Monday, August 13, 2018

Mercy, Do the Millennials Hate the Boomers

Just discovered a channel called BurgerKrieg and not only is this guy theatrical and very entertaining, man is he pissed at the boomers.  And rightfully so.  Will be binging on his channel in that I like to keep updated with what the kids are thinking nowadays;


Post Alley Crackpot said...

Ah, but BurgerKrieg, you're seriously wrong about one thing in so many respects.

"And the best thing is, they never had to go through any of that shit -- they were almost entirely unsupervised because their parents had better shit to do, and they developed into responsible and independent adults because of it ..."


What they became was groundless, aimless, and feckless, and that's shown precisely in the kind of parenting style where every Baby Boomer's kid (or anyone else unlucky enough to be growing up in that generation with parents who weren't Baby Boomers) had to be some kind of special achievement prize. If they hadn't been such gigantic fuck-ups themselves, their kids might have grown up with something resembling an independent inner life.

Why do you think such things as the TV show "The Prisoner" resonate with Gen X people even though they were made primarily for Baby Boomers, the so-called "Silent Generation", and a few of the "Greatest Generation" who realised the "shit-stem" went wrong for them?

Gen X understands The One "They" Call Number Six: "I am not a number, I am a FREE MAN!"

And then the fucking Millennials show up with many of the same personality traits as the Baby Boomers and proudly declare that they are in fact numbers, and that every single one of them is The New Number Two, and that anyone who doesn't like it is Un-Mutual and deserves to be De-Personed by some smug bureaucrat (who is likely one of them) with a very punchable face.

But how is the special achievement prize mentality any different with Millennial chicks who want you to bust a pair of pistachios in 'em so they can win Future Mother of the Year prizes just for playing? And guys, you know the prizes: a big chunk of your pay for being The Baby Daddy (aka Sucka of the Year), at least two decades of being terrorised by threats from the police and the courts, and best of all, a sinking feeling that your tax money is going to Decadent Single and Divorced Motherhood because someone somewhere couldn't tell Mizz Bitch Who Pops Out Kids-a-Lot that she can't have the low genetic worth family of her dreams on someone else's pay cheque?

Never forget, Baby Boomer shitbags and Millennial sprog, that Gen X hates you all because you've pulled away enough resources from Shit That Actually Matters that many of the things we might care about can't get funded.

Were you born in the year when Americans set foot on the moon? Well, so much for the dream of going back, Mizz Bitch has bills to pay for her low genetic worth family, and her comfort is more important than the aspirations of mankind, now isn't it?

Let's bust a cap in the backside of this discussion then: Millennials are the generation that nobody really wanted except their parents, and only a few of them managed to measure up to anything that Gen X, the "Silent Generation", the "Greatest Generation", and several generations now long gone before them would have even recognised as being even barely decent.

Because we don't know whether any of you Millennial arseholes are worth a shit, it's just easier for many Gen X'ers to hate you all.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAH ... too funny !!! The voice and the body don't match ... booming voice from a dweeb, lol. Been seeing the Mill hate the boomers for awhile now. And I can appreciate it, really. They ain't wrong but here's the deal. Boomers were part of the problem for sure. So agree there. But Boomers didn't hate Millennials and didn't target them. Boomers just didn't give a shit about anyone ... boomers included. Most self centered generation ever. But what really did Millennials in were the Feminists and their White Knight supporters. And include the Homo's and the most blacks and hispanics. THE LIBERAL LEFTISTS BLOCK. That's who did in the Millennials. And here is the horribly ugly part ... all this brainwashing of Millennials, how they were ruined, etc ... its all true ... only it wasn't the boomers who did it. It was the Feminists and the Leftists ... but since the Feminists/Leftists block ... where the ones brainwashing the Millennials ... they can't see the true evil.

So to all Millennials: Yes, you are correct ... you got effed. And in many ways ... it is not your fault, this is true. You just need to learn who the true enemy is. Learn it and let your anger burn. And vote appropriately. No more Obama's. No more Hillary's. No Bernie's. No Warren's. Trump ... sure ... if he runs again. RICH OLD WHITE MEN will treat you far better than any of the Feminist/Leftist block. They will tell you to grow the hell up. Get a job. And, a-la Peterson, go-clean-your-effing-room. Cause that is what you need. What everyone needs. To be treated like an Adult and held accountable.

Anonymous said...

Great find - brilliant rant!!

The part he left out was that the asshole Boomers managed to fuel that growth and inflation through an unprecedented transfer of income (by way of deficit spending) from future generations. We are subsidizing the lifestyles (including bidding-up real estate) they had before many of us were even born!

little dynamo said...

Wah. Waaaah.


MatrixTransform said...

another millennial gibbering on.
With that layer of fat, he could probably talk for a week without food.

hasnt ever pissed in an outhouse...walked to the dunny at the back fence for a poo at 4am on a winter morning.
never had his 'wealth' destroyed by 3 market crashes
gets all his thoughts thunk for for him by the collective.
gets iPhone confirmation of such notions every 15min.

what the world really needs is some serious hardship.

Video-boy (unique in a world of video-boys) be a man after he works out that the consequence of hard work is knowing where your food comes from.

the little fat whinging fucker had his chirping face fed by momma and papa boomer birds.

Time to fly the nest fat boy.

Flap, flap, flap those little unused wings.

Tucanae Services said...

Heh. I don't blame Millenials for lack of achievement. The fact is most generations don't start 'achieving' till their 30's which the front wave of that generation is now approaching.

Anonymous said...

Go fuck yourself MatrixTransform. As I write this I am holding my entrenching tool ready to dig a cat hole and take a shit. Im a millenial that got a Boomer sent to court for their insanity. The entire time they were acting like the victim. Despite the fact two police departments were on my side. I even watched the Boomer in question yell and scream at a cop and then the cop told him to shut up. Another time I watched two Cops almost shoot another Boomer after the said boomer lied straight to the cops face. They told her to shut the fuck up.

We are all fucking sick of it. Me especially. Ive had to call the cops on insane Genxers and Boomers because of their hatred of Millenials and the Cops are always on my side because its obvious the people I called the cops on were fucking insane. In one case I had to to break back into my apartment with the police because of an illegal eviction. The Boomer landlord than spawned outside yelling and screaming at me. So leave the millenials alone. Big things are coming and Boomers and Xers will know the hell they have put Millenials into. Especially White Millenial Males. Boomers need to be hung from lamp posts plain and simple.

Anonymous said...


"With that layer of fat, he could probably talk for a week without food."

Benjamin Franklin was fat. Patton Was fat. George Washinton fat. Napolean was fat. Hitler was fat. Mao Zedong and Stalin were both fat too. Actually now that I think about it some of the most important men in history have been fat. That includes Winston Churchill as well. Its just another tactic to put Millenials down.

Just another way to piss us off even more. Just another "Shit rolls downhill" mentality. When in fact shit goes in a cat hole in the woods you fucking loser.

What has Gen X done to dismantle HR? Nothing

What has Gen X done to get women out of the work force and end feminism? Nothing.

What has Gen X done to end immigration and the deficit spending?

What has Gen X done to stop Boomers? Nothing

Looks like the only one gibbering on here is you faggot. Millenials actually have the balls to call the Boomers out to their faces on the internet and IRL.

P.s. I have actually shit in a latrine before, and walked to it through the worst thunderstorm Ive ever been in at 4AM. Ive shit in them other times too.

P.p.s. Ive also slept and almost frozen to death in -30 degree centigrade weather.

P.p.p.s. Millenials despise me despite being a Millenial because I refuse to use Air Conditioning and keep the heat low in winter.

P.p.p.p.s. I have no social media accounts.

P.p.p.p.p.s. I have also made money on my own selling products, that I made with my bare hands.

P.p.p.p.p.p.s. Ill stop because your fragile ego cant take the onslaught from this Pale-White Blonde Haired Blue Eye White Millenial Male. Fuck off and die too.

Robohobo said...

Yeah, Matrix has it right.

Just another othering of people this little twerp has not idea of.

Fat little shit has never been hungry in his privileged life and it shows because he is a fat f-ck.


Anonymous said...

Born in the year of landing on the Moon, conceived in San Jose during the Summer of Love, by parents who lied about their ages to get GOOD RESPONSIBLE JOBS after GETTING BACK FROM A ROAD TRIP TO EUROPE at age 19. These were leading-edge Boomers who thought that things only get better, because they always had. 2001, a Space Odyssey was a documentary and they were going to live forever and work 10 hour a week jobs maintaining AI robots to live like kings (fucking delusional that THEY would get that just like the Masters of the Universe in the City of London and on Wall St.). Hell yes, I was a latch-key kid, because my Mom was brainwashed into believing that she didn't need her man when he stepped out for a weekend ONE TIME and failed to consider the needs of her sons. But sure, she did get a job paying $30K+ in the mid 1970's and bought a house worth 6 months pay (probably the smartest single transaction she EVER made) that appreciated at 40% a year for the next 7 years. It's a good thing that her boys learned to cook their own food and go to the public library to learn about the cold war and drug LD50's and the blast radius of a 2MT H-bomb targeted on our village. School was insignificant, compared to those things, and was just a waste of time. Our options were hella-limited, but we were EXACTLY the right age and smart-enough to join the military as Desert Storm was kicking off, slacking in techschool for ALL of 1991 and most of 1992, then WORKING the Clinton Base Realignment And Closing system where promotions went to anyone still breathing and not facing stripe-reduction from being a mental midget. Is it any surprise that the boys were unmotivated, but did fine in everything they touched, and never delivered any grandchildren? Not gay, but just not visibly alpha-enough (no related example to follow) to get past the level of destruction uncovered whenever the topic of Father emerged from the bullshit of the few minutes allotted to the children. Dad had to abandon his pretty-awesome career and LEAVE THE STATE to avoid Moms relentless State-sponsored attack lawyers who searched for any asset in his name to attach (with prison and homelessness a real possibility as the laws attacked "deadbeat dads"). He sent money when he had it, but this meant that he never had extra to build a business into an empire, and died much-too-young in his mid-60's of stress and a broken heart. I blame feminism/Marxism and who ever was in charge of the plan to destroy American families after WWII (esp. with a vengeance after 1965).
My revenge: I'm going to have some kids with an awesome GenZ woman who is younger than my daughter would have been (if not for the abortion that I was told about a year after THAT hurt!). These kids will be effectively homeschooled as DIY monsters with high IQ's (reverting to the mean of our lines at ~108 to 120, without most current vaccines) and no fake achievements. Maybe, I'll live long enough to train some grandkids born into a better country (on fUSA soil) that appreciates them (or at least, correctly fears & respects them).

Karl said...

Damn. When Millenials punch back! Well spoken, excellent presentation. Subscribed!

Anonymous said...

I was born in 43 so technically I am part of the last of the greatest generation. In reality I surfed the boomer wave, but was a few years older than the true Boomers. With that slight edge of maturity in a time when jejune attitudes were just fine, I avoided a lot of the dumb shit that so many boomer got into ... like drinking and drugs...

However, that didn’t make me rich largely because I was a musician for the first 20 years of my adult life. That meant 20 + years of poverty. Most of the people I met in those years were poor, but we didn’t whine about that, we simply did stuff that didn’t cost much. Not many kids went to university in those days .... it was too expensive and few people had that kind of money. Also the education we got back then was better than the shit that’s passed off as education today. Most of us did okay with a high school diploma beacause back then, you had to earn it.

Mr. Burger thinks all boomers were rich. Some were, but most were not. Many had hard low pay jobs, but because families were tighter in those days meaning there were two parents and a much more civil society, they were able to raise their kids.

To sum up ... much of what Mr. Burger said was right on, but his contempt for boomers is a bit misplaced. Every generations has its assholes, he just happens to be a Millenial asshole who seems to be filled with ENVY of those ‘lived through better times boomers’ we did have much better music and no terrorism to worry about. Remember getting on an airplane without going through security, with a cigarette in your mouth? Perhaps that’s why boomer did so much better WE FUCKING FREE BACK THEN.

Alt London said...

This guy is good on a lot of stuff, but there are some areas where he's completely out of his depth, particularly in economics.

One example is his latest on Universal Basic Income (a.k.a. Basic Income Guarantee).