I will make several observations and comments;
1. Neither one of these morons produces enough to support themselves. And it would not surprise me that either they are;
a. Spoiled brat suburbanite children whose parents have paid for everything
b. Spoiled brat government children whose government has paid for everything
In either case, neither one of them hold real jobs and rely on other people to take care of them.
2. Wild, crazy guess here, NEITHER ONE VOTED FOR JOHN MCCAIN
3. They didn't major in real subjects in college (if attended at all) because if they did, they may have had the engineering skills to make sure their engine would RUN MORE THAN 2 FREAKING MILES BEFORE CONKING OUT
4. "Alcohol was found on the scene." NOOOOOOOO!!!!
You should be a nice guy and go help them out. It would be a win-win. And it would boost the collective IQ of both Minnesota AND Louisiana.
OK, I was kidding about the last part.
Snort. Never mind the "charming', straight from central casting, fake fashion sense.
I could dress better from goodwill & salvation army stores, in fact, I have.
Even funnier...the cop was a sweetheart, giving plenty of time to fix stuff, and they are GOING DOWN STREAM...you don't actually need a motor, a couple of sweeps ( big long oars, if you can't improvise them, yer an idjit) would get you far from the MN police jurisdiction over-night.
Stoner college kids doing something overly ambitious and end up looking stupid? Go on.
I do have to say I admire their sense of Adventure.
Too bad their stupidity prevented the big adventure...
Still not sure why they were stopped. Is the boat not "Coast Guard" approved? Do we really need that much intrusion? Shouldn't we just let them go down river and if they make it great, if they sink and drown - oh well..
Darwin would approve.
Okay, one's from Vancouver, BC - they're all strange out that way...and they both met in college, in Montreal - where the strangest of the strange go to get an edumuhcation. Nuff said...
They are university educated all right. The killer line for me was they hadn't read Huck Finn.
I bet Minneapolis never gets repaid for the tow and storage fees. I suspect their "boat" might be worth $50 at the next auction.
They should consider themselves very fortunate. Had that piece of dreck made it to Lake Pepin where the wind can cause some nasty waves, they very easily could have drowned.
Regarding the alcohol, I suspect copious quantities of mind-altering chemicals were ingested before they hatched this plan.
They did select a proper destination - they'd fit right in with those in New Orleans.
Hopefully they are a bit older and a lot wiser now, but somehow I'd doubt it.
I question your comment about voting for John McCain. I didn't, either.... I voted for a conservative who had a clue about economics, and finance. Nope, obviously wasn't Barry Obama, either. Somehow I have to get people who claim to be conservative to vote conservative, not necessarily Republican (most of 'em ain't). One might have voted for McCain, not being able to tell Barry from John except for the age factor and the stories about the war from the old guy....
Counterpoint time.
1: Neither produces enough to support themselves.
Maybe. Some hippies are entirely self-sufficient, usually the kind who keep livestock; like these two. Their listed provisions weren't exactly extravagant, and considering that they had the technical skills to put together that houseboat, hippie-level carpentry isn't beyond them. It doesn't take much income to live on potatoes supplemented with livestock.
2: In either case, neither one of them hold real jobs and rely on other people to take care of them.
Most people who are in the process of moving across the country don't hold a job during that time. A lot of college students don't have jobs either; I know you did, as did I, but it's not unusual to just go to school without holding a job at the same time.
As for them relying on others to take care of them, that's pure guesswork on your part. They relied on someone else to provide them with a place to build a boat. When their house got impounded, they cooked for the people they're staying with. That's not indicative of a freeloader mentality.
No shit, Captain? I bet they're not the only Canadians who didn't. They were in Canada until two months ago, remember?
4: They didn't major in real subjects in college (if attended at all) because if they did, they may have had the engineering skills to make sure their engine would RUN MORE THAN 2 FREAKING MILES BEFORE CONKING OUT
Captain, not everyone who goes to college learns to be a mechanic. They built a houseboat, which is a lot more than most people could do, college education or not. The article itself says they met at school in Montreal and identifies them as college students.
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