Are you F#CKING kidding me????!!!!!
The message may be tarnished because he smokes a god damned cigarette?
How out of f#cking out of touch are you in the media? The guy is in a god damned POW camp, all shot up in the 1960's and he dares to have a cigarette?!
What gets me, what really effing gets me, is how they completely miss the forest from the trees on this one. Here is John McCain, a genuine WAR FREAKING HERO, on his back, defending America and the media thinks, actually believes the fact he has a cigarette is going to have a political effect? That it's not that he's a real man more than Obama could ever be, a patriot captured by the enemy, a man who has seen some pretty rough times and can relate to more of us than any elite leftist poser could, no, it's the fact he smokes a cigarette.
And you MSM types wonder why your industry is at an end. You are the bona fide epitome of the word; IDIOTS
Cosidering Obama smokes....
Hey Cap'n, it's worse than that. You do know that Obama smokes, right? On very rare occasions you'll see pics of him smoking, but generally it isn't reported by the head-up-Obie's-arse MSM.
I guess they figure they weren't loud enough shills for the Dems last election so they're trying to outdo themselves now!
-Bacardi Breezer.
Doesn't Obama smoke?
Here is a picture of 'the one' smoking.
Obama has been reported as a smoker by the media, occasionally. Maybe talking about it too much might slip into discussion about his history of drug use?
Are you actually complaining about Sky News being out of touch with the American population? Really?
You think that the UK's number 2 news source really ought to have its finger on the pulse of the American people?
Cause I think you're right. Darned NewsCorp and their left-wing bias!
Obama is "one of us", while McCain is the evil one who may deprive us of a Messianic Utopia. Of course we cover for The One Dear Leader, and dump all over that bad mcman.
Bow down before the one, give him your money and your guns...
Lord Barry heal the bitter ones
The media is just doing their job... getting liberals elected to public office and smearing conservatives and guys named Joe who ask really tough questions.
This would be funny if it weren't so tragic.
For what it's worth, there are times in one's life when a cigarette is a damn good thing to have. The pussies in the oh-so-liberal leftist leaning are manufacturing one more thing to attack McCain with. Let's hope it backfires.
I could'nt care less if McCain smoked at the Hanoi Hilton, or if Obama smokes now. Nor do 99% of the real world. Pull your head out, MSM.
What we, as unrepentant and unabashed believers in so-called "personal freedoms", fail to understand is that the depiction of one of The Ideological Enemy (as determined by Those Who Know Better) smoking will tarnish their reputation, because TWKB have decreed it to be so.
The Chosen of TWKB cannot be shown to have any flaw whatsoever, as this would only delay the inevitable Progress Of Humanity to Oneness with one another in a gigantic group...something, but it will be wonderful; TWKB feel this to be true. Therefore, flaws in The Chosen will be minimized and any flaws in The Ideological Enemy will be maximized. If flaws do not exist in TIE, they will be created. Progress must continue, regardless of such outdated concepts as "freedom" and "individuality".
This is for your own good. Have a nice day.
CJ, you kinda prove the point. If the French media is out of touch with American society and opinion, then why are they covering this story?
It is amusing that Obama smokes, seeing as how bedrock leftist utopias like Calabazas, California have practically outlawed it.
A couple of notes:
I'm not so sure that this is a statement against McCain so much as it is a statement of how far the "de-normalization" of smokers has come.
Welcome to the UK media's anti-smoking stance...always willing to vilify a smoker anytime, anywhere at the drop of a hat.
Yes, Obama smokes...although he announced he was trying to quit (or had quit) some months back.....right around the time a poll was released stating that a fairly high margin of Americans wouldn't vote for a smoker.
So, yeah, it apparently makes a difference for a sizable minority of the population, sadly enough.
I smoke Cuban cigars. I often do so in public on the street.
People make a point to let me see them take a big breath to hold whilst they walk quickly passed me.
They give me dirty looks.
I don't care.
If they were thinking, they would realize that I am supporting one of their heroes in Cuba and providing work for the great slavery in Cuba.
This world is insane, but I will continue to live by the words of another of the Left's great heroes.
"I live my life the way I want to." Jimi Hendrix
It is turning out that those of us on the right are the real revolutionaries who will no longer go along with the complacent progressive standards in the media, society and government.
While the idiots on the left choose to express their individuality by all lining up to get ugly soon-to-be-blurry tattoos and piercings, I will be really different and smoke cigars.
You cannot be a rebel if you are the majority. We now claim the turf of the down-trodden minority who are mostly white, hard working, victims of the growing socialist oligarchy.
NO PROBLEM....all he has to do is say "but I didn't inhale...."
Thank you so much Bubba.
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