And to make a long story short, Argentina is much akin to Ecuador, Bolivia and Venezuela in that (very long economic story made short) the people blamed the IMF, America and the West for their problems, elected idiots or outright dictators into office who are now about to destroy not just their economies, but their democracies.
But this takes the cake. To show you how utterly stupid and naive Kirchner (wife or husband) really is. She asks, rhetorically, the audience how Argentina lowered its debts. Claiming the lowering of the debt was due to some economic genius on the part of her husband. Look closely at the red highlights in the article.
Are you joking?
Yeah, what Argentinian economic genius. Lower your debts, by just refusing to pay for them.
Wow, seriously, she must have gone to the U of Chicago.
I think I'm just going to do the same with my mortgage and then brag about it. I can see it now, chatting up some girl at the bar;
"Hey baby, I just got rid of my mortgage."
"Really, how? Through hard work? Creative investments? You won the lottery?"
"No baby, I pulled an Argentinian. I just refused to pay it. I'm an economic deadbeat. And I blame America and the IMF."
"Wow, you're so dreamy!"
What gets me is she's the most popular candidate and likely to become the president of Argentina. Are the Argentinian people really that stupid to elect somebody like her when within 2 minutes of a speech she clearly displays her ignorance of basic economics???
Yeah, right, enjoy those 4 years of economic growth in Argentina. It will be coming to an end.
Re-read your penultimate paragraph, and substitute the word "America" for "Argentinia" as appropriate.
This nation may not (yet) be in the same boat as the four nations to the south, but we DO have a popular female candidate for the presidency who displays an amazing ignorange towars basic economics, yet the chances are excellent, based on name alone she will become President. Is not that prospect wonderful?
Despite the many flaws of representative government, one of the things I like best is that the majority gets what's coming to them.
When Argentina gets turned into a wreck of poverty and socialism, I won't feel any pity for the people who brought it on themselves. It's too bad that the people who know better (there's got to be a few, right?) will end up getting shafted too.
Yeah, I know, I feel bad for the 30% of Venezuelans that didn't vote for Hugo. But I will admit to a sadistic pleasure watching the 70% of Chavez lovers slowly have their hopes dashed.
of course when economic utopia does not manifest itself, Chavez will blame the US, and I'm afraid, most of them will believe it.
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