You mean that bail out didn't work? You mean, ultimately the country has to produce something of worth in order for our stocks to have value? I thought we could just go to Applebee's the entire time while our children majored in journalism and got a government job while we drove around our $40,000 SUV and feel warm fuzzies about ourselves because we were going to vote for Obama.
Guess for some of you ill prepared lefter-leaning middle aged folk who thought the 60's would go on forever might have to work a little past 65, eh?
Like I said, any banks or governments out there that want to contract me out for my insane wisdom, you certainly may. And it's certainly a cheaper option than $700 billion. Heck, spending $22.95 would have prevented this debacle!
Chief of the watch, sound the dive alarm!
Open the main ballast tanks.
Dive, dive, dive!
Both planes dive, one five degrees.
Deck's awash, Sir!
Driver, make your depth one five zero meters, smartly!
Aye Sir!
God, I love to hear the hull popping! Reminds me of champagne corks.
O Captain! My Captain!
The main danger I see is that when the current bout of panic burns itself out - which I expect it will today or Monday - whatever crazy they did last will become their "model" for stopping panics in the future.
Then when the wave crashes back in in a few weeks, they'll try it again and wonder why it didn't work this time...
I have to ask - why such a mean-on for Applebee's?
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