Monday, December 16, 2019

"I've Got the Depressions and the AHIDAHIDSDAHIDS....Money Please!!!"

Oh, and 7 children they can't afford.

In the meantime make a middle income bachelor more money who didn't fuck and impregnate chicks because he wasn't an irresponsible fuck by doing all your Christmas shopping below:


David said...

There are welfare queens in the US from our trailer parks, barrios and ghettos who think these two need to stop fucking and quit being a couple of freeloaders.

tdcommenter said...

They should go on YouTube as the New Mr and Mrs. Rodgers.

Anonymous said...

Now THAT'S how you enjoy the decline!

AuricTech Shipyards said...

Monty Python's The Meaning of Life does mention a solution (albeit an unpleasant one) to this couple's problems.

Just saying...