Wednesday, November 14, 2018

How to Get Guys to Ask You Out

A request from Asshole Consulting that I thought was of benefit to the young ladies out there.  Also testing a new audio/visual set up.


SM777 said...

What happened to the "independent" "I don't need no man" liberated, feminist woman?

Anonymous said...

audio was worse. :/

liberranter said...

"How to get guys to ask you out."

1. Act like a lady (largely a lost art; you'll probably have to visit a nursing home and ask a female resident not yet in the throes of Alzheimer's dementia for lessons).

2. Don't be an angry bitch with a perpetual chip on your shoulder who never ceases making known to all around her how much she hates/is superior to men.

3. Don't be a landwhale.

4. Show genuine interest in men (i.e., don't be a narcissist).

5. Make it known how much you love to cook and bake (if you don't know, LEARN).

6. Make well known in word and deed how much you DESPISE anything having to do with feminism.


Stewart said...

Too right. Women should expect doors to be opened for them and never forget to make eye contact, smile and thank that man for his courtesy. Any woman who tells you that she can open her own doors is dumber than a sack of hammers.