Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Kerry Lutz and His Battle Against COVID

 If you didn't know, Kerry Lutz is a friend of mine and back in the day when I was just starting, he was kind enough to invite me to speak at one of his seminars.  This is coming up on 10 years ago, and he was one of the guys who put me onto Bitcoin/cryptocurrency.

Anyway, he had a bout with COVID as well as a literal boxing bout with it which ended him up at the hospital for 7 days.  Thankfully he survived, but you may want to read his account here.

Also, Kerry is a native from New York, where he escaped their taxes (and traffic), moving to Florida quite some time ago.  He interviewed a real estate investor about whether New York City has a future, not only in real estate, but in general.  

And if you're interested, check out his site in general if you're interested in cryptocurrency, precious metals, and economics in general.  He's usually WAY ahead of the curve, and his guests certainly are.

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