Saturday, September 01, 2012

The Kid Has No Father

Yes, there is a male in the house.

Yes, there is a person who had genetic material mix with a female's genetic material.

And yes, a child was produced.

But there is no father here.


MarcoP said...

The reptilian chick-mag overlords are adopting Mao's "Let a hundred flowers bloom" tactic. Which means, "Come out, you skirt-wearing, movie-weeping, pee-sitting guys! You Are AWESOME! We love you!". As soon as a few suckers come out of the crowd, they make the job of singling them out for extermination much, much easier.

MarcoP said...

The reptilian chick-mag overlords are adopting Mao's "Let a hundred flowers bloom" tactic. Which means, "Come out, you skirt-wearing, movie-weeping, pee-sitting guys! You Are AWESOME! We love you!". As soon as a few suckers come out of the crowd, they make the job of singling them out for extermination much, much easier.

Anonymous said...


Brian said...

This is one of the more disturbing things I've seen recently. Is this what a million generations of men have wrought?

Anonymous said...

He officially has two mommies! Aint them progies proud?

Now, if he wanted to wear an actual kilt (which is NOT a skirt!) that would be a different story.

Anonymous said...

Ah, yes. The child-centric version of the Cloward Piven strategy. Every whim must be accommodated and pandered to.

I guess that the child will grow up with absolutely zero discipline, will expect the world to change to suit its outlook and then join the "The World Owes ME A Living" movement.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how screwed are we? I'd estimate 12 ...

Phil B

Legion said...

Finally, no worries the Krauts will take over the world.

Anonymous said...

I remember reading something about the streak of hysteria in the German character--a tendency to go way overboard, to overdo things. This is what comes of establishing a Thousand Year Reich.

Having read the translation, I had to rinse the faint taste of vomit from my mouth be watching this:


Mike James

Ryan Fuller said...

His dad doesn't have a beard, either.

diätplan said...

very good post

Paul said...

Interesting parallel at: