(though, I seriously wonder whether you should even argue with them, and rather instead just accuse them of being disingenuous and hiding behind such a ruse as "global warming" to rationalize a wealth transfer. no, seriously, anybody even thing about that? Instead of trying to argue whether or not there is global warming, wouldn't it just be easier to go straight to the jugular and question their belief in it? To accuse them of being nothing more than desperate socialists willing to resort to the most outlandish conspiracy theories and methods to parasite off the producers of society? Ah, forget it, never mind, the amount of brainwashing kids get nowadays in school if they'll vote for somebody who promises "hope" and "change" and no means by which to deliver it, they'll fight to the death for something as a fear-mongering religion as global warming.)
Yet another demonstration of why global warming isn’t about global warming any more than the environmental movement is no longer about the environment or the animal rights movement isn’t about animals.
The truly scary part is how unquestioning our world leaders are about the lack of true science involved with this charade. The cynical side of me (OK, both sides of me are cynical) thinks that governments may be looking past the huge amount of our money that they can collect by charging for something that has no value (carbon emissions) and looking forward to the point where they can control industry (and therefore people) by rationing carbon emissions (energy) or simply assigning a perceived value to various activities and taxing their emissions according to the perceived value. SUV’s bad, hybrids good; meat bad, tofu good; all the things that retired hippies have been advocating for years. Meat eaters and big trucks are once again on the verge of destroying civilization as we know it. The only difference is that this time world leaders have figured out a way to use the hysteria to their advantage.
Anyone who truly wants to understand global warming should read one of the excellent books on the subject. You would walk away much calmer and with an understanding of past warming periods. I recommend Unstoppable Global Warming: Every 1500 Years by Singer & Avery and Cool It by Bjorn Lomborg. While Lomborg does credit increased CO2 emissions with contributing to the current warming he recognizes that the benefits of cheap energy vastly improve the lives of humans all over the globe and that the cost of coping with a warmer world is much lower than the ridiculous proposals that would destroy the world’s economy while doing nothing to stop the temperature from going up.
It is entries like these which highlight why I love pointing out articles such as this.
Sun Spot Numbers
One could ask what does that graph look like? It even has the blip in it during the early 70's where people though the "coming ice age" was on it's way.
Coming Ice Age
Top that off with a little bit of 'sunspot inactivity' and you have... 0.7degree drop in temperature this past year?
Sun Spot Mystery
So please buy your SUV and save us all! ;)
Am I reading that wrong, or does Russia consume one pound of oil per dollar of GDP?
A GREAT post!
You don't often get to see the energy used by developping nations (and Russia can probably be counted as a "developping nation" given it's emerging market based economy).
It's amazing how easy it seems to be to convince so many Americans of things that are ultimately anti-American, or anti-Capitalist.
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