Some idiot sent me this chart trying to "prove" to me that the military is the largest expenditure of the federal budget.

I didn't even have to look up the budget to find out what MAJOR expense item was missing (which also happens to be the TRUE single largest expenditure in the federal government.)
Any takers?
social security
"Income redistribution from people who work to people who vote, aka social security"?
Without looking: transfer payments?
Uhmm . . . Social Security (21%), Medicare (14%), Unemployment & Welfare (13%), or Medicaid (10%). Wikipedia makes it a little too easy.
I'll take "Social Security" for $500 billion, Alex.
I'd be willing to bet that the 'tard who sent you that chart was unable to distinguish between total government spending and discretionary spending, giving you a chart including only things from the latter to make a point about the former.
Then again, I don't see any sort of source on that chart, so it's possible he just made it up. Not like it makes much difference anyway.
Social Security?
Gotta be Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and other dole items.
"Entitlement" spending, perhaps?
Medicaid, Medicare, SSI & Social Security.
One note, I'd heard that the cost of financing the National Debt was actually about 5% of the budget, but this pie chart has it at nearly 19%...perhaps I'd heard wrong on that.
Let try Social Security, Medicare and other retirement - around 36%
Starts with the letter 'W'...maybe ?
Is income security the same as social security?
Entitlement spending. Together Social Security and Medicare make up about one third of the federal budget.
Could that be the gimmie-gimmie part? That is, the "Don't you take it away or even think of reforming it, I wanna get mine before you can't get yours anymore." Further example: non-discretionary spending, also known as Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid? If I recall correctly, it accounts for 52% of all spending. I remember reading that at the Heritage Foundation somewhere. Most of our budget minded friends on the left decide to overlook that... Hey look, there's an elephant in the room!
So easy... Social security.
Entitlements, of course. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid
Err - social security? I made my guess and then peeked - health care is 21% (Medicaid and Medicare) and SS is another 21%.
If memory serves, social security accounts for more than military expenditures, does it not? Or was it Medicare/Medicaid?
Social Security Entitlements!
It's the almighty ever-increasing Social Security! Watch for the giant sucking sound when all money is spend to feed the growing monster.
Without looking it up I say SS and Medicare
Here is an even better chart.
I wake up and log on and BOOM! 20 comments.
And yes, all of you are right. You all get the gold junior deputy economist badge!
Social security for $500 billion (thanks Ryan, I was on the floor with that one).
Well, I'm probably wrong, but my cyncial side says that the single biggest expenditure would be the paychecks of all the fat cats in Washington - their bennies, security staff, hired cars and etc.
(That would include security detail on the former presidents and their families etc.)
Like I said though, I'm biased. I live in metro Detroit, where Hizzoner and Tha Posse regularly suckle from the teat of the citizens (who cannot afford it). So I'm just a little PO'd.
The Big Seester
I can only wish the military was the largest item in the Federal budget; it's part of the Constitutional duty to have the government make things explode, after all...unlike transfer payments.
I know it! I'm a die hard conservative and I REFUSE to take any of my Social Security benefits! Tell the government enough is enough and DENY ALL ENTITLEMENT MONEY NOW!
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