And while the Captain is continually amazed how sweet and kind she is, there have been several things that she has done which have just completely floored him and taken him off guard. Things that have gone beyond what most women have done. For example
She said yes to a date.
She showed up for the date.
She agreed to go on a second date.
She surprised him by taking him out to a place he had never been before.
And of course she bought the Captain flowers which he posted on this blog.
However, the fetching babe of capitalism has outdone herself this time;

I am the envy of all economists.
She found you fetching yourself? That must have been embarrassing.
It certainly sounds like a compromising position. Is the Captain sure he should be discussing this on a family-friendly website?
I would think if I were some piece o' crap financial advisor whose girfriend told me she were riding an economist I'd be worried. I suppose some guys take whatever portion of time they can get.
Owwww nasty! The insults are getting lower every day.... fight! fight! fight! fight! :)
I wonder if you can get a 'programmer' version of that t-shirt :)
I suppose some guys take whatever portion of time they can get.
And some take whatever portion of guys they can get, every time... sanjay. (*coughhomocough*)
- R
And some guys walk on their knuckles, ans have long sloping foreheads
And some guys walk on their knuckles, ans have long sloping foreheads
Now why did you go an blow your cover like that, sanjay? We can't see what you look like on here, dude.
I guess it helps to fill in the picture of why you're so emotionally needy, which clearly is what brings you here. I would be, too, if I looked like a chimp and couldn't ever get laid.
You could probably score with Gudrun Schyman (see Cappy's recent posting; she leads Sweden's feminazi party). She's kinda manly looking, which ought to be right up your alley, and she's a commie, so she would probably share her bed with you "for the common good"... and in your case, for absolutely NO other reason.
- R
You, sad, sad little boy, "R". You actually thought you got the best of that, didn't you? That "homo" is more cutting than "bigot"? Not surprising, since I imagine Aaron draws a lot of like minded folk, by which I mean stupid, racist, and illiterate.
But here's a tip:
will get you laughed at --- not _with_, _at_ --- when you leave junior high school. Right now we just all pity you.
Alright, since Sanjay seems to be bringing the caliber of this blog down, I'll take votes.
All in favor of banning Sanjay from this list sound off. All those opposed sound off as well.
I'm not sure Sanjay's comment above wasn't so "bad" as to merit deletion. If you're still actually looking for people to "sound off", I would be in favor of his not being banned.
Arguably the only times I've been checking this recently have been when Sanjay has alerted me to your having written something or other exhibiting a sadly high level of dicketry (my phrasing, not his), or I've checked in to watch the ensuing dialogue when research was going slowly.
But if you were to delete my input so as the skew your vote in "the right" direction, I'd understand. This interweb is a scary and cutthroat place like that, or so is my estimation.
Unrelatedly, I've been trying to figure out whether or not you'd like this.
Hi Mariam,
Well it's unfortunately too bad for him, because enough people were complaining about him. Not about his politics, but just his immature insults to people. Seemed more concerned about yelling at people than having an intellectual discourse. That and I won't tolerate being called a racist.
You, though we may disagree at times, are more than welcome to this board...that and you're one of the few girls on this board! ;)
I guess I just don't see how the occasional insult (which lots of people begin with, whether it is a crass reference to onanism or the like) outweighs the value of dissent--keeping the comment section from being just a big incestuous amplification of occasionally wrong minded thinking. I can see how I would prefer a multi-comment CC-love-fest, but Sanjay certainly makes people defend their viewpoints, in general, which I can't see as a bad thing.
Do you ever look back at the changes in your blog over time? Dennis Miller, in a rant about the afterlife, once said,
"the next thing in the eternal life is you get to review all the moments of your life. Oh, that's great. Having to watch daily's of all the stuff you'd rather forget from your earlier days. Scenes like the time you figured out how to [engage in relations with] your toy cement mixer when you were twelve..."
I'd like to think that some day (before death) you'll look at some of your recent posts and cringe, seeing the notable change between this and some of your more recent diatribes. Because April05 was a cool guy; I found him endearing, like the sing-songy version of your radio-show song that brought the station manager up to the booth.
Agreed, and with my sister (Ice Princess as well) I'm all for disagreement and both sides. But unfortunately, this web site's primary reason for existing is to bring in money, and thus I respond to the market. So while I may get a post from you and my younger sibbling tendering the argument that we should have true discourse, I have a score of e-mails complaining about how he's immature, insulting, etc. etc., beyond his criticism of whatever. That and the hits go down when he blathers on non-stop with non-sequitirs, insults, name calling, and what have you. He can go and start his own blog if he wants, but his childish attitude will not be tolerated here.
And the payment in kisses song is nice and cute, but the economic realities of the wordl require somebody to be the hard ass (this my sister, will perhaps agree with me about). Writing economic poetry may give us warm fuzzies and attract the occasional hit, but addressing slightly more serious issues like terrorism, the effects of baby boomers bloating up the securities markets, etc., are what gets the hits.
heh, I was actually referring to the 47 comment-having entry that was how I and a few people I know ended up here. But sure, the poetry stuff was nice too.
I would think, though, that if it's just hitcount that matters to you, it would seem prudent to just keep posting "babes" and "cartoons" instead of tossing out "serious issues" couched in heavy-handed commentary that is at times arguably as inappropriate as profanity where the fact that this may be used by a couple teachers (high school) is concerned...unless you couched the commentary as "a piece on sterotypes entertained by people in ~ethnically homogeneous environments." Then one might be able to shrug things off with the "doesn't know better" tag.
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