Sunday, February 10, 2019

Cops or It Didn't Happen

And by "cops" I mean cops from 20 years ago that should have been called the second the rape occurred.  

Also, may I recommend a book that is very germane to this topic called "The Pence Principle?"  Nah, never mind.  This fake rape accusation stuff sure is fun isn't it?


Big20s said...

Cops? More like actual evidence. Women lie to thirsty white knight cops all the time

David said...

Duke University - Where men can be accused of rape and have their reputations ruined at any given time now or in the future.

Anonymous said...

Everything goes around. Kids growing up now see the nonsense. In 20 years nobody will hold women's accusations in any regard, legitimate or not. Women whine and complain and take everything they can get their hands on without any thought to the future. This is why men must keep them in line. This is why women must be submissive to their fathers then husbands. Don't like that idea? Tough. It's reality and reality gives zero shits about you or your feelings.

inthebriarpatch said...

I once worked at a college campus PD. Out of fifteen rapes, only one held merit. And that girl left a bar voluntarily with a group of black males. Her friend, who was with her to watch out for each other, watched her leave under the assumption she was getting gb'd.

Not one single case of authentic rape. Not one.

Un Americano said...

Leftists getting Leftisted.