Yeah, but those acres aren't where the oil is.
Seriously, this is the consequence of "going green" and brainwashing my generation with "Captain Planet" and the current generation with dying polar bears/global warming.
You leftists pushed for ethanol. You leftists voted in the democrats who have been against ANWAR and drilling WHERE THE OIL IS and shale drilling. You've been against building nuclear power plants. You've been against building refineries. You have effectively cut off the supply of energy (and don't tell me about wind or solar power). YOU are to blame, so don't bitch about the high price of gas or revert to your inane conspiracy theory argument and blame it on "big oil."
This is (as Rush Limbaugh says) the egregious price of your ignorance.
The question is whether you're going to get sick of $5 gallon gasoline and come around, or continue to force a low standard of living on the country to adhere to your psycho-pathological infatuation with environmentalism.
"Captain Planet,
he's a hero,
he's gonna take pollution down to zero,
If there is anything in this world rife for parody, it is Captain Planet.
My favorite are these idiots saying "well, it will take 4-7 years to get that oil to the market."
Cripes, by the same logic then people should never attend college;
"It's going to take me 4 - 7 years to get my degree. What use is that??"
Freaking morons.
Absolutely, absolutely right!
The number 1 threat to America's security and our economic well-being isn't Al-Qa'aeida or attorney-generals getting fired, or even homoes getting married in California (thats #2 on the list).
Quite simply it is the brainwashing of our children to believe Al Whore's lies about "global warming" and all this environmentalist nonsense coming from the Looney Left.
In the Book of Genesis, God CLEARLY gives Man dominion over all the beasts of the land and all the fishes of the sea, and all of nature to do with as he pleases. God commands and instructs us to take what we want.
My own research indicates that the End Times are to begin within six years. Why shouldn't we take what we want from the Earth with so little time left before ascending to God's Kingdom? So what if we drill in the Artic Refuge for oil? The deer and polar bears are ours by God's Divine Right, and there are always more animals out there, but seldom ever cheaper fuel!
Dr. Ted Baehr
Founder, Christian Film & TV Commission
I agree almost 100% with Dr. Ted Baehr....although number two on my list is the anti-Capitalism that has become a sickeningly widespread cult in America.
I agree that this whole environmental thing is totally over the edge now. I believe in the free market and its power to show us the right way with its prices. If oil is getting dearer, then prices will go up. As a matter of fact, they do! What an astonishing proof of a functioning market! So, higher prices will do the thing, they will give us incentives to adjust our energy consumption. Why can't we wait a couple years to let it happen?
What I didn't expect is a comment that says we should burn all fuel as long as we can, because The End is nigh. This is so similar to the "buy on credit/mortgage"-thinking of many Americans that it's almost hilarious. As a matter of fact, most people are really concerned about the future, that's why we have a recession now. They cut back spending, because they start to worry about the future. That's amazing, as one could've expected them to credit-spend their way out of a recession!
So, people still behave rational, at least a little bit. If they would only do so when debating about the environment and economics...
If oil is getting dearer, then prices will go up. As a matter of fact, they do! What an astonishing proof of a functioning market!
Since when does a socialist allow evidence interfere with the business of dismantling capitalism?
Sadly, it always takes a crisis to get morons and idiots to pull their head out of their ass...
Good point, randian. But you are perhaps overestimating the intelligence of these morons. If they would be socialists, being busy with dismantling capitalism, they would have a plan about what to do. As a matter of fact, these green morons don't have any plan, they just keep screaming "oh my god, we have global warming, we gotta do something immediately".
It's like yelling "FIRE" in an overcrowded casino. Everybody starts running around confused, letting all their money to the hands fall into the hands of the guy who yelled.
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