Tuesday, September 18, 2018

"Socialism is So Bad." HOW BAD IS IT!!!???

It's so bad an OIL COUNTRY can't even keep up with oil production of a bunch of dumb white hick North Dakotans.

Remember when Hugo Chavez said he'd supply America's poor with oil?

Pepperidge Farm does.


Unknown said...


Red Pill Wisdom said...

Any large government has shown that it is barely capable of doing anything more complicated than "emptying pee from a boot with the instructions written on the heel".
As Martin Friedman said, "If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in 5 years there'd be a shortage of sand."

Marxist/Socialist/Communist governments are even worse; there are enough examples of this from just the last fifty years.

Anonymous said...

Capt.you are quite expressive for a third grader you will hopefully grow into some morality and a bit of humanity