Well, seems Captain Capitalism has readers in some more exotic locations.
Seems Hawaii finally came around and joined the remaining 49 states.
Mauritius. That's what I'm talking about! What blog can claim representation in Mauritius!?
And by the looks of it, I'd say Churchill off of Hudson Bay. The only reason I know of this town is because the meteorologist in Minneapolis would always check in the temperatures there in January to make out -17 degree day seem balmy. I hate that effer.
And, last, but not least, no doubt my good buddy Hugo down there in Venezuela read my post about what a piss sh!t job he's done running that country into the ground. Great article in The Economist about how he's claiming we're about to invade his country and he'd burn all the oil before he'd let us have it. Such posturing before an election. But that's alright, millions of ignorant Americans will still shop at Citgo everyday giving this impotent dictator enough money to stay in power...not to mention the ignorant Venezuelan simpletons who think socialism is the way to grow the economy.
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