point out the drawbacks of illegitimate children, self-pity, and replacing fathers with government checks, will the plight of North Minneapolis improve. Unfortunately, most leftist politicians neither have the courage, nor incentive to do this. Deep down inside I accuse them of being fully aware that North Minneapolis is not their responsibility, but instead of just leaving them alone, they take advantage of them.
Perhaps highlighting this cowardice and abuse, or at least accusing them of it in public will wake up enough people in North Minneapolis that they jettison these false leftist prophets and take control of their own lives and destinies.
Good luck,
Thursday, June 09, 2016
Why There Are No High Hopes for Trump
I find the heart attacks and strokes traditional (and typically, older) republicans have over Trump to be entertaining because it is perfectly analogous to your old, square parents just not getting something the younger kids are hip to. And that "something" is the fact that Trump, as bad as he is, is at least not a career politician. He's not been in office, he has private sector experience, he speaks his mind, and even though we may even vehemently disagree with some things he says, it's the fact he's blunt about it that makes it so refreshing.
Still, the fuddy-duddies and has-beens in the republican party, take out their canes, and yell at us like Grandpa Simpson, "Dag nabbit!!! Don't you youngin's know Trump is a wolf in sheep's clothing!!!??? Why he was a democrat before he ran for the republican nomination! Why can't you vote for somebody sensible and who wears good shoes and has a decent haircut like that Kasich fella!!!!????" And to them we roll our eyes, pat them on the head, and say, "there there grandpa." For no matter how many times you try to explain it, they just don't seem to get it.
However, in order to show that Trump supporters aren't naive, foolish children, and that we are fully aware of his dubious background, let me let you old timers in on a little secret.
Nobody has high hopes for Trump.
Oh, I'm sure some people do, but most Trump supporters are fully aware that he is not the absolute best this country has to offer (that would've been Ben Carson). We are aware of his questionable background. And we are sure his personality will ruffle all the right and wrong feathers in Washington. But what the old-timer republicans have to understand is the Bush-McCain-Bush-Bush-Dole-Romney-Cruz legacy of candidates the republican party has given us is even worse. And with such a low (and corrupt....and nepotistic...and elitist) standard Trump, with all of his faults, still clears that hurdle.
So then what precisely are we expecting from Trump?
Well, frankly nothing.
It goes without saying he will effectively be an independent party president as neither the republicans or democrats in congress will work with him. He's also only one man, unable to solve our nation's largest problem (national debt/the economy) as it's beyond solving. He might build a wall, but again, congress would have to fund him. And the psychological indoctrinating foundation has already been laid for 30 years to raise a generation of truly worthless, unreliable, and borderline psychotic socialists who simply won't discover a work ethic once Trump gets elected.
All we are hoping for is a slow down to buy us some more time so that we might see a social security check or two. That maybe we don't let all of Syria, Iraq, and Somalia into our country next week. Perhaps he even keeps taxes from jolting up to pay for all the socialist parasites the republicans were incapable of stopping. So inept and so impotent has the republican party been at stopping America from being ruined, we'd rather take a bet on somebody we don't truly know because doing that same thing over and over again isn't working. And since the republican's track record has been so bad, we really don't have any expectations from Mr. Trump, and won't be surprised if he achieves nothing.
And just keep in mind, that minimal level of quality and caliber is still a better option than the same RINO republican slop candidates you've been serving all this time. Enjoy that decline!
Still, the fuddy-duddies and has-beens in the republican party, take out their canes, and yell at us like Grandpa Simpson, "Dag nabbit!!! Don't you youngin's know Trump is a wolf in sheep's clothing!!!??? Why he was a democrat before he ran for the republican nomination! Why can't you vote for somebody sensible and who wears good shoes and has a decent haircut like that Kasich fella!!!!????" And to them we roll our eyes, pat them on the head, and say, "there there grandpa." For no matter how many times you try to explain it, they just don't seem to get it.
However, in order to show that Trump supporters aren't naive, foolish children, and that we are fully aware of his dubious background, let me let you old timers in on a little secret.
Nobody has high hopes for Trump.
Oh, I'm sure some people do, but most Trump supporters are fully aware that he is not the absolute best this country has to offer (that would've been Ben Carson). We are aware of his questionable background. And we are sure his personality will ruffle all the right and wrong feathers in Washington. But what the old-timer republicans have to understand is the Bush-McCain-Bush-Bush-Dole-Romney-Cruz legacy of candidates the republican party has given us is even worse. And with such a low (and corrupt....and nepotistic...and elitist) standard Trump, with all of his faults, still clears that hurdle.
So then what precisely are we expecting from Trump?
Well, frankly nothing.
It goes without saying he will effectively be an independent party president as neither the republicans or democrats in congress will work with him. He's also only one man, unable to solve our nation's largest problem (national debt/the economy) as it's beyond solving. He might build a wall, but again, congress would have to fund him. And the psychological indoctrinating foundation has already been laid for 30 years to raise a generation of truly worthless, unreliable, and borderline psychotic socialists who simply won't discover a work ethic once Trump gets elected.
All we are hoping for is a slow down to buy us some more time so that we might see a social security check or two. That maybe we don't let all of Syria, Iraq, and Somalia into our country next week. Perhaps he even keeps taxes from jolting up to pay for all the socialist parasites the republicans were incapable of stopping. So inept and so impotent has the republican party been at stopping America from being ruined, we'd rather take a bet on somebody we don't truly know because doing that same thing over and over again isn't working. And since the republican's track record has been so bad, we really don't have any expectations from Mr. Trump, and won't be surprised if he achieves nothing.
And just keep in mind, that minimal level of quality and caliber is still a better option than the same RINO republican slop candidates you've been serving all this time. Enjoy that decline!
The Victim Whoring Industry Targets AirBNB
Crony capitalist/lobbyists targeting a new and up-and-coming start up that threatens their business model?
Worthless humans who can't be employed pimping out some leftist cause so they can get shake down money?
No empirical proof AirBNB is guilty of racism and it's just thus far hearsay?
Worthless humans who can't be employed pimping out some leftist cause so they can get shake down money?
No empirical proof AirBNB is guilty of racism and it's just thus far hearsay?
Wednesday, June 08, 2016
Actually, Most Bosses Are Idiots
My dislike of authority or bosses is certainly no secret. People may chalk this up to my personality, my independence, or my ego. But my personal eccentricities that makes W4 work impossible aside, the majority of people do not like having a boss. Additionally, the majority of people think their bosses are idiots and they could do a better job.
"Wisdom" and experience merely writes this off as ego, or the pride of the employee. Sure, all bosses are "idiots" and all of them "suck." Now why don't you suck it up and get your ass back to work like the rest of us. But something got me thinking about bosses, as well as the nature of companies. The vast majority of them fail. And very few last more than 100 years. Meaning, matter of fact, by statistical reality...yes...
most bosses do suck, are idiots, and the employees are very likely right.
After wracking my brain to come up with a formula to calculate what percent of companies fail, and thus, what percent of bosses are incompetent idiots, I realized this was an impossible task because of the nature of businesses.
8 out of 10 businesses fail in 18 months. But those are start ups and not established companies with thousands of middle management bosses.
Also, those entrepreneurs/bosses may start multiple companies.
What if the company doesn't go belly up, but grows? Vindication of good bosses, but then it's bought out and management is cut to save overhead.
Do we include bosses in mergers? How do we track them? They could have helped the company grow, but lack the foresight to avoid getting laid off (as they train in their replacements).
The truth is there is no way to nail it down to a single digital percentage, but in just looking at how few companies actually survive long term, as well as the short term failure rate, the mathematical reality is the VAST majority of bosses are incompetent oafs who really don't know what they're doing. From outright idiotic business moves elucidated in "Restaurant Impossible," to the daily chronicling of Scott Adam's Dilbert, to the bailing out of companies that couldn't see the housing bubble coming, as a whole corporate America and your average employer are freaking morons that usually end up stealing money from their creditors (and sometimes taxpayers). But what's worse is the mental torture they wreak on their employees. Employees who have simple, basic common sense, know precisely what's wrong with the company, but are either disciplined or just outright terminated if they dare to point out the failings of their supervisors or, worse, can't simply live the lies their bosses want them to.
In the end having very average, if not, inferior people promoted based on conformance, compliance and ass kissing spells inevitable doom to the majority of employers. They are not only incapable of management or leadership, but are also incapable of identifying opportunities that would result in a successful company, not to mention threats that immediately threaten its survival. This is why nearly every company you or I have worked for is no longer in business and if you were to look up your bosses, they too have likely been fired, "let go," or are now working for a completely new employer.
But don't worry, they're actively working on bankrupting that company too.
"Wisdom" and experience merely writes this off as ego, or the pride of the employee. Sure, all bosses are "idiots" and all of them "suck." Now why don't you suck it up and get your ass back to work like the rest of us. But something got me thinking about bosses, as well as the nature of companies. The vast majority of them fail. And very few last more than 100 years. Meaning, matter of fact, by statistical reality...yes...
most bosses do suck, are idiots, and the employees are very likely right.
After wracking my brain to come up with a formula to calculate what percent of companies fail, and thus, what percent of bosses are incompetent idiots, I realized this was an impossible task because of the nature of businesses.
8 out of 10 businesses fail in 18 months. But those are start ups and not established companies with thousands of middle management bosses.
Also, those entrepreneurs/bosses may start multiple companies.
What if the company doesn't go belly up, but grows? Vindication of good bosses, but then it's bought out and management is cut to save overhead.
Do we include bosses in mergers? How do we track them? They could have helped the company grow, but lack the foresight to avoid getting laid off (as they train in their replacements).
The truth is there is no way to nail it down to a single digital percentage, but in just looking at how few companies actually survive long term, as well as the short term failure rate, the mathematical reality is the VAST majority of bosses are incompetent oafs who really don't know what they're doing. From outright idiotic business moves elucidated in "Restaurant Impossible," to the daily chronicling of Scott Adam's Dilbert, to the bailing out of companies that couldn't see the housing bubble coming, as a whole corporate America and your average employer are freaking morons that usually end up stealing money from their creditors (and sometimes taxpayers). But what's worse is the mental torture they wreak on their employees. Employees who have simple, basic common sense, know precisely what's wrong with the company, but are either disciplined or just outright terminated if they dare to point out the failings of their supervisors or, worse, can't simply live the lies their bosses want them to.
In the end having very average, if not, inferior people promoted based on conformance, compliance and ass kissing spells inevitable doom to the majority of employers. They are not only incapable of management or leadership, but are also incapable of identifying opportunities that would result in a successful company, not to mention threats that immediately threaten its survival. This is why nearly every company you or I have worked for is no longer in business and if you were to look up your bosses, they too have likely been fired, "let go," or are now working for a completely new employer.
But don't worry, they're actively working on bankrupting that company too.
Tuesday, June 07, 2016
Ladies, Do You Want to Close the Wage Gap or Just Bitch About It?
Because I'm sick and tired of hearing the whinny complainy bullshit:
In the meantime, if you're serious, you may close the wage gap anytime by reading this book.
In the meantime, if you're serious, you may close the wage gap anytime by reading this book.
Monday, June 06, 2016
Episode #151 of the Clarey Podcast!
Telling your wife "no."
The world will not end if I don't put the glass away.
At least Fred Flintstone put up a fight.
Marrying the ocean.
Podcast pastor!
In THIS EPISODE of The Clarey Podcast!
The world will not end if I don't put the glass away.
At least Fred Flintstone put up a fight.
Marrying the ocean.
Podcast pastor!
In THIS EPISODE of The Clarey Podcast!
Looking to Hire Pastors and Priests
The ole Captain has a heck of a doozy plan in that little brain of his and I'm in need of pastors and priests. I need GOOD pastors and priests, not morons who wanted to avoid the vietnam war and just signed up at the local seminary because they didn't have anything better to do in their lives. REAL men of the cloth who are passionate about their work, truly believe in what they do, produce good sermons, and are the slightest bit technologically savvy.
If you know any or you yourself are one, please contact the ole Captain below at his "about" profile.
If you know any or you yourself are one, please contact the ole Captain below at his "about" profile.
Burn Baby Burn
Again, I'll explain it to the younger and dumber people out there,
if you attend a school that runs advertisements during day time TV that is proof you are an idiot, you have no hope in life, and you shouldn't make it worse by attending one of these schools.
At any point in your history of ignorance you may read my book for a fraction of the cost it takes you to go to a degree mill.
if you attend a school that runs advertisements during day time TV that is proof you are an idiot, you have no hope in life, and you shouldn't make it worse by attending one of these schools.
At any point in your history of ignorance you may read my book for a fraction of the cost it takes you to go to a degree mill.
Friday, June 03, 2016
Asshole Consulting Sponsors a Race Team
I kid you not! (and no it's not photoshopped)
You may find more about the team, racer, and race here.
Remember, if you have problems and you want them solved AND you don't want Oprah rainbows blown up your ass, visit Asshole Consulting!
You may find more about the team, racer, and race here.
Remember, if you have problems and you want them solved AND you don't want Oprah rainbows blown up your ass, visit Asshole Consulting!
Friday Afternoon Linkage
Aurini vs. YouTube. A compelling case to diversify your social media.
Glorious Karl also chimes in about the censoring in today's social media.
A book review I was paid $350 to do...and it still wasn't enough. It's about Fareed Zakaria's "In Defense of a Liberal Education" and it was TRULY an insight as to just how much of a bubble our educational elite live in.
Eat, sleep, sex. It's so simple but you girls just insist on making it complicated.
Glorious Karl also chimes in about the censoring in today's social media.
A book review I was paid $350 to do...and it still wasn't enough. It's about Fareed Zakaria's "In Defense of a Liberal Education" and it was TRULY an insight as to just how much of a bubble our educational elite live in.
Eat, sleep, sex. It's so simple but you girls just insist on making it complicated.
Thursday, June 02, 2016
Chad Finally Got His CPA Site Up!
Our good friend Chad Elkins finally has his site up which you can find here.
Remember, if you're looking for a good accountant, be it for taxes, audit, financial advice, or business accounting, consider contacting Chad.
Remember, if you're looking for a good accountant, be it for taxes, audit, financial advice, or business accounting, consider contacting Chad.
The REAL Threat the "Quadrillion" Derivatives Market Poses to the World Economy
Just keeping it real folks:
Wednesday, June 01, 2016
Dear Facebook, I Think It's Time We Took a Break
Dear Facebook,
I know we've had our troubles in the past, especially you kicking me out of your life for a 72 hour probationary period. However, thankfully, in those 72 hours without you it gave me time to pause, think, and reflect upon our relationship.
You see, while I love interacting online with my friends, engaging in conversation, and provoking new thought and emotions in others, in the end I find that about 90% of my time spent with you is ultimately wasted. I've been conditioned to automatically click on my Facebook App icon if I see there's a new notification, only to realize it's a picture or a comment that neither advances nor genuinely improves my life. When I hear that "ding" on my phone my heart has palpitations, thinking it may be something of genuine intellectual interest, only to see it's another, of increasingly common, articles about refugees raping their "Refugees Welcome" hosts or Donald Trump p'wnding the media. And instead of going to bed at a reasonable hour, you keep me up at night in the vain hopes you might just say something useful, inspiring, or intelligent to me...and you just don't. When I add it up, I waste a full 2 hours a day with you that is just unrewarding.
Also, to be honest, you're just a bit too controlling. When I'm having a private conversation with friends about sensitive political topics, you seem to think you have the authority to come in and ban me out of your life because of my views. And I fear it isn't even my views as much as it is my language, which makes you even more invasive and tyrannical! My use of the word "faggot" (which I can only surmise is why you wanted to not see me for those ponderous 72 hours, but you won't tell me) wasn't a slander against gays (of which you KNOW I'm pro-gay and pro-gay marriage), as much as it was leftist faggoty pussies that are destroying our nation. And my BFF Chris? You banned him too for equally unknown reasons! Of course, I know I'm under your house and your rules, and you can make up whatever rules you want, but I just thought you were more progressive and open-minded than that, especially for somebody from San Francisco.
Considering all this, I agree with you. I think we do need a break. But unlike your 72 hour probation period, I don't want to see you for 2 weeks. I miss my real friends in the real world. I want it to be like the 80's again where we met in meatspace, played baseball, had lunch, and biked all over town. I want to find myself again so I don't lose myself to a digital world of kitty pics, Daily Mail tabloid articles, and Donald Trump hashtags. I want to go and fish and ride my motorcycle and live life. And truthfully, I want to end my addiction to clicking on the Facebook app everytime I hear a "ding" or see a notification.
I know this may be hard for you...and heaven help you if millions of other people were to do the same thing. Because, unlike "boycotting big oil for one day" if millions of people didn't check into Facebook for two weeks, that might actually have an effect...but I think we both need more than 72 hours off to find ourselves. Me, so I'm not wasting the two hours a day on unrewarding clickbait...and you so you can realize that expending shareholder resources lording over and snooping in on people's conversations probably isn't a good idea.
I'll only be calling when I need to post articles I've written or post a new episode on my podcast. Until then....
Aaron Clarey
Amazon Affiliate
I know we've had our troubles in the past, especially you kicking me out of your life for a 72 hour probationary period. However, thankfully, in those 72 hours without you it gave me time to pause, think, and reflect upon our relationship.
You see, while I love interacting online with my friends, engaging in conversation, and provoking new thought and emotions in others, in the end I find that about 90% of my time spent with you is ultimately wasted. I've been conditioned to automatically click on my Facebook App icon if I see there's a new notification, only to realize it's a picture or a comment that neither advances nor genuinely improves my life. When I hear that "ding" on my phone my heart has palpitations, thinking it may be something of genuine intellectual interest, only to see it's another, of increasingly common, articles about refugees raping their "Refugees Welcome" hosts or Donald Trump p'wnding the media. And instead of going to bed at a reasonable hour, you keep me up at night in the vain hopes you might just say something useful, inspiring, or intelligent to me...and you just don't. When I add it up, I waste a full 2 hours a day with you that is just unrewarding.
Also, to be honest, you're just a bit too controlling. When I'm having a private conversation with friends about sensitive political topics, you seem to think you have the authority to come in and ban me out of your life because of my views. And I fear it isn't even my views as much as it is my language, which makes you even more invasive and tyrannical! My use of the word "faggot" (which I can only surmise is why you wanted to not see me for those ponderous 72 hours, but you won't tell me) wasn't a slander against gays (of which you KNOW I'm pro-gay and pro-gay marriage), as much as it was leftist faggoty pussies that are destroying our nation. And my BFF Chris? You banned him too for equally unknown reasons! Of course, I know I'm under your house and your rules, and you can make up whatever rules you want, but I just thought you were more progressive and open-minded than that, especially for somebody from San Francisco.
Considering all this, I agree with you. I think we do need a break. But unlike your 72 hour probation period, I don't want to see you for 2 weeks. I miss my real friends in the real world. I want it to be like the 80's again where we met in meatspace, played baseball, had lunch, and biked all over town. I want to find myself again so I don't lose myself to a digital world of kitty pics, Daily Mail tabloid articles, and Donald Trump hashtags. I want to go and fish and ride my motorcycle and live life. And truthfully, I want to end my addiction to clicking on the Facebook app everytime I hear a "ding" or see a notification.
I know this may be hard for you...and heaven help you if millions of other people were to do the same thing. Because, unlike "boycotting big oil for one day" if millions of people didn't check into Facebook for two weeks, that might actually have an effect...but I think we both need more than 72 hours off to find ourselves. Me, so I'm not wasting the two hours a day on unrewarding clickbait...and you so you can realize that expending shareholder resources lording over and snooping in on people's conversations probably isn't a good idea.
I'll only be calling when I need to post articles I've written or post a new episode on my podcast. Until then....
Aaron Clarey
Amazon Affiliate
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