Thursday, December 01, 2016

Only Cucks Will See "Rogue One"

I was almost going to see Rogue One when I saw this:

"When I look at the 'Rogue One' trailers, I see what I want from America. I see a multicultural group standing strong together led by a rebellious and courageous woman. That's what we are working towards, and what we will continue to work towards no matter what. That's what America - a land created as a haven for the persecuted, to be able to realize their limitless dreams - was created to be."

But no no.  Don't let me get in the way of your precious SWPL republicans Starbucks, Apple Products, and other ways you support genuine racists and socialists.


One Fat Oz Guy said...

I wasn't. You know it's going to be crap when they had to reshoot large parts of the movie, probably because it suffered from the same issues the last SW movie did.
I don't like the whole "we're a serious threat to the Empire kind of rebellion, but need a young girl who is extra awesome because without her we'll fail" message, at least in the original trailer.
I'll save my money, just like I am with the Kellogg boycott.

Mike43 said...

My wife saw the trailer a thought it was a parody of star wars by a comic troupe. When I explained it was a real movie, she couldn't believe anyone would want to pay money to see it.

Mr.Fruitbaskets said...

Man, they've tried so hard to bait people into liking/watching the movie, the spotlight on Darth Vader, another plotline of "this person stole the plans from the death star", DLC for the 2016 Star Wars:Battlefront (and the publisher or developer even stated they wouldn't be making any content for anything past episode 6). What else have they tried?

god damn hilarious.

Unknown said...

Everyone always wondered why The Galactic Empire was so appealing. The Empire is obviously Space Nazis with the uniforms, white guys and jackboots to prove it, but when you grow up and look again at the movies, you begin to see the rebellion aren't the "good guys" they were always made out to be. Those funny looking aliens were diversity in costumes. Now the masks have come off, and the appealing cool aliens are actually the Third World trash you try all your life to avoid. This movie is crap. It was bad enough to see those damn midgets in Teddy Bear costumes beat a "Legion of the Emperor's Best Troops, with stone knives, little tiny bows and rocks, but this new flim flam has a guy using a wooden katana killing him. This shit is faker than pro wrestling. Did you see that scene of a guy shooting a shoulder launched missile at the AT-AT. This looks like something you'd see in Afghanistan from a terrorist. And there it is. The rebellion isn't freedom fighters at all. Its a gang of terrorists attacking a Western Civilization. Their leaders live in caves and believe in magic. They blow things up and kill people. For what? The Republic wasn't a functional society was it? It was a rancid UN style mess where nothing got done. The Emperor didn't seize power, he was elected Chancellor, because the Senate was a useless and ineffective government. That Ben Kenobi really was just a crazy old wizard, and a big fat liar too. When Yoda says Wars don't make you great, he's not kidding. The Jedi aren't knights or warriors. They're a weird insular cult that only accepts underaged kids who have no parents. I think we can imagine why this is a policy, and its not anywhere good at all is it?

Jeff said...

Hell, only cucks saw The Force(Feminist) Awakens. Star Wars was actually shit since Return Of The Jedi with all those fucking ewoks.

Anonymous said...

On the other hand...

The Rebel Alliance is full of competent people with genuinely useful skills. No PhD's in Mon Calamari Transgender Studies here... these people can fly cool starships and blow stuff up in spectacular fashion. Not much room for feel-goods such as affirmative action quotas when every day might be your last.

Also, there seems to be a dearth of fat chicks in the Alliance. Yeah, Princess Liea packed on some pounds as she got older, but the action girls are fit, toned, and athletic, which helps them maintain the proper mental frame to fight an actual revolution against a tyrannical government whose media is NOT on their side.


THe Social Justice Whiners missed that part of it.

Unknown said...

Normally I'm excited for Star Wars movies. Last years movie and this years are both SJW garbage. Its sad.

daniel_ream said...

It's like these wankers don't remember that the leader of the Rebellion in Episode IV was a woman.

Vader999 said...

The sad fact is, Rogue One's story of stealing the Death Star plans had already been done MULTIPLE times back in the old Star Wars Expanded Universe.

Disney fans love shitting on the Star Wars Expanded Universe, but it looks like they can't get anything done without ripping it off. First was Episode VII being a mediocre retelling of the Jacen Solo saga in an Episode IV ripoff, then there's Thrawn being pulled into Rebels to score points with Expanded Universe readers, then there's this. Heck, I remember multiple versions of how the Death Star plans were discovered. One was from a prison riot caused by a Jedi, where the rioters downloaded the schematics from the mainframe and transmitted it. Another was with the special agent Kyle Katarn, who later becomes a Jedi. Another involved some Twi'lek chick.

If I were to make my own movie in the Star Wars universe, it'll be a retelling of the Game of Thrones Episode "Rains of Castamere" with the Rebels getting massacred by the Imperials and betrayed by "allies". That, or the Old Republic timeline where I turn that particular era covered by games like KOTOR and Old Republic as a brutal rendition of Game of Thrones in space.

The Sage said...

Fun Fact -- the original Star Wars was written as a Viet Cong vs USA scenario.
The franchise has not drifted far from its roots.

David Jravis said...

Another Star Wars movie I won't be watching. Didn't see the last one either. I'd almost rather watch the prequels again over the recent PC crapfest Star Wars has become. Almost.

Shouldn't be surprised, though, not with JJ Abraham running the show. On a sidenote, I just found out that he's involved in "Westworld", too. Scratch another show off the list.

David Jravis said...

Oh yeah, one last thing... I'm sick and tired of the "Mary Sue" lead women. They may have been a novelty decades ago, but it's gotten old and tired.

Especially this latest one... a teenage (or 20-something) criminal with an extensive rapsheet, with no battleground or leadership experience, who is chosen to lead a squad of hardened combat veterans on what is essentially a suicide mission. At least, that's the impression I'm getting from the trailers and posters, where she is front and center on ALL of them.

Yeah, she's believable.

Anonymous said...

Hollywood, media, music, NFL, internet, Target, Starbucks etc.

All are making it so damn easy to be a minimalist. I thought minimalist would be about sacrifice. It's not. It's something so clean and decent that it adds to my life. Thanks Hollywood!

Becoming The Monolith said...

Implying that the hordes of blacks, muslims, fagoots, and white betas will all be united under a "strong rebellious woman"

Get fucked.

liberranter said...

Only Cucks Will See "Rogue One"

Unfortunately, Amerika is overflowing with cucks. This PoS will probably go on to win an Oscar.

As for the movie, I only needed to see the first 30 seconds of the trailer (it was obvious immediately that the movie centered around an ass-kicking SIW) to know that I wanted absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with it.

Ben S. said...

Yep. Don't spend money on chick-flix gents.

Unknown said...

First time I watched the trailer for it I though it looked promising although having another Mary Sue as protagonist was irritating and once again rehashing old stories made me roll me eyes. After rewatching The Force Awakens (which I enjoyed enough first time in cinema) and fully realising the scale of the lazy writing and ridiculousness of Rey I've lost any enthusiasm for Rogue One. I'll probably give it a watch if I can download or stream it but I won't be paying for it.

They've also got a bloody Han Solo origin story movie coming out. Another blatant display of laziness and refusal to try and create anything new but initially thought 'well, at least it'll have a serious male protagonist instead of a GOGRRL Mary Sue' but they'll no doubt turn young Han Solo into a creepy fool who gets taught everything by a badass woman/women. In fact the (new canon) comics have already introduced some ex-wife of his who is...a badass Woman of Color, of course.

Bill said...

I only have true respect for the first three movies that were made in the 70's.In the meantime, anime.

daniel_ream said...

flighter: you're clearly getting better anime than I am, because about all I can see for miles is tsundere and magical girl crap.

Illegal Alien said...

I'll probably go and see it regardless of what the Capt. says, just to see what it is like. If it is too much SJW bullshit, I will just start throwing popcorn at the feminist landwhales sitting in the front row :L