When in high school I got personalized plates that said "MCLANE" for my 1978 Cutlass Supreme (spent $50 on it).
I still have them hanging above my bar.
That is because John McClane is one of the few remaining truly American heroes left.
He doesn't negotiate like Richard Gere. Or look to negotiate with people that want us dead like Barack Hussein Obama. He's a real man. Not one of these sensitive 90's guys.
He doesn't care what is politically correct or whether he'll get in trouble with the authorities if he violated some anal retentive rules about giving people their due process even as they try to blow up the Nakatomi plaza. He just kills them.
That's why we should vote for John McClane.
John McClane is the modern day incarnation of John Wayne. I think the first name is not a coincidence.
However, consider this. Could a man like John McClane exist today? In 1945 he would be on par with Audie Murphy, a true American hero. Today he would be sued, lambasted, and accused of racism (after all he killed a lot of Germans in Die Hard 1 and 3, he also killed a Hispanic drug dealer in Die Hard 2, which means he must die). So if it boiled down to it, who would ever step up to the plate to be heroic or in the classical, historic sense, "American?" The answer is no one.
I say it in half jest because I am a carry/conceal permit holder, and though not true to my instincts, I fully agree with what the instructor said, "it is more of a liability than a privilege to carry a gun." Any notions of "pulling out my gun and saving the Nakatomi employees" let alone the lady on the street getting mugged or any truly innocent person is not worth the legal liability. This is the situation political and legal forces has brought us to. To do the right thing, should it be demanded, is so deterred by the legal ramifications, it's just best to sit down and be quiet and not be a hero, even though that's what America is screaming for.
Alas, a John McClane/Tony Stark presidential ticket is just a figment of our imagination and Barack Obama is a viable presidential candidate.
The most depressing thing I've seen all week is the list of fictional people to vote for on that site, with Jack Bauer averaging something like a 9.75 out of 10 and getting something like 30 times as many votes as John McClane. He's got a fitting line for his whole political philosophy, "Tell me where the bomb is or I will kill your son!" Throw that one in the mix along with his track record of torturing innocent American citizens who don't feel like cooperating with the authorities, which is portrayed sympathetically (for Jack the torturer) on 24. The whole thing makes me sick, and the overwhelming support that evil bastard gets makes me wonder what the fuck is wrong with people.
Captain, unfortunately, you are right on the mark. This country has become one of Pussies and Cowards running the show. They have no balls and therefore change things to accommodate their fears and lack of guts. What a crock of shit!! My old man had an expression he'd like to use when talking about this kind of issue that goes like this..."Everyone should be punched in face at least once." Think about it...
Hello, Capt,
I'm a mis-guided democrat that is pro-McCain, own my own house with ove 1/2 the cost in equity, love video games, make over 100K a year...and am a blonde Irish...interested ;)
The Irish Lass
Aw.. don't be so sad Cap'in.
In Oakland Ca., in the last month store owners got to kill 3 people trying to rob them. Almost with the police's blessings. And, did I mention that was in California. Oh yeah - I did.
It is sad when anyone dies.. but it does cut down on my jury duty requirements. Which I like.
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