Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Masters Degree in Pot


hat tip.


Anonymous said...

Eh your being very reactionary. Marijuana is a highly valuable product that takes time and money to produce... especially a premium product.

The product itself also has many uses, not the least of which is entertainment and recreation.

This degree would be far more valuable to a student than womens studies or english literature. There are definitely techniques and skills to be learned about cannabis horticulture.

Vicomte said...

What is it about marijuana that creates this 'worship culture' around it?

beerme said...

anyone foolish enough to take something that worthless will soon be following in the footsteps of these geniuses.


Stryker said...

Hey, It's a booming sector of the economy out here in Cali. I know a lot of people making a decent living in the 'Green Industry.' Probably one of the few 'degrees' that can earn you some quick cash out here is a certificate from Oaksterdam Univ. in either Dispensary Management or Medical Marijuana Horticulture. It beats the hell out of an Ethnic Studies or Psychology degree. Or so I hear.

Stryker said...

Hey, it's a booming sector of thew economy out here in Cali. I know a number of people making good money in the 'Green Industry.' A certificate from Oaksterdam Univ. in Dispensary Management or Medical Marijuana Horticulture is probably a better bet than some worthless degree in Ethnic Studies or Psychology. Or so I hear.

Anonymous said...

It's waaay more useful to society than a lot of liberal arts degrees. Marijuana is a valuable crop that a lot of people want to buy.

CBMTTek said...

So now when they say they are getting a master's degree in partying, they might actually be serious?

samseau said...

Still more profitable than a Liberal Arts degree

The First Joe said...

Cannabis has various medical uses (pain relief, esp. for cancer patients, glaucoma and multiple sclerosis treatment).
Hemp has a shit load of industrial (plastics, rope, paper, fibreboard) and nutritional (hemp seed oil, breads, cakes) uses.
And people enjoy it recreationally.
It's a PRODUCT that people WANT and NEED. That's GOOD economics.