And if you want to get technical, a flea is about 200 times the size of Anwar.
Please, leftists and enviromentalist whackos, e-mail in your thoughts!
(and sorry, unless it is genuinely intelligent commentary you make, it will be thrown in the troll pile)
Just to let you know I'm not narmally a troll on Anarcho-Capitalist websites... and now that that's out of the way.
As the comic you posted no doubt showed ANWR is a very small part of Alaska, much the same as Yosemite (or the Redwoods) is a small part of California. Without qualification I've read that ANWR contains enough energy to power the needs of US motorists for 3 days.
I'm not sure if you and other proponents of ANWR drilling are considering the long term consequences for such a short term gain.
Also, I noticed that Obituary is written on the other side of that comic. How appropriate.
-Longtime Fan
Not that wiki is the official source, but they cite the EIA suggesting 2.6 billion barrels, considerbly more than 3 days of Us motorist consumption;
So you're willing to take all the enivornmental risks, as well as set the precedent that it's OK to repurpose parkland for commercial use, for a maximum $1.44 decrease in the price of a barrel of oil?
How badly do you need a 5 cent reduction in a gallon of gas?
I disagree with the premise it's only going to be 5 cents. I also think taking action by be willing to drill in ANWR will send the signal to the market the US isn't going to just sit there and will explore other areas for oil. That alone would cause oil to drop by $10 a barrel (in my humble estimation). Heck, if this latest sheik said, "I think we could see $170 per barrel" triggers a self-fulfilling $2 per barrel rise, what would a commitment to explore our own reserves do?
Gas is what, $140 a barrel? A drop of 10 or even $20 a barrel is going to make gas, still seem expensive. ( I dont' think gas is expensive) I know Anwr is a small portion of Alaska, but once you ruin it (assuming the drilling would "ruin it," it's ruined forever. The short run difference of 7-12% of the cost of gas isn't worth that in my opinion.
But what if the investors actually listen to the environmentalists and create a self-fulfilling no effect?
I'm just curious if any of the Moon Unit wannabes have actually seen any pictures of this Pristine Natural Paradise that belongs to Our Earth Mother they so vehemently defend?
It already looks as though someone took a bulldozer to it. In fact, it looks like North Dakota, only colder and with snow year-round.
THERE'S NOTHING THERE! Are you bozos planning a family vacation to ANWR anytime soon??? Are you really THAT concerned that it's going to be "ruined forever"? Do you cretins even REALIZE how freakin' MUCH of this nation we HAVE? That, just maybe, the oil companies, contrary to popular imagery, don't rape your Earth Mother for fun?
I'm choking on my own rage, for crying out loud!
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