Tuesday, August 28, 2018

How Worthless Degrees Ruin Lives

This request from Asshole Consulting was a good one because it shows how majoring in a worthless subject can ruin your life.  However, what was really sad was how this girl's family completely failed her, even pushed her into wasting 6 years on a worthless masters degree, consequently ruining her future finances forever.

With school starting soon, may I recommend as a parting gift to any college bound student, the book "Worthless."  If you listen to the video above, if that girl spent $12 on the book she would have saved herself 6 years of her life and $120,000 in student debt.  And let's not forget the life-long interest she's going to pay on that debt because her degree is not only worthless, but cripples her from putting for the work that will be necessary to free her from that debt.

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