I suppose I am to take from this graph that all Republicans today want slavery as there must be a correlation between voting patterns in 2004 and slave legality in 1862. I guess I'm supposed to also forget the fact that it was the Republican party that waged a civil war to free slaves. But that's just what I'm guessing.

The irony here is that no doubt the majority of Berkeley academians voted down the California proposition last week to require teachers work 5 years before they get tenure. Last I recall California was ranked 46th in the country in terms of education and accounts for a plurality of our population.
Heck, let's just bend over. OH wait, that's right, I'm not a California taxpayer.
What I love is how the Californians don't realize that they get to sleep in the bed they've made.
You Chief Economist of Goldman Sachs yet or what?
It's called Capital and Intellectual Flight.
You and the few capitalists out there can't fight the overwhelming odds of socialism out there.
Abandon ship while life rafts still exist.
Hey Captain:
I've seen that red state blue state map before, but I've never seen a comparison to the slavery chart to a red state blue state map for the Lincoln election in 1864. Can you use your super powers to post that comparison?
Communists. :| How can you allow your sister to be a Communist?
Anyways, this just goes to show that Democrats are idiots. Have they forgotten that slavery has been gone for 140 years? Have the forgotten that between 1865 and 1965 the Democrats were dominant in the South? Have they forgotten which party has the only former-KKK member in the Senate?
Seriously, screw Berkeley, dude.
To get that data owuld take more time than I have here and I just basically pissed away a bunch of time crunching numbers today only to find the data inconclusive.
No, my sister is not a bona fide communist. She's just suffering from brainwashing in academia. Of the opinion that all it takes is smart people and if we "just gave education more money" some how all the world's problems would go away.
When she starts making $80,000 out of college and sees $40,000 of it go to taxes to pay for that fine educational system they got in CA, she'll actaully take the time to look at the budget and she'll come around.
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