And arguably one of the more stark examples of insanity will be energy. We have, according to the latest congressional report, MORE ENERGY RESOURCES (of the real variety, not the green-faux variety) THAN ANY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD.
This testifies to something we've on the adult side of the political spectrum have known all along, but still find ourselves having to remind the child side of the political spectrum;
This is a self inflicted crisis.

So here's what I want you to do. Could you just once, JUST ONCE instead of listening to public school teachers, professional politicians and nobel prize winners and left-leaning journalists NONE OF WHICH HAVE ANY EXPERTISE OR ENGINEERING BACKGROUND IN ENERGY, just listen to somebody that does?
This cannot be true... Well, at least the useless wildlife is alive.
An energy crisis directly leads to more Gov't control over the people.
Same with a health crisis, and a money crisis.
And, they accused Bush of staging 9/11 to take over the US.
I like that we're not harvesting it though. Let's consume the REST OF THE WORLD'S energy and then use ours last.
What are you talking about, "not harvesting it"?
The number 1 supplier of energy consumed in the US is the US. Our number 2 supplier is Canada. Our number 3 supplier is Mexico.
There is no strategic decision to import energy and keep reserves. Private oil companies would suck it out of the Earth as fast as they could if prices were high.
Extraction costs, sulfur content, specific gravity, royalties, foreign prices, transportation costs, refinery location, etc all factor into where and how much oil we import. We actually export 17.7% of the oil we produce.
My mistake. We export 4.6% of what we produce.
We export 17.6% of the amount that we import. We export it because it's more cost effective than shipping it to US refineries. We export mostly to Canada, Mexico, Singapore, Netherlands, China and Japan.
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