Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Epitome of Loser

From my twitter feed:

Is Occupy Wall Street even going on still?  Regardless, I am having warm schadenfreude fuzzies over this one.  Just imagine, friends, what his/her (I can't tell) life is like.  Just imagine every day the mental havoc the real world is wreaking on this poor individual's deluded view of the world.


Peregrine John said...

WIC is sexist by definition (and title, and policy). Therefore, that is a female creature.

Anonymous said...

Just imagine every day the mental havoc the real world is wreaking on this poor individual's deluded view of the world.

Not enough yet. It is still receiving support.
Wait until the foodstamps and WIC stop.

Anonymous said...

5 says its a him.

little dynamo said...

i am having no warm fuzzies contemplating the life of It's son

nor do i have to imagine what the boy's life is like, without a father (or, likely, ANY actual maculine presence in his life)

i've seen the discarded, burned, starved, aborted, beaten, and choked bodies of the sons of Ms. Amerika and her gynarchy over the past forty years

Ms. Empowered Independent Supremacist will do JUST FINE in her matriarchy, never fear

as for "her" son, the best he could have hoped for with "mothers" like the modern West produces is stillbirth

there are millions more just like him, too, crying themselves to sleep at nite (or much worse) because they don't have daddies

way to go folks, your matriarchy is a smashing success! with Fabulous Sauce!

Mark said...

I have to wonder, did she have a plan to turn that degree into a job before going into debt? I chose one STEM field over another precisely because I'd be more able to feed myself and my family without a Ph.D. and tons of debt.

It's a proof text that the degree is worthless. If you don't have the critical thinking skills to do the basic ROI analysis, you're not capable of the thinking necessary for a real degree. The fact that they awarded the degree means it's just a diploma mill.

Anonymous said...

"The father could not be reached for comment."

Kristophr said...

It's a she. No eye brow ridge or adam's apple.

TroperA said...

OMG! So THIS is what became of Pat from the old "It's Pat!" SNL sketch. Sad...

Unknown said...

Not that bad looking for a bull dyke. I pity her son, who should be taken away from it.

Copperhead Joe said...

She should be grateful that the owner/manager of the bar hired her despite her incredibly irresponsible choices. I wouldn't hire someone who created a situation like that for herself. Elevator doesn't go all the way to the top.

Anonymous said...

I like that after its master of arts it still can't spell loans right on the first try.

Just some guy said...

It is extremely unlikely that the foodstamp or WIC programs will be ended. What is much more likely is there will be hyperinflation and the money parasites get through these programs will have no value. I agree that WIC is a typical government transfer of wealth from men to women so the creature in question is likely female.

I do feel bad for her son, but not bad enough that I'd want my own son to do without... well... anything at all, to help out.

I do find it amusing that the female creature in question is suffering from her stupid choices. I would never, ever hire anyone who took a woman's studies (man hating) course, let alone had a degree in it. IMHO hiring a person who purposely studied male hatred and how to abuse men is almost as dumb as spending your time studying man hating.

Aaron said...

Maybe she specializes in Beyonce - they teach Beyonce at Rutgers now.

Freedom Fighter said...

Haha for sure. The occupy movement by definition was destined to destroy itself by attempting to destroy that which made it possible to exist in the first place.

hardscrabble farmer said...

I see Rhea Perlman isn't doing as well as would be expected from residuals.

And I cry foul concerning the comment that there is no "masculine presence" in the boys life- clearly its parent is.

Wiseman said...

Notice how all these occutards are complete genetic trash?

salsa shark said...

Sadly, she will be just fine. Obama will destroy a few hundred more productive jobs, leaving more working men out in the cold, in order for a few misandrist harpies like this creature to have a parasitic bureaucrat gov job.

charismacheck said...

How the hell does one even find a job with that type of degree? Even an English degree is more viable than this. Sure, follow your dreams but don't expect to make money off of it to pay your outrageous self-inflicted loans. Poor naive soul.