There is a raging debate in the Captain's social circles about whether she is hot or not.
There are two adamant camps;
Camp 1. Flo is a floosy dumbass bimbo etc. etc., makes men happy, blah blah blah, I hate her blah blah blah, stupid byatch blah blah blah, probably does what makes men happy, blah blah blah slut blah blah blah.
Camp 2. Oh my freaking god, get her into the June Ward apron and heels and nothing else NOW and I will so violate all my morals and integrity to do whatever I can to her.
I am unashamedly in camp #2.
I'm sorry, she is freaking hot. That vintage 1950's lipstick and raven haired beauty had me at "hello."
Now I get guff for this because my colleagues think she is nothing spectacular. That I am a freak for longing to have her in a "manly fashion" in that corporate closet (oh yeah, you know the one I mean, the one nobody checks on and has no files in it but is still on corporate grounds).
Regardless, anybody else out there with me here on this one?
In the meantime, BUY MY BOOK! DO IT NOW!!! Flo would SOOOOO endorse my book!
Camp 2 is correct. Of all that's on TV - sitcoms, drama, news, etc. - Flo is the hottest babe. Period.
Too bug eyed for me
Flo is not at all hot.
Yep, defintely more Camp 2 than Camp 1.
Sad thing is she'd probably not give me the time of day.
I am offended by your cheap attempt at helping George Soros make more money by helping market his company Progressive.
Just that connection makes her so not sexy...
Now Sara Palin, SHE IS SEXY!
I'll go with Camp #2. :)
Camp2. Camp 1 is for girly-men.
I thought I was the only one into the Progressive Checkout Lady
Camp 2. Definitely, Camp 2. She's my type of girl. Cute, perhaps nothing special, but that makes her even better. She ain't no arrogant super beauty.
Yep, pretty hot. And I'm a pro at spotting them. PRO I say.
She's totally delicious. To the point I've Googled "Flo and Progressive and ad."
Super hot.
Dear Captain,
Dude... I discovered your blog today and for a couple hours I thought you were smart - which for me equals - HOT!
Now - bummer!
You have like - awful taste in women...
Good Luck with that!
Have to go watch our future president debate the future loser
yee haw!
Ms. Aerie
Camp 2. You left out the retro eye makeup. So hot.
How long have I been in the field?
Do I get concierge claim service with that?
Sure, why not! I had the hots for the Gladware 'Voice of Reason' lady.
Do all of us in Group 2 get a tricked out nametag?
Hot! But it's not like I dream about her in my sleep.
Sorry Captain - I'm in the middle. If I saw her at a bar I'd definitely be hitting on her, but I don't find her mind blowingly hot.
Check out the AMC series MAD MEN, she plays the role of the telephone operator for the company, she's certainly fits the "look" of that era; I also remember her as the wife of the cousin in Ben Stiller's movie Heartbreak Kid.
Keep up the awsome bloggin!!
Everytime I have to correct my liberal friends "facts" I find myself referring to your work.
Good work
she's damn hot
Personality plus.
I can probably go to jail for what I am thinking about doing to her. Needless to say she would leave very much impregnated. I am right there with you, Stephanie Courtney is TOTALLY HOT! I love the 50's throw back get up in the progressive commercials. Just a pair of black heels and nothing else get the idea.
Very hot. I like girls with verbosity.
Flo is SOOOO hot! Love her!!!
There is something about her. She is just different to me. I think she is hot though, and I'd hit that.
Camp # 1 consists entirely of ugly nasty envious females with mustaches and bad teeth who can't get a man and hate her because she's everything they're not. Typical
Flo (Stephanie Courtney) is hot.
End of thread.
I found this blog because I was googling the hot ass girl from the commercial. You are not at all crazy, this girl is unbelievably attractive.
CAMP 2... She is so damned sexy, I would absolutely be all over that if I had the chance. I think it is a combo ov the voice and the fact that you have to really think about what her figure is like. She is a big tease with the apron and stuff, but I think she is probably smokin' under those clothes. I say she would lok great if she had on nothing but a big tricked out nametag!!!!
i'm with ya camp 2! i'd definitely be incarcerated for the things i'd do to that one alright. she's the "hottest girl in teh science club" chick from high school or hottest chick at church camp. (now there's a crooked thought!) LOL Proud someone thinks a regular gal can be the hottest commercial girl, still i'd have to be tazered off that esurance erin!
Put me firmly into camp 2
Flo is the Hottest babe on tv.
I am in love
Flo just keeps getting hotter with each commercial. The advertising people know it, and that is why she is on TV. I would do anything to do the nasty with her. She is sexy as hell in an off beat way.
I think Flo is insanely hot.
i think shes hot.
i'm female and extraordinarily straight, but I WOULD SO DO FLO!
camp 2!
Personally I'm sad she's not staring in a porn flick. I definitely find her ubber HOT, and anytime the commercials are on I stop everything I'm doing to gawk and fantasize. So no dude, you're not alone in thinking she's a hottie. In fact I found this blog of yours while Googling for pics of her.
My friends thought I was insane when I mentioned she was hot. Oh well, she has my vote regardless of their opinions! I'd love to see more pics of her!
I am in Camp 2 all the way!!!!!!!
flo rules. With her personality and looks, ya just wanna bend her over and hit it.
Absolutely Hot. Love the dark hair, pale face, red lips, and crazy expressions. :)
Hell, I'm a girl and I think she is the cutest and most adorably sexy lady I've ever seen in a commercial.
If they ever remove her from the commercials or switch her for another actress, I'd die a little inside.
Camp two, baby. ;D
Yep, she's hot as hell...
I am in camp 2 myself. Every time I see Flo, I start fantasizing about ripping her clothes off and doing nasty things to her. Her hair, her voice, and sense of humor knock me for a loop. She is sexy as hell!
Camp 2, definitely. But I'm as likely to send money to that A-hole George "America is evil, we deserved Sept. 11th" Soros as I am likely to stick red-hot pokers in my eyes.
FLO..,OMFG...,I LOVE FLO...,FLO is the future mother of my kids..,I'd so do Flo...,and NOT have a guilty concience...,FLO IS MORE THAN HOT..,FLO..,IS THE ICONIC FEMALE PIN UP STYLE GIRL.
She is da bomb! Big blue eyes with catwoman makeup, flipped do with headband,red lips and the "i'm here to serve you" attitude..oh yeah!!
red lips,big blue eyes with catwoman makeup, flip and headband, and helpful attitude-oh yeah!!!
She is SO HOT!! would love to see a nude spread and maybe some arm tatoos. Full sleeves! Hell yeah!! Actally the progressive uniform would prob be a better fantasy. lol! I'll do some comprehensive and collision!
She's hot in a real clean way and those eyes are lasers. It was love at first sight.
Absolutely camp#2 she is so hot!!!
Shes like Pam from the offis.
Ha and I thought it was just me. I would never put her in any "hot" category, but there is definitely something about her that invokes impure thoughts.
My name is Elgin James, I'm the former leader of one of the most well known crews that follow hardcore music. Here is a link to them:
Anyways, I think Flo is fucking sexy and I'd compromise my straight edge morals to get in those panties!
Oh man, I seriously thought I was the only one!
I was just telling my room mate last night "You know what, Fuck it... FLO IS HAWT!!!"
He just looks at me with a mindless stare.
Oh well. I'd hit it!
Ok ok - camp # 2. I've been surfing for more "pics" of here because she makes me nuts every time I see any of those damn commercials.
Sooooo camp 2 here man, i'm with ya she's so phawkin hot, i'd do anything for that woman! :)
Flo...or...Stephanie Courtney, is just absolutely freakin' HOT. Everything about her reeks of sensational hot vibes. Sarah Palin runs a close second...
I think hot, but not so sure what it looks like in the morning. Than again, we'd make one hell of a pair.
Progressive obviously picked her for a reason. Shes bubbly, outrageous, and sexy beyond argument. I would marry her in a moments notice. My favorite woman on tv. I love these commercials.
I thought I was alone.
I love Flo's eyes, but especially her beautiful mouth.
Flo is Hot! Hooked up with a girl from the bar who looked just like her... In the words of Brett Michaels "HIYO!!!"
I think that what draws me to her is that she has a disproportionate "face-to-head" ratio. In art class, one of the first things I learned is that the face 9eyes, nose, mouth) take up a very small percentage of the front of the head, maybe 30-35%. This chicks face takes up 50% [or more] of the front of her head.
Yup, Flo is totes magoats H-O-T!
Oh my god everyone i have ever said "Flo is the sexiest girl alive." to. Has called me crazy. I honesty thought i was alone on this one. I'd kill to marry her.
Flo is totally smokin! I was so turned on, I googled Flo is hot just to see if anyone else had my sickness. Apparently I'm not alone. Perv on brothers! Perv on!
I am with you, my brothers! I think she is hot and I am in my late 20s. My roomates make fun of me but I would totally get it on with Flo!
Definitely Camp 2. Flo is amazing!
If nothing else, the character "Flo" is nuts, but in a fun take me out and have a good time sort of way. Not the psychotic if you break up with me I will kill your pets and drink your bathwater kind of nuts. She is hot, Camp 2 for sure.
Dude, Camp #2 is where you want to be! I found this site actually doing a search out of the blue for "progressive flo nude" ... guilty as charged!
Oh, well, probably will not happen, if it did it would be just like when the Dell guy getting busted in New York with weed!
(Flo, if you read this, please contact Hef and do a spread - literally! Just for us guys!)
my wife and I both think she's hot, if uknowhutimean.
Camp 2!!!!!!! Rawr!
Camp 2.
I would do her in front of my mother.
How many hours since you got out of prison ? Flo ? WOW; there are some seriously twisted individuals out there; she looks like my great aunt (makeup and hairstyle- and probably smells of bottom shelf liquor and cat feces...
Wow! Before I saw this post I thought I was the only man that thought she was totally hot. She really is so very damn ATTRACTIVE! I'm in Love for the second time in my life.
HOT!! Camp two for me!
She's my girl, I'm so in love with her..
She's it. I'd give her a run for her money. If she ever comes to Baltimore she's going to need a lot more than insurance.
im in camp 2 what i wouldn't give to spread her like butter and eat her like toast hom-nom-nom-nom
Sad that anyone thinks she is not a very attractive woman, even in the retro sense. Stephanie Courtney is a babe in the physical and personality sense of the word. Add the makeup and clothes, and you got something way over the top. There must be a Camp 3. I would let her run it and pay all the bills.
She is smoking Hot!! Definitely Bone-able!!!
Yes Flo is amazingly hot! I wish they would let her have some sexy tattoos and some more piercings!
Camp two all the way!!!
Camp 2!!!!!!!!
Camp 2 all the way
uh huh. yeah, she's pretty and definately cute as a button. hot can be intimidating to some. she's not that. she's comforting somehow, like that one girl at the coffee shop that seems to smile just a little brighter or the attractive laid back bartender who's not too prim to have a tattoo or two. kinda lady who drinks local beer and shops organic-ishly, and scans ebay for vintage t-shirts. etc.
I thought she was always hot in every way. Nothing I would change. People are talking out their ass when they say shes not hot at all. Sooo Camp 2. Yes Super sexy indeed.
Her hotness stems from the fact she has a real person air to her. So many so-called hot women on TV are so sculptured, airbrushed and photo-shopped they look more like a Barbie doll than a real human being. Give me real any day!
everytime i see a progressive commercial i get super solid wood. then i have to tell my relatives im gonna go take a shit. but wat really happens is i have to go rub one out once or twice in the bathroom. even after i came twice im still hard for a while. stephanie courtney just does it for me. im hard everytime is see her.
Flo is a sexy babe, I luv Flo!
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