Thursday, October 22, 2015


Made it to Liberal Logic!


captain cryptic said...


grey enlightenment said...

very clever

BlogDog said...

Please post a screenshot. Liberal Logic insisted I disable my adblock, which I did but it still won't display the link you posted.

CBMTTek said...

If you are on Firefox, you will get that message.
Seems to work just find with IE or Chrome, even with the AdBlock on. (Or at least it used to.)

So, when can we see bumperstickers?

The Crucible - Oliver Maerk said...

Paid laziness, that is what a liberals life is all about.

Anonymous said...

Similar to BlogDog, went to Liberal Logic ... apparently the site detected that I was protecting myself from being blasted with their worthless spam (AdBlock) and refused to load the page. Told me to disable AdBlock ... but they can go eff themselves instead. Next. Won't be going back.