Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Global Warming My Ass

From Kate. This is what it looks like in Montana today.

Global warming, my sweet little, perfectly sculpted, highly sought after, and much-looked-at-by-the-ladies ass.


CBMTTek said...

While I agree that global warming is BS, and climate change happens no matter what, the fact that there is snow on the ground in one location at this one moment is not significant at all.

Right now, it is about 20° above normal in Anchorage AK, but I would never use that as an indicator that global warming is real.

Nice picture though. Well done.

Oh, and thanks for not posting a picture of the other item mentioned in your post.

Anonymous said...

Being born in Alaska, I had to laugh at the "horrific" footage of glaciers welting in AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH. That's waht glaciers do--every freaking year--they expand and contract all the time.

I tell you though, I am really amazed at how tenacious some people are about GW--and how ignorant, while all the time claiming the people who have actually looked at the evidence and don't believe in it are in denial!

Good luck on your business idea.

Mike Kelley said...

I live in Montana. I recently emailed my two (Democrat) Senators about my anger over their cap and trade scheme to "stop global warming". I got a reply from John Tester's office with the usual boilerplate, and then the email said that John has been planting crops on his Montana farm earlier and earlier due to our warming climate. Taken aback, I replied that he must farm in quite a "banana belt", since we were still getting snow and frost well into June here in Southern Montana. I hope we have an economy left when these creeps get done.