I'm not a big fan of Sarah Palin, nor this election, thus why I rarely comment on it. But I just have three questions;
1. What if this was a group of people with shirts saying "Obama's a (Fill In your racial epitaph here)________? Would not the MSM parade that on their front pages?
2. WTF is it with the visceral hatred for Sarah Palin? My sister, who is a rather rational individual even loathes her. WHY? I want a sane liberal/leftist to explain to me, LOGICIALLY (not emotionally) why I should have such hatred for this woman who as far as I can tell is most similar to the American populous, at least more similar than any senator or career politician. I'm willing to hear it and have it explained to me, but the logic I'm seeing is that "Well she a c#nt because she's a c@nt!"
3. This is an observation I've had, and I mean this sincerely. This is not sarcasm nor a slight, it is something I've noticed, a scientific observation that I am genuinely curious about and would welcome reasoned commentary. Far leftists seem to be less attractive, plain and simple. I look at people driving cars with Obama stickers and while there are certainly some hotties or handsomes, on average they are nowhere near as attractive as the average McCain bumper sticker. Additionally the men pictured above just have that "I've never thrown a punch or gotten in a fight nor swept a woman off her feet, but I'm really good at Dungeons and Dragons" kind of look.
I only ask these questions, because I sincerely believe the answer to the differences between the right and left are exemplified in visual form here. I just can't articulate the thought or connect/complete the theory or rationale. Something about that picture, the way those imbeciles look, the ignorant and inexplicable hatred they have (and aside that, it behooves the question, do you derive some kind of utility from wearing shirts like that- behooving yet another question, how pathetic are our lives that this is what you do with it?)
Bueller? Bueller?
CC - Excellent post. I'm new to your blog (3 weeks)and have found your insights immensely enjoyable.
But with respect to Q3, I have to take issue. Did you watch any of the DNC compared to the RNC? It was no contest - the democrats have the hotties. And this is coming from a lifelong conversative republican.
As much as I want to comment that the rational for #3 is some inverse relationship between intelligence and attractiveness, I'm much to shallow and thus have to defend the sex appeal of the left. It has been well documented that the majority of the entertainment industry is pro-Obama. As much as you might disagree and look down on them, you have to admit that it's an attractive group of folks.
On #2, I'd say the left's hate for Palin is directly related to how much the right loves her. And I believe that to be a reinforcing feedback loop.
#1, you're probably right, but I reject the equation. Both racism and sexism are terrible and ugly things, but racism is far more rooted in hate, and I think that's why there is so much attention on it in this race.
Why do they hate Palin? As you pointed out, she's pretty representative of "normal" people. They don't hate her as herself so much as they hate her as a representative of their real hate target . . . normal hard working middle American people who have real jobs, real families, real lives, and yes even real problems. That's who they really hate.
Well now wait a minute. I'm not talking about the people they parade in front of the TV's or movies, I mean by that measure Fox has the hottest anchors ever. I'm saying normal every day people you run into on the street. I guess the bumper stick test is what I'm primarily going on.
Fair enough, I'll do the requisite field work on the bumper sticker test
If it's any consolation, whatever it is making the shirts glow phosphorescent chartreuse is also a radioactive carcinogen. And if that third guy from the left is in fact Moby, then I say wear those shirts as long as you can.
1. Why would anyone be surprised at the hypocrisy and double-standards of leftists? Victory for their cause is their only loyalty.
2. Sarah Palin is hated by the left because she scares them. She's an attractive, successful conservative woman who breaks all the fascinating stereotypes they've constructed. She has also threatened their "messiah."
3. Of the women I knew in college, the liberals were far more attractive, on average, and a lot more fun! But when you include the uneducated masses from the street, it drags the average WAY WAY down. Most of the liberals in San Francisco and Berkeley literally look like shrivelled, fat, deformed, inbred mutants - except the gay men who take exceptionally good care of themselves.
Palin vs. Hillary
Cindy McCain vs. Michelle Obama
Megyn Kelly vs. Katie Couric
Rice vs. Albright
To see what your average liberal looks like, visit:
But please, make sure you view those images on an empty stomach.
Hello Captain:
I'll give your three questions a go...
1) As everyone knows, the MSM is in the Democratic Party's corner. I remember reading somewhere that something like 92% of the MSM votes Democrat - making them the most reliable voting block the Dems have. The reasons for this support have been explained by people better informed than I when it comes to the history of it all. But, in the end, it comes down to a common belief that the rules of "holding people accountable" apply to everyone else but them.
2) Sarah Palin is the average blue-collar woman that Hillary pretends to be. Leftists are all about symbolism over substance. When someone of substance gets in their face (but is from the "other side"), it's like proving to a true believer that their religion was wrong. They are going to react viciously.
Furthermore, if Sarah Palin were to ever become VP or even (someday) president, it would be a clean-sweep for conservative women. Golda Meir, Indira Ghandi, Margaret Thatcher, Kim Campbell, and Benazeer Bhutto were all women and all conservatives (relative to the politics of their countries). these were women who didn't complain about how tough it was being a woman in politics. They didn't draw attention to their gender and they never-ever cried (or feigned crying) in pubic.
Palin getting to power would be proof that conservative women have a superior approach to politics - and (unlike poor Hillary) a woman can get elected without riding the coat-tails of her husband. This would totally ruin the leftists need to see women as inferior victims (being held down by conservatives, of course) and they can't have that.
3) Most people who support leftist causes (from Hollywood celebrities to the dorks in the photo you show here) have one thing in common...they believe that success is all about luck:
They believe that, if Person A has been more successful than Person B, it's because they lucked out in that they were born with good looks, or to a rich/well-connected family, or they were in the right place at the right time to impress the right boss into giving them a good job. To those on the left, hard work has little to do with it...so they give up easily. They "let themselves go" and don't bother dressing better, getting an education, trying more than once to get a girl, etc. That's why they have that perpetual "look-of-a-life-long-D&D-player."
Since they believe that they are not masters of their own fate, they are stuck in a perpetual state of waiting for the miracle (read Obama) to come and make their lives better. Then, they'll be able to say, "in your face" to us evil conservatives who actually got a useful degree, or failed a few times (and learned from those failure) before becoming successful, or actually got shot down by girls a few times before realizing that dressing a little better, trimming your ear hair, and trying again might gain you some success.
People with too much time on their hands?
I have two kids and I am scared for their future. I really don't want them to go to a liberal arts college. The kids in the pic look like college students to me.
I did a lot of stupid stuff when I was in college but I remember -- distinctly -- thinking that the world is getting stupider and more lazy.
I'm trying to make amends for my own laziness and stupidity now that I'm in my 40s. (GAH!)
I hope people with strong work ethics and live-and-let-live mindsets prevail.
There are no more real liberals. They are nothing more than leftist radicals wearing the liberal flag.
Those loser pu**ies in that pic could never attract a woman like Sarah Palin no matter what they did.
They have a deep soul-level anger against those kind of strong women with character because they will always be rejected by them.
Read Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. The book highlights your point about capitalists being much better looking than the socialists. Even though the book was written long ago it describes todays world pretty accurately with respect the world becoming more and more socialist in the developed countries. It is scary.
The best explanation for #2 that I've read comes from Mencius Moldbug. I'm not sure whether any leftists will really agree with it, but from the outside it seems accurate.
It's quite an interesting phenomenon. I have only seen a previously obscure person generate this level of hate this quickly once in my life, and that person was Osama Bin Laden. His case was considerably easier to explain, of course.
Well, lets see. I'll take up the position as one of those loony liberal leftists you were asking about in #2.
So, why do 'we' (quotes there) hate Sarah Palin?
There's a number of reasons.
Lets start by her selection as VP.
McCain selected her as his running mate. Lets see why this happened. Was it for her deep insightful policies? (answer: no, she doesn't have any). Was it for her long standing record and volumes of experience in federal government? (answer: no, she has zero experience in large scale government). Was it for her massive understanding of foreign policy? (answer: no, need I detail this?). So why exactly did he choose her? One can really only speculate, but to my mind, it was primarily because she would provide controversy, debate, and some 'excitement' to McCain's staid, boring rhetoric. She's almost like the comic relief. No substance, no depth, but gosh, isn't she fun to watch?
Lets keep going. After her speech at the RNC convention, it sure appeared to me that McCain's people went "HOLY CRAP we screwed up", and it appears ever since then, McCain's crew has been on damage control with her. They don't let her do interviews (2. Two interviews in, what, a month? Palin was doing a dozen interviews a week when governor. Why won't they let her talk?) for fear of her spouting more of her nonsense.
Lets talk about her presentation for a few minutes. Her approach when doing stump speeches is to continuously repeat widely disproven statements, long after everyone (including the GOP themselves!) have said "no, that's actually not true." If not outright falsehoods, the wildly inflammatory spin she puts on anything she presents is doing less to bolster her parties position, and more to rile up hotheads into violence. This is politics? In a campaign, she presents the Democratic nominee not as a possible choice that the people should decide upon, but as an enemy that should be eliminated because they are a physical threat to the well being of the American people.
Lets go personal for a moment. This is where I'm sure many of your readers will consider these comments typical leftist blatherings, so feel free to skip this bit. Palin chose to have a (fifth!) child at age 43, with the full knowledge of the high risk of down syndrome. Immediately after having this child, she left to hit the campaign trail. Brilliant. Have a special needs child, leave them at home to pursue a political career. So this whole thing about her being a soccer mom and all that? Not doing so well here.
Lets take on her religious views for a moment. There's various statements about her positions, whether it be pentacostal or whatever, but she describes herself as "a bible believing christian". That places her pretty much dead center of the conservative republicans. That will already generate a lot of enmity in the left, but we (the left) have had to listen to the conservatives yammering on about 'family values' and 'good christian upbringing' and 'abstinence' and all that for the last decade or so, when this woman puts herself up as representing this slice of america... with a pregnant 17 year old daughter. I understand that raising teenage children is a huge challenge for any parent (I have children of my own). But I'm just waiting for the day this woman stands up for abstinence only sex education.
When looking at her record, there's not a lot to check through, but what there is is pretty painful. She's been indited in the so called 'troopergate' issue. That ethics investigation started long before McCain tapped her, so this is not a political witch hunt. If it were an isolated issue, that would be fine, but take a look at all the bits about Todd Palin (her husband), whom Sarah injected into the political process in Alaska, giving him access to documentation, process, and decision making that he had no right to be involved in. When asked about this, Ms. Palin brings up "he's my best friend, of course I'm going to ask his advice". Advice? Sure. Todd Palin calling meetings on his own, and rifling through state personnel documents he had no right to access? That's cronyism, pure and simple.
In a nutshell, I can find nothing in this woman that I can support. I find her shallow, hypocritical, and deliberately inflammatory in ways that help no one. She brings nothing to the veep slot. When we elect someone to an office, it should be on the grounds of "Can this person do a good job?", not "she's a hoot, lets see what happens!"
So there's your left-wing moonbat blathering for the day :)
#3 clearly calls for a double-blind test:
1. Come up with a set of criteria to place anyone on a left-right continuum based on their answers to a few questions.
2. Have a neutral administrator administer these questions to a set of people who don't know what the goal of the study is. Quarantine their answers, using barcodes to identify which person gave which answers, but don't have anyone look at them yet. (or store them on a computer, but again, make sure nobody involved looks yet)
3. Have a panel of people, including yourself, look at each of the individuals who answered the questions - identified by code. Knowing nothing else about them, not even name, rate their attractiveness on a common scale (say, 1 to 5).
4. Get the left-right rating for each person from the questionnaires, perceived attractiveness rating from #3, and run the stats.
I very very strongly suspect these results:
* If your sample is geographically diverse, you will see no systematic difference in anyone's answers, not even your own. You may find people less attractive when you know or suspect they're liberal, and/or it may stick in your memory disproportionately, but I highly doubt liberals are actually visually less attractive to you than conservatives.
* If your sample is not geographically diverse, certain subcultures will tend towards certain appearances, and the people doing the rating will likely pick up on these cues. Therefore, you'll likely find some statistically significant correlations when looking at each individual rater's numbers. Taken as a whole, though, the ratings would show no correlation, just as with a geographically diverse sample.
3 quick answers
1) You alreday know the answer to that or you wouldn't be asking.
2) Many excellent points have been made, and I agree with most of them, but I think one has been overlooked...abortion.
About 1/3 of the women in this country have had an abortion at one time or another, and more than a few men have pressured for/paid for their partner's abortion. From what I understand, paying a third party to cut your innocent unborn child into pieces and toss the remains into a trash can often causes feelings of guilt, and these can often be difficult to deal with. Many people feel, at least on some level, that hiring someone to conduct infanticide on their own kids might make them "bad person", and they have various ways of dealing with the guilt.
One of these defense mechanisims is by saying "If it's legal it must be ok." Another (and this is where Palin comes in) is that they tell themselves the abortion was something regretable but that it "had to be done". They tell themselves they "had no choice" they couldn't have finished school, made something of themselves, gotten the promiotion, etc. had they not had the abortion.
Well Palin's life runs counter to that. Here she is, with a van load of kids, one who is special needs, and another who is unwed but pregnant... and she's not only the highest ranking offiical in Alaska, she's got a good shot at being either VP, or perhaps even the leader of the Free World in 2012.
If Palin could do what she did/does without having an abortion...well how do you continue to tell yourself that your abortion was something you "had to do" in order to become an associate professor of gender studies at Podunk U? Here is Palin proving that you can "choose life" AND still "have a life"...and by her very existance she blows a huge hole in these folks psychological defense mechanisims.
Bottom line, She makes a lot of people feel very very guilty, and they don't like that.
3) In college I was lucky enough to become close friends with a Miss America candidate. (She won our state, but knocked out in the first round at the Atlantic City pagent.) Bottom line, being attractive can be a HUGE amount of hard work. You spend gym time, hair time, make up time.
As a general rule, People who willing to work hard tend to be Republican. People who aren't willing to work hard tend to be Democrats.
Wow dbs, you've bought into this hook, line and sinker. I can only hope that you wake up and realize that what the MSM reports to you is simply what you want to hear.
I can't fault you though, because I know that you really want to do the right thing. It's just that in my eyes, Obama isn't that thing.
There is nothing about her that inspires anger in itself. She is the most popular governor in the US. She is liked and respected in Alaska by people of all stripes.
The anger comes from a different spot. I have seen it coming from unexpected spots in my acquaintances, so I have been giving this a lot of thought lately. On its face, she is someone people might dismiss or deride, but the level of passion is completely out of scale.
I think dbs hit it when he "went personal". She represents a person secure in her values and that is frightening. The left basically has lost confidence in their value system. They are ashamed of America to differing degrees and assert no confidence that they have a superior value system. Here is a women who is obviously in possession of a value system in which she is proud. She lives her values and espouses them clearly.
The left must assume that this makes her dumb or dangerous, or both. I firmly believe that she is dangerous to them politically.
Take a look at the things that liberals from the San Francisco Bay Area wrote about Sarah Palin the day after she was nominated.
If any of these statements had been said about a Democrat woman by a Republican, they would have been decried as outright sexism:
The most ironic thing is that these comments come mostly from feminists. As I state at the end, the only thing scarier than the letters the Chronicle published are the ones they chose not to publish. The Captain's photograph gives us an indication of what they might have said.
As for dbs, he ought to take a look at My Hero, Zero and recognize how woefully inadequate his credentials are for the highest office in the land. Palin's resume is thin, but it's as strong as the other team's first-string quarterback.
Capt, you've gotta see this one.. it sums up my feelings perfectly:
My comment here is a bit off topic, but maybe the Captain would like to entertain a thread on what it would take to straighten out the Main Stream Media into becoming balanced, fair and factual reporters, not twisters and manipulating information to advocate a specific left wing agenda.
I can explain why I don't like Sarah Palin. I actually wish I did , because I would really like to see a woman in a high political post, but I cannot vote for her because
B. I like very few of her political postions.
For example, I believe any woman should be able to have an abortion for any reason or no reason (as long as she pays for it.) It is not the governments place to regulate it. I believe in sex education is school. My high school did the whole abstience only thing and 10% of my senior class was pregnant. Palin's own daughter is a good example of the results of abstinence only education. As mayor, she charged women for rape kits. What the fuck is that?
These are just a few examples. I do think she is beautiful, but I do not think she is qualifies.
See, that's something we need to REALLY get over in this country.
While, and many that know me might be surprised to hear this, I even think the shirt crosses the line, this IS the United States, and they are entitled to express their opinion. Crass, tasteless and tacky as it may be.
I don't agree with their shirt, but I disagree WAY more with anyone that would seek to take away their right to wear that shirt.
THAT is much more scary than their T-Shirt.
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