Saturday, December 16, 2017

Guilty Until Proven Innocent

Another reason men should consider attending online universities and not the ones you have to physically be there.


Tucanae Services said...

Well this really did not have anything to do with going to a university or not. It is only tangential that he was a student. The UK does not have the Title IX kangaroo court system like we do here.

Take The Red Pill said...

Even when you're proven innocent, you're still 'guilty"...'just because'.

David said...

If I were this young man in the story, I would be suing naked the police who was in charge of the investigation, the former prosecutor, the accuser anyone else I can find who had anything to do with me being on the dock for 2 years falsely facing prison for rape. It would be legal blitzkrieg.

I would also be shouting to any member of the media and from the rooftops demanding the accuser be prosecuted for filing a false police report.

If you are a young man in college, date off campus! Don't mess with any woman that attends college with you. These bitches have made it legally unsafe for young men to even talk to campus women anymore.

Anonymous said...

Rather than linking to anecdotes it would be more meaningful to point to statistics.

Anonymous said...

The plural of anecdote is data. Can't have the latter without the former.

Perhaps instead of publicizing cases of proven sexual harassment in Hollywood we should point out the statistics of how the vast majority of people were not harassed.

Or, perhaps, public shame serves to demotivate certain subset of would-be criminals. The more specific cases are known the less likely false allegations will happen going forward and more likely those involved will consider acting justly, in good faith, and with respect to presumed innocence and the burden of proof.

Anonymous said...

What needs to happen with this shit is the false accuser paying a HUGE price for being an asshole. This would include reimbursement of defendant's legal fees, court costs to the public and a jail sentence equal to that of a guilty party. This would stop the bullshit in it's tracks when a few of these worthless little cunts paid the price!!!

Anyone want to bet me on it?!!!

Bill said...

At some point, men will simply be forced to take the law into their own hands. Because if you cannot get a fair shake in the legal channels, what does that leave you with?
You can probably guess... 🕵